Buddy of mine and I are in a Waffle House about 0300 one morning... in a state...in which you go to Waffle House at 0300.
Lady with her 2 or 3 KIDS, young kids, like all under 5 years old, is also in there. Did I mention its 3am, well to be fair it MIGHT have been like 130 or 2am.
My buddy and I are carrying on like you do, in a certain state, at Waffle House at 0300 in the morning. I think we were smoking cigarettes like you used to be able to do in Waffle House.
The lady come over to us and says "uh hey guys, could you not swear so much or as loudly as you are, my kids are sitting right there" to which my buddy looks at her and looks at her kids and says "WHO IN THE FUCK BRINGS THEIR KIDS TO WAFFLE HOUSE AT 3 IN THE FUCKING MORNING" and goes back to his food and our conversation.
Pretty quickly there was no lady or kids in that Waffle House and the party continued.