I have begun construction of my new space station. It is a 9.53 Saturn. Remington 700 Action, PTG Lapua Bolt with M16 extractor, Wyatt magazine box. The action, bolt, bolt shroud, trigger guard, floor plate, cocking piece, bolt stop, base, and rings have all been hardchromed. The missile silo is a 30" McGowan Stainless .375 cal. 1-10 twist. The Brake is a Badger Ordnance FTE. It will hopefully launch the pictured 330 grain cutting edge spaceships. Each space ship contains an unhatched gremlin that has been genetically engineered to FUBAR anything it contacts. Two of the space ships are pictured: one already has its solid fuel engine attached, the second one is next to a 22-250 round for comparison. All of the parts are with my gunsmith now. Once it is done I will post more pictures. I will also post my load development results. I am hoping to run the 330s at around 3000 fps. Wish me luck!