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Nashville school shooting

Police chief confirmed she/it was a tranny
Unfortunately, the only thing we can do immediately is harden all schools. Make it impossible for someone to get onto schools grounds with a weapon, or even without being cleared. That's very possible.

After that, what WE NEED TO DO, is stop pumping all of this evil and sick shit into our children and society. IE: Calling men woman and women men, acting like homosexuality is normal, pushing all these damn drugs into our kids(Ritalin, Adderall, SSRI's, ect, ) social media insanity, ect.... Get back to being a Nation under GOD. Anyone is free to belive what they want to, but the fact is that when we valued being a nation under God, we flat out did not have this shit! All of this evil shit we put in is the obvious cause of all the evil shit we get out.

Sadly, it's going to take a lot more of these horrible things to finally push the good people of this country into doing something about it, because right now, we still have too much to lose by standing up amd the police will be there to arrest us all if we do anything about it.
Why are we never given or allowed to know what drugs are in the systems of these shooters?

How many of them are on prescription or non prescription drugs that contributed to the situation? How long have they been in them? Who prescribed them?

Why can’t we know?
I bet “it” would not have thought of entering if a few dads were patrolling the campus with M4’s as a church/school parent volunteer activity. Maybe even a driveup check point with a sign reading all stupidry met with extreme violence.
We don't have to bet. We know there was another target and she passed it up for this one "because there was too much security "
Im waiting for some leftys to start saying it wasnt really a real girl. Sick and sad. Poor kids
I 100% percent agree. Back in my day this was a tranny:

We don't have to bet. We know there was another target and she passed it up for this one "because there was too much security "

“When asked by a reporter whether the suspect identifying as transgender had anything to do with a motive for targeting the school, Chief Drake said, "There is some theory to that. We’re investigating all the leads."

“A location in addition to The Covenant School was mentioned apparently in the shooter’s manifesto or other writings. That location, also in Nashville, was rejected by the suspect, Chief Drake said, because it had too much security.”

Prayers for all the Families who lost loved ones they will be going thru a tough time in the coming weeks.
why is the left so violent and intolerant?
Really good question! If you judge that by tweets, it's mostly non people - bots. And then, the live people on that side convert themselves to: more bots. Though those are living bots.

It's been like that for centuries. Difference is now it happens in minutes, rather than decades.
It's the same garbage that's been spread for years ... not really anything new or special about that article in my opinion.
another opinion piece/ narrative push, statements without neutral sources and more garbage journalism.
I was actually implying, poorly albeit, the it's page.
It's expensive if you want competent people. We own a large cemetery/funeral business founded in 1967. We get the gang members buried in there too, and the opposing gangs are never far away. Cost for security is very high for us - we are open 365 days a year. Schools are not so they could do it for a lot less - about 100K a year or so. Which is still expensive.
I get what you're saying. We see it down here for some of the local funerals. For schools, one way alarmed doors on Fire Exits and controlled access during the work day is not expensive. Norfolk City Schools (Va) has a locked door policy that is found lacking on a daily basis, unlocked doors and defeated alarms. Too much of a hassle for the staff.

Not Just Tennessee... DC too.

More from that page below.

From above article- It’s no accident that the countries building socialism are the ones that have already stopped the rising tide of COVID-19 infections and are actively helping other countries fight the virus. They can do that because their production is not controlled by the rich, but by their respective working classes. That’s what we need.

This publication is dedicated to helping to fight and win the battles of those who face the brunt of racism, police and ICE terror, sexism, patriarchy, and anti-LGBTQ+ oppression. It is our duty as Marxists to defend the right of self-determination for oppressed nationalities and our class. We support Indigenous resistance.

We understand that the building of solidarity, especially against racism, and with all of those victimized by capitalism, is a prerequisite for creating the strength necessary for our class to build the revolutionary movement in this country.

Oh, yes — this publication is dedicated to making revolution.

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Los Angeles, CA 90019
Phone: 323-306-6240

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Baltimore, MD 21218-5927
Phone: 410-218-4835

Email: [email protected]

These people are motivated and radicalized...

The Targeting of a Christian School was not a Coincidence.

Not Just Tennessee... DC too.

More from that page below.

From above article- It’s no accident that the countries building socialism are the ones that have already stopped the rising tide of COVID-19 infections and are actively helping other countries fight the virus. They can do that because their production is not controlled by the rich, but by their respective working classes. That’s what we need.

This publication is dedicated to helping to fight and win the battles of those who face the brunt of racism, police and ICE terror, sexism, patriarchy, and anti-LGBTQ+ oppression. It is our duty as Marxists to defend the right of self-determination for oppressed nationalities and our class. We support Indigenous resistance.

We understand that the building of solidarity, especially against racism, and with all of those victimized by capitalism, is a prerequisite for creating the strength necessary for our class to build the revolutionary movement in this country.

Oh, yes — this publication is dedicated to making revolution.

West Coast office
5278 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
Phone: 323-306-6240

East Coast office
2011 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218-5927
Phone: 410-218-4835

Email: [email protected]

These people are motivated and radicalized...

The Targeting of a Christian School was not a Coincidence.

Communist terrorists AKA Red Army Faction... We need our equivalent of El Salvador's Nayib Bukele or the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte to deal with these. These two leaders not only mobilized military and police to use lethal force against insurgents with impunity, but gave armed citizens a green light to deal with scum whenever they spot them, especially Duterte. No ROE. That takes care of problems quick.
i am actually sympathetic to some degree for people with gender dysphoria (even if i never met one).
can't imagine how horrible that would be, but i also think it is greedy doctors taking advantage of what can be a lifetime of billable shit.
Anything for a dollar this day in age. IE look no further then the bullshit chinese virus.
So if there is a civil war, the good guys won't have any trouble finding their targets.

They have to spend at least an hour each day dilating their faux vaginas to prevent the wound closing up and causing life threatening blood sepsis infection to develop. The Patriot army attacks during this time. Trenton II.
Anything for a dollar this day in age. IE look no further then the bullshit chinese virus.
there was a doctor that was actually caught on video pitching the idea to her colleagues from the money side.

I'm going out on a thin limb now.Thin because I don't have enough info for a conclusion.

She/He was not after the children. The three children might have been in the line of her intended fire. There we no survivors. No one injured from her shots, which would be somewhat typical of "mass shootings". She first entered the church and according to one person "in the know" she fired dozens of rounds in there just to kill the Custodian? Today, when they both died, he was reportedly 61. She was 28.

Then, when in the school, instead of going into the classrooms on the first floor where the kids were, she went upstairs into what was called "a lounge" by the media, where she shot the other two adults, and the three kids. All of them still had some vital signs and were in ambulances to the hospital where they were pronounced dead. All this from the initial press reports.

I will let you all draw conclusions. I have mine and could be wrong of course. One thing is obvious. Something happened to her/him whatever in that school at least 14 years ago.

Per local Facebook, and unverified, the custodian had been there for 13 years. The school stops at 6th grade, so the oldest she might have been on her last day was 12, which was 16 years ago.
I'm going out on a thin limb now.Thin because I don't have enough info for a conclusion.

She/He was not after the children. The three children might have been in the line of her intended fire. There we no survivors. No one injured from her shots, which would be somewhat typical of "mass shootings". She first entered the church and according to one person "in the know" she fired dozens of rounds in there just to kill the Custodian? Today, when they both died, he was reportedly 61. She was 28.

Then, when in the school, instead of going into the classrooms on the first floor where the kids were, she went upstairs into what was called "a lounge" by the media, where she shot the other two adults, and the three kids. All of them still had some vital signs and were in ambulances to the hospital where they were pronounced dead. All this from the initial press reports.

I will let you all draw conclusions. I have mine and could be wrong of course. One thing is obvious. Something happened to her/him whatever in that school at least 14 years ago.

That thin line...." Christians did this to her".
Man up and say it.
If she was molested, it wasn't a Christian, not a real one.
there was a doctor that was actually caught on video pitching the idea to her colleagues from the money side.

Bonus: That was in Nashville. Not far from the shooting. That's the hospital they took the victims to
  • Wow
Reactions: RUTGERS95
i am actually sympathetic to some degree for people with gender dysphoria (even if i never met one).
can't imagine how horrible that would be, but i also think it is greedy doctors taking advantage of what can be a lifetime of billable shit.
Anything for a dollar this day in age. IE look no further then the bullshit chinese virus.

there was a doctor that was actually caught on video pitching the idea to her colleagues from the money side.

Watch for more of this from military kids...

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They have to spend at least an hour each day dilating their faux vaginas to prevent the wound closing up and causing life threatening blood sepsis infection to develop. The Patriot army attacks during this time. Trenton II.
Lets not forget the takin care of fake cramps from you know the fake period. The moment they mistake wound blood for periods would be funny haha!

You guys realize there’s people out there waiting to put out fake information following shit like this just to get everyone spun up and stir even more distrust, right?

Don’t fall for their tactics. It’s like assaulting straight into a PKM on its first belt in the open, don’t be the dumbass.
Brother I don’t think the distrust could get any worse.

If the above identity is true, this is about to get really interesting. And not in a good way...
Care to elaborate?

Did another thread on this get nuked? I swear I responded to some peeps earlier but can’t find anything now.
This is the biggest thing I see. They talk about not letting the mentally ill have access to firearms, but last I checked, transgenderism was a classically documented, and well understood mental disorder. There's a reason that when a tranny transitions, they are 3 times more likely to commit suicide (go look at the stats); it's a mental illness. Instead of treating it, society right now is glorifying it. Smh...Transgender=mental illness, but they see no issues with automatically giving them access to firearms. That just doesn't seem logical to me. Now I know not all of them are crazy enough to just start shooting other people, but it is still a mental illness.

No easy solution...

My daughter is LGTQWhateverTFtheycallit.
My guns are being willed to friends. I won't give her a gun. Despite her being my match partner and spotter for a couple years, she has no business with a firearm. At the time she was shooting with me, she wasn't full blown nutters.

I had a long talk with her about her lifestyle a few years back. I told her, "If I live a full life, ill have to bury you. This lifestyle is steeped in death."
there was a doctor that was actually caught on video pitching the idea to her colleagues from the money side.

Yup the minute I was told by all the people I know that work in the medical field, that it a hospital was getting 30-40k per chinese virus death. THEN seeing fuckers label motorbike accidents as chinese virus and the dudes family couldn't insurance coverage for the funeral. You bet these fuckers got paid for more then just someones death labeled chinese virus. ALSO lets not forget the CDC's statement that only 6% of, what during that time was I think 162k deaths, where from the chinese virus.

But on topic same here with this fuckin Sniffing Joe already had his assault guns speech ready! Did you watch the brace hearing? And the fuckers straight up telling bold face fuckin lies that guns are the number one killer of kids in the US. I mean you cant even make this shit up any longer. :mad:
Watch for more of this from military kids...

pretty much what i expected
