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Nashville school shooting

As I said earlier, which seems to have been deleted or something, this all seems too coincidental. It’s like clockwork everytime guns are discussed on the hill.
It's just time that we stop listening to all these hypocritical people. Out government isn't a government anymore. They are just people appointed to see how stupid we can allow this to go.

Well once again, my line in the sand has been drawn....


-A male
-95% chance of no father in the home
-With a smothering/overly agreeable mother
-With mental health problems
-Likely on meds since a teenager.
-radicalized by social media
-likely "known to the FBI"

Almost like this falls into the same profile as 90% of other mass murders.
Uvalde was a gay as well.

I'm confused, I thought it was a dude that thought he was a woman....was it actually a woman who thought she was a dude?
When this information gets out about "transgender" people, there is nobody more confused about gender than me!

What the hell was it? Was it BORN a male or female? Let's start there!

If I know what it was at the moment of birth that might eliminate my confusion with its gender.

So what was it at birth? BTW, faggots are anything but "gay."

You still don't see it ?

It's april fools day dude.
Could very well be a prank, not saying it is, but chances are very high.

Just because April 1st is a Saturday doesn't mean something happening that day is a prank.

I don't know if that deal is or not but a lot of protests happen on a Saturday
Police chief confirmed she/it was a tranny

Why are we never given or allowed to know what drugs are in the systems of these shooters?

How many of them are on prescription or non prescription drugs that contributed to the situation? How long have they been in them? Who prescribed them?

Why can’t we know?
Because the legal drug dealers have bought and paid for the politicians and doctors
Another school with no security and unlocked doors. The school administrator should be fired immediately for running a lax environment with no locked doors and no security. I find this fundamentally stupid with everything that happened in the last 20 years. Just really unbelievable.
Video show the shooter, shooting the glass out of the doors and coming through they were locked
They are no different than the other communist, no backbone politicians.

Remember that motto.. never let a crisis go to waste? Postponing the meeting was probably a good idea. Give it a couple days to let things calm down before making a rash decision.
Look at all the wrong information in the first pages of this thread. Could a good decision be made from that?
Calmer heads prevail. I know that statement doesn't really apply when politicians are involved. But let the mental illness of the shooter sink in for a bit and maybe... Just maybe they will follow the constitution.
Thats a bingo.
She literally told me her university professors showed her how I had lied to her.
When I tell you its the education system, teaching them they came from apes and there is no God. Thats not me telling you that, its her.

They have been teaching our kids this shit for decades, right under our noses.

Evolution and a belief in God are not necessarily exclusive. I do not believe humans were put on this earth but I also believe in a creator.
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I posted this comparison of mass murder to arson back in 2019. If I dig a little deeper to refresh that stats, I'll bet that nothing much has changed.

On July 18th 33 people were killed in a fire intentionally set by a 41 year old suspect with the aid of an accelerant.


Two questions about media coverage of this fire that killed 33 people:

1) Why is this story newsworthy for gun rights?

Japan is a nation that has an almost total ban on firearms. It shows that people will use other methods besides firearms to kill their fellow man.

Arson has been a method for destroying life and property that predates firearms and once started, difficult to put out. More people die annually from fires than from so-called mass shootings.

The US Fire Administration has posted data from 2008 to 2017 showing the number of deaths in each year which appears to be around to 3,100 to over 3,600 per year. https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/statistics/fire_death_rates.html

YearNumber of Fire DeathsPopulationFire Death Rate (per million population)

There is no standard definition for a mass shooting. The FBI definition for a mass murderer is a person who “kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location”

So rather than focusing on the number of so called mass shootings, which can vary significantly depending on the definition, lets focus on mass murders.

The graph below is from the Rand Corporation and is illustrative of the fact that a person's chances of dying in a fire are about ten times greater than all mass murder scenarios. If we only consider the mass murder scenarios in a public setting (Dayton, El Paso, Gilroy, Parkland) then a persons chances of dying in a fire are almost 100 times greater. https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/statistics/fire_death_rates.html

View attachment 7139907

By now, some of you are saying, "Okay Longshot, you've shown us ALL of the fire related deaths in the US but most of those are accidental. What about the intentional deaths caused by Arson?"

That's a great question. I had some difficulty looking up the number of deaths caused by arson, and the FBI UCR, surprisingly had some data on the number of intentional fires in the US but nothing on deaths caused by arson.

I was able to find an old paper by the U.S. Fire Administration (2001) which showed about 475 deaths each year caused by arson. file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/10264.pdf

A fact sheet by the National Fire Protection Association from 2017 shows an average of 440 deaths due to arson. https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/...-reports/Fact-sheets/IntentionalFactSHeet.pdf

So lets put the number of deaths caused by arson and those caused by mass murder in proper perspective.

The anti-gun Vox website is being continually updated so by the time you look at this web site the date will change. Nevertheless, from the date of the shooting at Sandy Hook October 14, 2012 to the date of this posting 2,492 days have elapsed.

According to the statistics from this anti gun web site there have been 2,459 killed in, what they define as, mass shooting.

Do the math and that is almost one person killed per day in so called mass shootings. Keep in mind that those figures are from an anti-gun organization. https://www.vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-gun-violence

Using the conservative estimate of arson related deaths from the National Fire Protection Association (440 per year) that is an average of 1.2 deaths per day caused by someone intentionally setting a fire.

Using the FBI definition of mass murder I come up with an average (see the graph above) of about 100 people killed each year. You may see something different but that's my estimate. So that is about .274 deaths per day due to mass murder. Let's round that up to .3 deaths per day.

The conclusion from this data couldn't be anymore salient; your chances of dying at the hands of an arsonist are three times more likely than by a mass murderer in the United States.

Any death, whether intentional or by accident is tragic but the SJWs screaming at the top of their lungs for the government to do something about mass shootings ought to be yelling with equal fervor to stop arson.

2) Why didn't the western media cover this tragedy with a fervor equal to mass shootings?

This question is quite simple to answer. It's short, sweet and empirically based.

The MSM doesn't care. Arson doesn't fit their narrative. That's why the western media outlets didn't focus on the mass murder in Kyoto.

They never will. That is very sad. I could write more but interested in what everyone else has to say.
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Born a girl, wishing for who knows what

Not sure that the 20 minutes would have bought much time; but, love how 911 just brushed her aside (if I can even believe that now).
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Officers heard gunshots still ringing out on the second floor, rushed up, immediately engaged and neutralized the shooter. Seems like once again, the ONLY effective solution to an active shooter is an armed and ready responder.

Also, betting that the 'female' shooter might not be biologically female. These types have been quick to respond violently these days. JK Rowling tweeted something yesterday about a Christian anti-grooming activist in New Zealand being violently assaulted by trans protestors as well as Andy Ngo being simultaneously attacked at another anti-grooming rally in California.
Arming the teachers would also work
Arming the teachers would also work
Very few teachers I have met I would trust with a fire arm in a school, in a class room, out numbered by the kids 20-1. While I support the Idea, I fear it would cause more problem than it would stop.

Teachers need to worry about teaching, not security. I personally think armed security would be a better solution than armed teachers.
"A LinkedIn profile and personal website that appear to be affiliated with Hale describe her as a graphic designer who creates logos for businesses. She graduated from Nossi College of Art with a degree in illustration and graphic design last year, according to the LinkedIn profile"

Who could have guessed???????????
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Very few teachers I have met I would trust with a fire arm in a school, in a class room, out numbered by the kids 20-1. While I support the Idea, I fear it would cause more problem than it would stop.

Teachers need to worry about teaching, not security. I personally think armed security would be a better solution than armed teachers.

This is an argument to psychologically screen teachers. If you don't trust them to not murder their students then they shouldn't be in a classroom. Or on the street.
This is an argument to psychologically screen teachers. If you don't trust them to not murder their students then they shouldn't be in a classroom. Or on the street.
No that is not my arguement.

My thinking is a group of students knowing the teacher is armed attempting to over power and take the weapon. Or a student gaining access, in the course of the day.Teacher are dealing with a lot, weapon security should not be one. Also very few would be likely to act, shit many do not have the stomach for it.

Again I am not against the idea of hardening schools, but I think in that situation having some one with the balls to act, who is focused on such training is a better solution.
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Women and the so-called mental health industry push this on everyone.

The ex-wife took the happy pills and mixed them with rocket fuel for predictable results. Both ex-mother-in-laws took them as well and treated everyone else as if they were the crazy ones. After those experiences, I could probably be a tour guide in hell.

IMHO, the trend to consuming anti-depressants is a result of being taught that they are the center of the universe. When people find out that the solar system doesn't revolve around them, they cannot handle it.

Right. Being molested as a kid would be a reason to kill a specific person or persons, but not random ones.
What it can, and often does, is trigger a sense of betrayal which ends up as general rage. Though there may be a specific target, there need not be. Often its just a hate filled desire to strike out and cause pain anywhere.
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He's right. I still listen to stations that carry NPR, mostly for the music, . I was just listening to a program by some trans fucked up bitch bleating like a sheep about how 'identity' needs to be taught in grade school. I was thinking exactly what Tucker is saying, they're pushing this shit full retard.
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No that is not my arguement.

My thinking is a group of students knowing the teacher is armed attempting to over power and take the weapon. Or a student gaining access, in the course of the day.Teacher are dealing with a lot, weapon security should not be one. Also very few would be likely to act, shit many do not have the stomach for it.

Again I am not against the idea of hardening schools, but I think in that situation having some one with the balls to act, who is focused on such training is a better solution.
1000% this, once the shooter is INSIDE the bldg, you can only be reactive, not pro active. Harden entrys, have a plan to deal with a shooter on the inside, yes, but the bulk of the effort should go into keeping the perp from entering the bldg.
Perhaps I missed it, but where are our resident LE haters? The cops showed up, formed a kill team, and executed someone. Where is their outrage? They have assured me ALL in LE are just out to kill people and steal money. Here is a very popular example and they are silent. WTF?

@nagantguy @DarnYankeeUSMC @wade2big

Or maybe I missed your posts when I read through the thread.
1000% this, once the shooter is INSIDE the bldg, you can only be reactive, not pro active. Harden entrys, have a plan to deal with a shooter on the inside, yes, but the bulk of the effort should go into keeping the perp from entering the bldg.
Yep, majority of these incidents occur not from with in but some one making entry. It literally shot through the door.
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Perhaps I missed it, but where are our resident LE haters? The cops showed up, formed a kill team, and executed someone. Where is their outrage? They have assured me ALL in LE are just out to kill people and steal money. Here is a very popular example and they are silent. WTF?

@nagantguy @DarnYankeeUSMC @wade2big

Or maybe I missed your posts when I read through the thread.
Well instead of hanging out for 77 minutes it only took Nashville 14 minutes. So a little more hustle on this one but not the break neck speed they show up when someone is filming in public.
No the real cover up here is how far ya have to dig to find out this was yet another mentally unstable disturbed tranny .
The police in this one obviously were not ordered to stand around while the death count Went up to further political objectives. Had they been ordered to - well orders is orders !
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When this information gets out about "transgender" people, there is nobody more confused about gender than me!

What the hell was it? Was it BORN a male or female? Let's start there!

If I know what it was at the moment of birth that might eliminate my confusion with its gender.

So what was it at birth? BTW, faggots are anything but "gay."

Confusion IS the point.
Well instead of hanging out for 77 minutes it only took Nashville 14 minutes. So a little more hustle on this one but not the break neck speed they show up when someone is filming in public.

I, too, question if the response should have been faster. Waiting for a five man team is old school active shooter. Most of the training, over the last decade is to go in immediately. If alone, so be it. On this, there’s a lot we don’t know, yet.

The filming in public isn’t relevant. Almost every school has cameras. If you’re out and about, you should assume someone has a video of it.

No the real cover up here is how far ya have to dig to find out this was yet another mentally unstable disturbed tranny .

How was there a coverup? That came out over various sources hours after the incident occurred.

The police in this one obviously were not ordered to stand around while the death count Went up to further political objectives. Had they been ordered to - well orders is orders !

Please provide you’re objective evidence these individual LEO’s would have stopped their entry, if ordered to.
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