NEW - Atlas CAL (Cant and Loc) Bipod - PRE-ORDER (added 12.14)

Guys I apologize for my absence here, been living in a blender on both personal and buiness fronts. On the business side, B&T has successfully sued a US infringer of our patents, entered a licensing agreement with another company and are negotiating a licensing agreement with a third. And we are working with FBI and DHS on counterfeit Atlas bipods. (I no longer feel the love from china I once did as they are now counterfeiting some of the infringing bipods...). On the personal side, I will keep that personal.

Regarding the CAL, the CAL Gen 2 will have several improvements, tension that is end user adjustable (in addition to a Pod-Loc), legs that are out front, a higher Apex for starters and I'm trying to get the cost down without sacrificing strength.
Our plan is to offer a Gen 2 upgrade to Gen 1 owners with no timeline (we still get V7, the original pull leg design, back for upgrades...) and we plan to be in production this month.

What is interesting is we have people that have a CAL Gen 1 and are contacting us to buy another. And people that are "no way keeping it".... If you can, please stand by to see the Gen 2 before acting. My hope is you will be 95% satisfied with the CAL Gen 2.

Last, we have a newsletter we use for an information vehicle, we send it out monthly and/or as needed. We will also be using it to introducev some new kit soon as well..

I sincerely thank you for your patronage and patience.

Great news. Definitely looking forward to seeing the improvements noted for the Gen 2.
Anyone know when the upgrade is due? While i love the stability of the bipod the pod loc is all or nothing even with the fix that was sent.

Just saw this on Facebook.
Yeah i saw that on FB and it's what prompted me to post ha. I refit the fix that they sent us but didn't really change anything. So definitely interested in sending it for a refit/upgrade. I love the bipod i mean as far as stability goes it's amazing. Pod-loc needs work obviously.
Yeah i saw that on FB and it's what prompted me to post ha. I refit the fix that they sent us but didn't really change anything. So definitely interested in sending it for a refit/upgrade. I love the bipod i mean as far as stability goes it's amazing. Pod-loc needs work obviously.
Yeah, the fix didn’t really do much for me either. Haven’t shot much since then, but it was still very much on/off.
Kasey sent this out in the Nov 1st. newsletter. It had a link to get an RMA number to have your gen1 converted to gen2.
I sent mine in to be converted, if I get them back by March, I will be happy. Other than the tilt tension, it is pretty much perfect bipod for me, and I have owned every Atlas bipod. I still have a V8 and 2-PSR’s.

CAL Gen. 2
Delivery Update:
The Gen. 2 CAL is on the way! Yes, really. It is! We have prototypes that we, of course, made adjustments to, but we do expect to have raw parts next week. Then they are off to the metal finishers where we will be calling in an expediting favor. Our hope is to be delivering these by the end of November.

While we have gotten great feedback from CAL Gen. 1 users, we suspect the Gen. 2 to be an even better bipod. If you bought a Gen. 1 CAL and wish to have it rebuilt as a Gen. 2, please return it to us and we will do the conversion and send it back at no cost. The main difference is the Gen. 2 will have adjustable pre-loaded tension that the Pod-Loc will lock up whereas, the Gen. 1 was either locked or loose. The Gen. 2 does not have the means to attach a rubber bumper up front. We will be issuing RMA’s for these to convert as parts become available:

Please, understand there are customers that ordered and paid for a Gen. 1 CAL and never got it because we stopped production. These customers will be the first to get the Gen. 2 CAL. We will be doing our best to satisfy as many customers, as quickly as we can.


SHOP Gen. 2 CAL Atlas Bipods
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When I spoke with them, I was told, as mentioned in an earlier post, that those who ordered a bipod but did not receive one because of the problems and stoppage in production would be first in line for the gen 2s. It was suggested that I wait until after the first of the year to contact them about returning my bipod for the upgrade; this timeframe was due to production levels and shipping to those waiting, nothing more/nothing less
Thanks for your patience and patronage on this effort, mostly your patience!

The Gen 2 CAL is in production we will start shipping them this week but we have a significant back log going back to January 2018 (yes, that is about a year ago!). Please understand, We are going to fulfill all original CAL orders before we start doing the Gen 1 CAL to Gen 2 CAL conversions. I am guessing we will have these original CAL orders fulfilled by January/February time-frame. Please note, the Gen 1 CAL works, this is not a recall this is a new version that we believe works better, you do not NEED to do the upgrade it is an option.

You can send us your Gen 1 now but it will go onto a shelf until we get original orders fulfilled, so if you don't want/need access to your Gen 1 CAL till Jan/Feb, send it in. HOWEVER, please do not send your Gen 1 CAL in then start calling/emailing asking about status as this will move you to the back of the stack. We will notify you that it's been received, then you will get a email stating it's been shipped. These conversions will be processed as parts become available and according to date received.

We will use our newsletter to announce when we are caught up where we can do Gen 1 to Gen 2 conversions in the normal 2-3 business days.

If you want to convert your Gen 1, you will need to pay to return it.

We will not send Gen 2 parts out.

There is no expiration of this offer.

To those that did not get our email newsletter, sign-up here - our newsletter mailing systems does not discriminate, if you are on our mailing list, we send you the newsletter.

To return your Gen 1 CAL here is the link for a RMA -

Also, the SH CAL intro pricing is long past, please do not call or email us about getting a CAL at the intro price. In addition, the Gen 2 CAL will see a price increase January 1, 2018 of the following- BT65- $239.95, BT65-NC- $239.95 and BT65-LW17- $299.95.

Last, for those that don't know, we have historically done SH intro offers out of a desire to give SH members first shot at a new product at a one time intro price. Sort of a "benefit" of being a SH member. We do not do sales nor discount except to LEO/Military that get 10%. This is the only forum we make these offers available.

Again, thank you for your business and trust in B&T and the Atlas bipod line, we have grown with precision shooting and continue to listen and improve our products to deliver a better experience afield.
Anyone else get their Gen2 yet?

While i do agree that it is able to go loose, med, and full tension better than gen1, im not so sure i like how little adjustment there is in the podlock between the 2 outside limits. It literally goes from no tension to full lock with a 1/8th turn of the podlock. With a harris you have at least a half turn or more to fine tune it. You still get medium tension but its more like 1/16th of a "bump" on the podlock.
I wasn't aware the upgrade was available. Can we just send or gen 1's in with a note, or should we email B&T first?

Get a RMA from [email protected] probably be Feb before we start doing conversions.

See post #632


This is good news love my atlas bipods. Thanks Kasey for a great product and service.

Thank you for your patronage! We couldnt do it without folks like yourself supporting us!

Just wanted to make sure, Gen1 update to Gen2, shipping, we have to pay both ways, correct? To and from? Thanks!

First, thanks for your business and patience on this. No, you pay shipping to us, we pay for the conversion and return S&H. Please use the RMA system (see above) and again, probably be Feb before we start doing conversions.
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I got my gen 2 bipod back yesterday. It is night and day better than the gen 1. The adjustments feel much better.
Im excited to get out and shoot with it.


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Received my Gen 2 from B&T a few days ago. I wanted to spend some time with it on my Win Mag before posting my thoughts.

First of all, I want recognize the manner in which Kasey handled this from the beginning. I don’t think he could have addressed the issue that some were having any better. My experience has been nothing less than exceptional and the end product has been well worth the wait.

Kasey, you nailed it! Night and day difference from the first version. Locks up solid with zero play and no loosening of the pod loc when canting is required. The tension is perfect when unlocked and feels quite a bit more solid than the Gen 1 I had. Several more of these are in my future.

Thanks, Kasey!