Because people are assholes and like to use any justification they can to trash talk new products that they have zero experience with. Also, they don't like it when new things come out that might be world class, because then it puts pressure on them to buy it and they don't like that. They know if they want to stay in the "cool kids club" they'll have to buy it.
It's always the same. When the auto-trickler stuff started showing up, a bunch of people used it as justification to NOT buy a Prometheus. So they tell themselves the extra several thousand bucks is a waste. They don't have a clue, as they've never used a Prometheus... but as long as they can convince themselves they don't need it, then they feel justified in trying to convince others they don't either.
Still to this day there are people that claim our Competition Primer Seater is too expensive and their chosen hand primer is "better." Years after this 419 press is released there will be dumbasses on this forum claiming their rock chucker is just as good. Post after post of those same inexperienced assholes that have never laid a finger on the thing they are commenting on, with their mouths wide open and a river of bullshit pouring out of it. Here again we see a product that is making claims of vast improvements with a marginal increase or straight comparative price in relation to its closest competitors... and people want to make comments all the while never having TOUCHED it. If there is any sure fire way of identifying individuals with substandard brain power, it is those people making declarative comparative statements about something they've never even touched. It happened to me every time we launched a product, and people were happy to remain silent. Well, Area419 has my support in so far as I will NOT remain silent.
For those of you trash talking this press, if you think there's just a mega pile of money they are making on this press, you're truly even dumber than you seem. The raw materials, bearings, and individual component cost are substantial. That's to say nothing of tooling, fixturing, and machine time. Yet since people are mostly uninformed inexperienced idiots, they don't know what it actually takes to machine those components and the costs associated with providing a completed product. So it's easier to just attempt to dismiss it outright so they can alleviate themselves from wanting it. If they can just convince themselves its not really better, and that it's a waste of money, then they don't have the pressure of gathering money for it. The more other people they can convince to sit with them in that position, the more confident they feel. Like a herd of lemmings. Anyone that knows the tiniest bit about actually bringing machined products to the marketplace can see the $1200 price tag for something with the kinds of tolerances they are advertising is CHEAP! Frankly, I don't know how they plan to make any money at that price point. They must either be going to run a shit load of them at a time, or it's a pure passion project where financial considerations come second. I know something about that second option.

If they are running a ton of them, then the investment is HUGE. If they are running a few of them, then there's almost no way the math pencils out at $1200. Either way, complaining about price flags you as a massive loser that doesn't have any experience with machining and ALSO as someone that has no ability to generate money or manage it properly.
I don't know if this press will be what they say it will be. It probably will be. If I want to find out, I'll buy one. What I won't do is talk about it negatively in ANY capacity until I've actually used it. Meanwhile I'll sit here and watch as the herd of "this other thing is good enough for me" lemmings continue to throw feces at anyone not sitting in the mediocrity bandwagon. Any company pushing the upper boundaries rather than catering to the trash tier will have my support.
In my opinion, 419 should have made it all out of high end stainless steel and delivered it nitrided and charged 2x as much money for it. I'd buy one like that. I'm SICK TO DEATH of compromises made in product design in an attempt to placate the low to mid level consumer base.
Here's a novel thought: Can't afford it? Don't want to afford it? Keep your fucking mouth shut, because nothing you have to say about it (not one thing) matters to anyone that CAN afford it or WANTS to afford it.