Not fun day yesterday (Friday 15th)


Full Member
Apr 13, 2017
Central Texas
So my wife went out for her 0730 power walk and I'm on the computer doing my classwork while our 9 yo grandson is having his cereal. My cell phone rings and it's my wife saying can you come outside and help me because I tripped and fell and a neighbor gal a few blocks down saw it and helped her up and drove her to our place. Wife was in serious pain in her left hip and we couldn't even get her out of the neighbor's car. So I grab the grandson and my wife's Sorento and follow the kind neighbor to the hospital ER in Temple. The ER attendant came out with a wheel chair and we got her into it but wife was in agony. After about two hours waiting they finally took her back for x-rays and sure enough, fractured left hip. Five hours later they finally had an open ER bed and could give her some morphine pain meds and said they'd move her to a room on a regular patient floor as soon as one was available. So it's now about 2230 and they moved us out into the corridor as they needed the ER bed room she was in. So we sat in the corridor for another 2+ hours until finally they got us upstairs to a regular room so this was going on 0130. We finally got her semi-settled (still in a lot of pain if she moved a little wrong). At any rate, I had to get back to the house to let the dog out. got there about 0245 and had to get up this am at 0600 to be back at the hospital to meet with the ortho surgeon as she is having surgery today. He is supposed to be top notch according to our DIL that works at the hospital as a doctor's placement project mgr.
On top of all that our son (aforesaid DIL's husband) got T-boned by a ghetto queen on his way home from work as she backed out of one of those pay-day check cashing joints into a six lane main thoroughfare. Fucked up his car good, front fender, passenger door, popped the front tire cracked the rim and fucked up the suspension.
Any how, rant over. Wife is going to be fine and up and motivating in a couple days.
Sometimes shit just comes in droves so I'm waiting for the third shoe to drop;)
Y'all have a safe and happy weekend. I'm just counting my blessings that my wife is going to be good and my son didn't get hurt.
So my wife went out for her 0730 power walk and I'm on the computer doing my classwork while our 9 yo grandson is having his cereal. My cell phone rings and it's my wife saying can you come outside and help me because I tripped and fell and a neighbor gal a few blocks down saw it and helped her up and drove her to our place. Wife was in serious pain in her left hip and we couldn't even get her out of the neighbor's car. So I grab the grandson and my wife's Sorento and follow the kind neighbor to the hospital ER in Temple. The ER attendant came out with a wheel chair and we got her into it but wife was in agony. After about two hours waiting they finally took her back for x-rays and sure enough, fractured left hip. Five hours later they finally had an open ER bed and could give her some morphine pain meds and said they'd move her to a room on a regular patient floor as soon as one was available. So it's now about 2230 and they moved us out into the corridor as they needed the ER bed room she was in. So we sat in the corridor for another 2+ hours until finally they got us upstairs to a regular room so this was going on 0130. We finally got her semi-settled (still in a lot of pain if she moved a little wrong). At any rate, I had to get back to the house to let the dog out. got there about 0245 and had to get up this am at 0600 to be back at the hospital to meet with the ortho surgeon as she is having surgery today. He is supposed to be top notch according to our DIL that works at the hospital as a doctor's placement project mgr.
On top of all that our son (aforesaid DIL's husband) got T-boned by a ghetto queen on his way home from work as she backed out of one of those pay-day check cashing joints into a six lane main thoroughfare. Fucked up his car good, front fender, passenger door, popped the front tire cracked the rim and fucked up the suspension.
Any how, rant over. Wife is going to be fine and up and motivating in a couple days.
Sometimes shit just comes in droves so I'm waiting for the third shoe to drop;)
Y'all have a safe and happy weekend. I'm just counting my blessings that my wife is going to be good and my son didn't get hurt.
It's probably not identically the same (because of the break), but I've had both hips replaced (nothing broken, just worn out) and all things considered, it's pretty easy. Rehab went for about 8 weeks. Keep her off the Dilaudid/Oxy as much as possible. The stuff didn't work for me and I hated it. Made it real easy. Aspirin/Motrin worked just fine.

Glad your Son is OK, prayers to your entire family :)
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Sorry to hear of your family's bad day. The old saying of "stuff happens" applies, but never a good thing when it's you. Sorry the wife will have surgery, hopefully it will go well and re-hab will go smoothly.
Several years ago, on a bad job, my General Foreman had a phrase that was repeated often... "It's always something". That stuck in my head and I use it often. I'm sure you and your family will survive and now can say "It's always something"...
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Hope your wife is ok and heals up fast.

When I lived back East, my wife had to go to the emergency room once. She was in serious pain and also had to wait a few hours to be seen. The reason? The place was filled with fucking illegals getting their free medical care. Meanwhile, American taxpayers can't get the treatment they need. To add insult to injury, we get to pay for the illegals healthcare. It's fucking disgusting and the Dems are 100% responsible.
Prayers for the entire family, doctors, nurses and medical staff. I hope the son is doing well and that the person who caused the accident has sufficient insurance to repair his car. That's kinda asking for a small miracle in and of itself.
Hope your wife is ok and heals up fast.

When I lived back East, my wife had to go to the emergency room once. She was in serious pain and also had to wait a few hours to be seen. The reason? The place was filled with fucking illegals getting their free medical care. Meanwhile, American taxpayers can't get the treatment they need. To add insult to injury, we get to pay for the illegals healthcare. It's fucking disgusting and the Dems are 100% responsible.
This is it exactly. As we sat in that ER waiting area while my wife is in excruciating pain with a known hip fracture there were dozens of people there with absolutely no obvious problems. Many were grossly obese and many were likely illegals. These freeloaders use the ER as their doctor's
office. I asked one of the triage docs when we finally got to see one about it and he just shrugged and said "It's like this a lot on Fridays and has been all July but has definitely gotten a lot worse the past year or so." Hmmmm....maybe open borders and free shit army leeches could be the problem??
Those of us that have insurance (and my wife's Blue Cross is $980/month) are paying for these freeloaders thanks to Obama care.
Oh, and FJB.
Anyhow, thanks gents again for the prayers and smoke.
Oh my, what a day. Prayers for quick healing for your wife. Prayers for her doctors and caregivers. Prayers for your son that everything works out well for him. And prayers for you to keep finding the strength to deal with it all.
Oh my, what a day. Prayers for quick healing for your wife. Prayers for her doctors and caregivers. Prayers for your son that everything works out well for him. And prayers for you to keep finding the strength to deal with it all.
Thank you. They had her up walking today albeit with a walker and said she can come home tomorrow.
Hope y'all's luck improves. Temple has a good Hospital.

You and your wife don't sound that old. Kind of young to be breaking a hip from a fall.

I'm sure the ghetto queen had insurance, right? Right?
I believe she does, and my son's insurance says he's not at fault even though the Temple cop didn't site her because he said he didn't see it happen.
If cop didn't cite her (do we need to guess his color?) then your son is lucky his insurance is saying it's not an at fault accident.

Son should get a lawyer to get copies of any security cameras in case she decides to go after him for injuries. Especially important absent the cop citing her.

Did he have a dash cam?
did you get her a bell to ring when she want's you ( her little butler) to get her something , anything you could be at her beck and call , a pen and paper so she could improve the famous honey do list of things you need to take care of in what would other wise be your free time ? I am glad she was not seriously hurt falling is not fun .