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November 4th... what will happen?


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
Any bets?

I heard it shouted again yesterday by an Antifa-type at the NFL meeting. Guy was ranting on about $40-million-a-year slaves (Yeah, I'd be a slave for $40m a year.... someone needs a dictionary...)

Any-hoo.... Seems like there is a pretty big conspiracy building to take to the streets in outright revolution on November 4th. If the Feds are as all-seeing and all-knowing as some of us think, don't you expect massive round-ups of violent criminals in the days ahead? Or do we let the cities burn and arrest afterwards? Or is this just lefties yelling "The end of the world is coming..." and when the day passes with nothing bad happening they'll look like morons.

Mao used the Cultural Revolution brilliantly... come on out, people, and give us your ideas on how to improve the Revolution. I want to hear from artists, students, dissidents and folks who think I can do a better job. And after they all popped out of the woodwork, he had a million or so of them killed.

So thoughts on Nov. 4th? Big nothingburger? Cities on fire? The Zombie apocalypse? Early Black Friday at the local CVS (and I mean that in shopping terms, not cultural terms... so to speak)

Maybe we should have a pool?


If my vehicle is surrounded by Antifa thugs how will I respond? If I feel my life is in jeopardy I will try to get away from the threat even if that means "Floor It". My 4WD will handle the bumps.
Some commie types protesting here and there, but not anything spectacular. If I could make a suggestion to them, they are preaching to the choir by raising hell in the cities. They should move out into the country for their street blocking, burning shit and general lawlessness where it would be better appreciated.
Some commie types protesting here and there, but not anything spectacular. If I could make a suggestion to them, they are preaching to the choir by raising hell in the cities. They should move out into the country for their street blocking, burning shit and general lawlessness where it would better appreciated.

That would require them having Balls.
I think, if anything comes to pass, that they're going to use "Deep State" assets at all available levels to hamstring the Right by engineering false-flag incidents and arrests en masse of identified III%ers and Conservatives with substantial credit card/BATFE paper trails to likely sources of firearms and matériel. Anything else would be inconsequential as an isolated exercise. If they don't come out strong, organized, and determined, they're only going to piss us off.
i would bet a dollar against a doughnut that not a damn thing is going to happen other than a bunch of 20 year olds walking around in vagina costumes and black skinny jeans saying fuck donald trump. other than that, nothing.
Myself and four other buds will be in WV at a PRS match. I doubt anything will go down in rural WV. Now if they try to prevent us going back home on Sunday....game on!
It's been shown over and over again that they're certainly dumb/crazy/violent enough. I hope they puss out completely but I doubt it and my bet would be that there will be some violence and lots of vagina costumes (think belated retard Halloween). I doubt it will be the level of violence that's rumored they are seeking. The majority of their opposition is far too calm and collected to let the lead fly over some idiots burning down cities.

I'd be vigilant and prepared however.
Close Russia friend here, says things building in Russia for the 5th of Nov, ours to be on the 4th, soros giving 18 billion, to fund NWO/OWO. It all adds up to me. If anything it will be liberal city's first an if/when they start playing in fly over lands they will start receiving rebuttal they will no issue understanding.

I just returned home from giving a EPG class about 325 miles from home. There were folks in the class I've known of/about for years, one lives 50 miles away. Upon arrival we consulted on what if, plans. Oddly we both had full loads, paper maps/compass, & night ability. Plus we both had already spotted return transportation should our POV's went tits up. Bottom line, many fly overs pre-plan, while others don't even suspect anything.

I'm working in Mexico City this week and the locals I am working with say that there are several demonstrations every day, somewhere in the city. They never amount to anything other than screwing up traffic and pissing off the locals. There is nothing like inconveniencing your audience to bring them around to the opposing viewpoint. I say let them protest. Like said above, it won't amount to anything.
But here's the interesting part of this that's yet to be touched on. I agree that there will be a few protests here and there in the major cities BUT the media will spin it like they always do and make it seem as if millions and millions are burning down the entire country.

I agree with sitting out round 1 while I double check my zero and rotate my ammo stock.
My prediction goes along with most all here

1. Minor assfuckery in libtard cities
2. No balls to push out into conservative areas
3. Media will spin it like they always spin it

Anyone who fucks with me (or worse with my family) will pay heavily
Google search "November 4th", and there are 10 different sites reporting anti-fa anti Trump protests. several are major news sites. Snopes says it's bs, and we all trust snopes, right ?? :- ) it's definitely out there that anti-fa plans something nov4.
I'm working in Mexico City this week and the locals I am working with say that there are several demonstrations every day, somewhere in the city. They never amount to anything other than screwing up traffic and pissing off the locals. There is nothing like inconveniencing your audience to bring them around to the opposing viewpoint. I say let them protest. Like said above, it won't amount to anything.

How is DF.? I havent been there in 20+ years and swore Id never go back.

Safety-Questionable...watch out for the cops in green VW's.

On toe only positive side, the people are friendly and helpful.
I have a very low opinion of cities to begin with and don't really care what happens in them or to them.

Aviatrix for the win....



PS. And on a totally un-related note... are you truly a retired Aviatrix? Because if you meet the actual definition.... you are one of the few to haunt SH. Welcome aboard!
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I have a very low opinion of cities to begin with and don't really care what happens in them or to them.

Unfortunately, our tax dollars will in some way be used to either police these "events" and/or clean up the damage afterwards.I'd prefer that I didn't have to work for a paycheck that has witholding taken out to pay for that crap.

I'm kind of thinking it would be a great set up for (another) false flag operation. We'll see. I hope all the bobbie's and nancy's just stay home. I'm tired of all the bleating, just give it a rest.
Aviatrix for the win....



PS. And on a totally un-related note... are you truly a retired Aviatrix? Because if you meet the actual definition.... you are one of the few to haunt SH. Welcome aboard!

Ive wondered the same, as Aviatrix is the feminine of Aviator, is it not. Comon, out of the closet.

On November 4th I expect to be in a tree stand 90 minutes south of Atlanta. I do not expect to see the elusive buck rumored to have drop tines resembling great stalactites, nor do I expect a goateed and pouty faced Prometheus to rise from an independent coffee shop and change the flag atop the Georgia State Capital. Overly caffeinated MFA candidates from middling schools may form smelly crowds, but they will not raise severed heads on spikes.
The irony of our history. We, the Americans willing to fight, at first, for the full rights of Englishmen, and then independence, were fueled by the progressive political thought of the day. And now, we, the Americans willing to fight to preserve the Republic and the Constitution, are pitted against modern-day progressives, seeking to strengthen the tyranny of an ever-overreaching, now misrepresentative government that has outgrown its original intent and purpose like a cancer on this nation.
Personally, I think a good ass beating should have been imlplemented.

Agreed... but that is what the SJW's wanted. Violent Republican White supremacists to open a can of whoop-tushie on the helpless little progenitors of justice and peace. Then the world would have come down on the CR's like a ton of bricks, which would be the lead story of 99 percent of the nation's news media. As it is... one outlet published it. Fox. You think NBC is going to run this story? Not a chance... except to say 'Violence broke out at Santa Cruz Republican Meeting -- arrests were made."

Restraint was fantastic by those kids. I was a member of CR in college and if our 'nemesis' the "Central American Peace Project" who constantly were braying on about peace and justice had done this at one of our meetings, we'd have curb stomped them into the ground. And paid a price for it. Instead we destroyed them in a public debate... just epic. They are trying to provoke, knowing that they have 100 percent air cover.

Best to just be 'The Cooler" (Can't believe I an quoting Roadhouse). That is: Be Nice. Be nice... until it's time to not be nice.


who would mess with a group that has 300,000,000 guns?

Their entire foundation is built upon "provocation" and propaganda. If any of these idiots can agitate someone enough to take a shot at them, they, along with their buddies in the media will villainize all law abiding firearms owners. I have no doubt in my mind their main aim is to bait/piss off people to get them to take some form of violent action. Don't fall for it, keep your cool. The majority of people in this country clearly see that all they want to do is destroy and the majority sees right through their antics. Keep in mind that George Soros bet wrong on hillary and it cost him over a billion dollars.....I get all steamy just thinking about that ;).