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November 4th... what will happen?

Stay strong brother . It's folks like you that give hope . " You've made a difference , hell you are the difference " . ( Tanner , Red Dawn )

Hey thanks man, Semper Fi, it means a lot and it keeps me going through the tough times to have a team mate give their recognition. The movie quote is beyond motivating, I would hug you so tight if you were here. Not like an uncomfortable gay hug or anything, just a real strong man to man embrace.

You know people ask "Why do you fight? Why struggle against Antifa?" and the answer is right here. Its the poster above me and the poster below me. We fight for those in the struggle with us against the social fascists.....

and the children, we commit to the struggle for the children....

and puppies.....

and cats, not all cats though, just the ones that have stripes like a tiger because they look cool. Otherwise cats suck. When you want to play with them they are always licking their genitals or anus and you dont know if its showing off to make you jealous or if they are saying to you "Play with you? No thanks Id rather use my tongue to clean the shmeg off my dick and the dried shit from the creases of my anus". So cats arent my favorite unless they look like a tiger.

Hey man can I ask a favor?

About 1610 my car ran out of gas and Ive been stuck on the side of the highway. No one is stopping but Im guessing its because Antifa is making things pretty rough on everyone. I get it they have to get to their families and all. My flashers are just about dimmed and I havent been able to get a clear "Lima Charlie" on my CB radio checks for about an hour now. Im guessing antifa has taken down comms. I hope the radio teams died a merciful soldiers death.

Anyway I need some money for gas.

If you could Paypal gift me $5 I should be back in the fight and oh yeah add $10 for a gas can.

Its getting kind of cold out here. Nothing as epic as Bastogne but Im getting a taste of what they went through.

My sock hasnt dried enough to shake the flakes free and my bare foot is getting cold. Temps are dropping.

If you dont have a Paypal account starting me a GoFundMe should quickly get a lot of activity from people wanting to fund a soldier of the cause.

Again thanks for the motivation.

Eagle 6
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One more thing: electricity remained on throughout the entire state of Ohio.

Did anyone ask our tinfoil hat-wearing Gunfighter about the events in Moscow and St Petersburg yet?
One more thing: electricity remained on throughout the entire state of Ohio.

Did anyone ask our tinfoil hat-wearing Gunfighter about the events in Moscow and St Petersburg yet?

Where did I or anyone say the power was going out, your getting delusional. Yes, the Russians did put a halt to people coming into in both city's but I doubt your info source will report anything here. Get a radio an ask your own questions, or have a few Russian friends who will translate youtube, if you don't speak it. You need a new line of work as you suck at this one.
Where did I or anyone say the power was going out, your getting delusional. Yes, the Russians did put a halt to people coming into in both city's but I doubt your info source will report anything here. Get a radio an ask your own questions, or have a few Russian friends who will translate youtube, if you don't speak it. You need a new line of work as you suck at this one.

You severely misunderstand me if you think I take you or anything you say seriously. You're good for a short laugh but that's about it.

ETA: I also don't give a flying fuck about anything the Russians are doing inside their borders.
0545 hrs (Eastern Standard Time) 11/5/2017

I hope the breaking day finds you safe brothers....We made it to see another dawning of the sun.

Pretty tired this morning. My self appointed fire watch was from 0100 to 0200 so I got screwed with an extra hour of duty when the clocks rolled back. I do wish this country would sack up and just roll on Zulu time.

About 0330 a Trooper came upon me on the side of the highway. He provided a gallon of gas. I had a scare when my car wouldn't turn over assuming Antifa had teamed up with the Norks and EMP'd the grid. I don't think Antifa has their own nuke capability yet but you never know, the Dems have assured us they wont. Coronal Mass Ejection was a thought but after yesterday Im not messing with any sort of ejections.

I could tell the Trooper was under a lot of stress from the days events. There was an instant connection realizing we were both in the fight together. He was at ease using language of the common subaltern. He told me if I didn't unfuck myself he would have my sled moving at speeds it hasn't seen since it left the assembly line. I was sad when he left, realizing we were both heading back into the fray.

Dawns light is showing in the east. Brothers its not time to let down our guard because we made it through 4/11/17. There will be more 4ths. I know there is one in July for certain.

Antifa wont rest and neither should we, well except for maybe the next hour or so. Im heading back to sneak into my castle and see if I can get some much earned rest than Ill be be back on the line.

Salut comrades.

Dammmmm PMclaine I just saw your call for logistical support . Sorry man I got into heavy contact with about 15 Yueungling Lagers . I worked yesterday and was half shot in the ass before they came over the wire . It was merciless as I could here the distant screams of ( my stomach growling like six pissed off squirrels) but I stayed in it . Can't say when I sucummbed
To the NBC ( No Beer Cans only bottled ) attack . Woke up this morning covered in my own drool and about 200 ft of skid mark in my shorts accompanied by the sounds of heavy earth rattling gunfire . Kids thoughtv it was a good idea to play Call of Duty withe the home theater on 11 at 6:30 am . Anyway glad to hear you got sorted out and are back in the fight . Need to get more Intel and plan an appropriate response to the Call of Duty fiasco .
Stay strong .
I think it's pretty cool that .gov interacts with the amateur radio guys. I'd love to get a handle on some good equipment one of these days.
Look on eham.net lots of gear for sale on there. As well as were an when Ham-Fests* will be held local to you. you can also search places like (HRO) Ham Radio Outlet, Gigaparts, an a world full of other places to buy gear. Once your into radio the cost start dropping like a rock once you learn how to repair/build what others throw out or say can't be fixed. :)

Ham-fests* = Buy/sell/trade as well as license testing an continuing education. A (SWR) Short Wave Radio receives only but they are very cost effective. A used transceiver most of the time will be cheaper than a new SWR and will allow you to transmit w/o a license in an emergency. (No license is required to use any radio gear in the US per law, in a true emergency) The trick is knowing how to use it, build an antenna for it, plus a power supply for it with whats on hand quickly, if need be. A Ham license is great, but the learning aspect is where the worth truly is.
In about an hr from now we will learn the results of last nights test. From what I heard the Southeast was represented very will, an others I know around the country are saying the same about the other 4 regions of the country. Try it you may like it, most Hams are more than willing to do a show an tell. Voice is one thing but once you get into Digital, slow/fast scan TV, and a few other entertaining aspects it really gets interesting. Getting first hand info from events across the pond w/o media spin, or talking to the IISS, sending info via Sats, talking to History ships, or much better places.

Add, como is one aspect most never think about until it's to late, we had a sign over the CP along time ago that said
"We have the Ability to, Shoot, Move, an Communicate. W/O all three no one is combat effective, I almost learned that lesson the hard way long ago.
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So....., A nothing burger with a side order of french cries.
Who would have guessed...


Nothing burger to you but looks like the King of Tin Men found out about PREA protections.....


and to me this picture sums up the lefts concept of an alternative reality.....

So i guess these protests are pretty small when they arent shipping in paid agitators....huh

This is what has really perplexed me. We've seen fairly sizable demonstrations around the country, yet in this case with months of planning there's essentially nothing?

I genuinely felt that they would pull out all the stops, throw as much money and logistics as necessary at it, and orchestrate some legitimate chaos in at least a few of the more conducive locations.

What do y'all think happened (or failed to happen) to result in such a lackluster showing?
This is what has really perplexed me. We've seen fairly sizable demonstrations around the country, yet in this case with months of planning there's essentially nothing?

I genuinely felt that they would pull out all the stops, throw as much money and logistics as necessary at it, and orchestrate some legitimate chaos in at least a few of the more conducive locations.

What do y'all think happened (or failed to happen) to result in such a lackluster showing?

Look on the bright side.....

all the save rounds from yesterday can be used today.

M40A1 on board with price tags on string to hang for targets unless I get an OT request. I could use the money Ive got a new R700 receiver to buy.
Well, we had been without live TV since Wednesday, and the DirecTV installer showed up around 9:45. Took a few, but TV was once again alive and well at Rancho Langeliuso.

About 3:30. we all set back out for Tucson again, this time to deliver Elena to the Rob Zombie concert at Casino Del Sol. I (who am incredibly averse to gambling), escorted us all to dinner at the Casino, then sent Elena off to her meeting with the Zombie Culture.

Meanwhile, I watched, Celia played the penny slots, and time was, needs be, hanging heavy on our shoulders. After a moment of clarity following an hour or so of nonparticipation, I put a twenty into the machine adjacent Celia's. A minor moment of history ensued.

Me..., gambling...; who knew? As Celia put it, "You can't seem to lose for winning...".

A hollow exaggeration, I say. Still, we did manage to fill four hours or so with a mildly degenerate manner of entertainment, and we also managed to avoid a bloodbath. If breaking even is winning, I guess we won.

My strategy was simple, it was all about time and getting out alive. Money, that's just the price of a comfortable seat for the interim. So I'd watch Celia, next to me, and then she'd watch me, next to her. Time passed in a moderately pleasant fashion. No hurry..., yawn... I would put in a twenty, get a payout at around $40, take a leisurely saunter to the cashier, strip out a twenty and pocket the rest. Restock the machione's larder with the twenty. I would strategically advance a few singles, one at a time, into the maw of The Noisy, Flashing, Bejangled Intimidator. Haw!

I came home with $17 in the pocket where before, there were none. Not a chore.

Oh, and about the Revolution...

What Revolution...; I saw diddly.

Life's too much fun to waste upon studying the befuddled dreams of the dim witted....

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What do y'all think happened (or failed to happen) to result in such a lackluster showing?

I wondered why 11/4 to begin with. 11/8 made a whole lot more sense to me as it is the anniversary of Billary's Armageddon. I also wondered why they would telegraph such an event so far in advance. If they wanted knee-jerk reactions they would have let it leak out maybe last Wednesday. So maybe 11/8... if ever?

While I predicted no heads would be raised on the end of spikes, a reprehensible corner of my mind couldn't let the image go and was kind of like, in a gleeful sort of way...


But as for my 11/4 deer hunting plans, I did not get the big one, but I did get another one today. Now that my buck tags are filled it's coyote time, and the 5.56 orchestra is getting ready to make some music. I have to admit that just in case something were to go down I did have the battle belt and an SBR loaded with ANTIFA juice, and assorted other gear, in the back of the truck. While in the deer stand I kept up comms with a few folks in the center of sanctuary/commie cities.

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what a let down...
damn, it was like opposite day yesterday, everywhere i went everyone was fucking happy and nice
of all things holy, you cant get raising hell down pat???
total let down

Same here Mike.
Rebecca and I drove all the way down to Manatee Co looking for them. We even took the Hewes up the Braden river and still no protesters.
We did encounter snook and jacks, but no protesters.

Of course while positioning the boat for load out (Rebecca had the trailer in the water and I was about 30' from it), I did encounter this nice fella on a PWC.
He must have been in a terrible hurry though, because he snuck between my boat and trailer while I was moving forward.
When I mentioned that I was attempting to load my trailer, he was kind enough to offer a bit of advice to this older fella.

His advice was that "I needed to chill the fuck out".
How kind of him to not only offer that advice, but then he continued to offer more advice and to tell me he wasn't afraid of me, especially if he could bring some friends with him.
I did offer a bit of advice to him that he should be afraid, but I don't think he heard me. He was still trying to offer more advice...

I did press on with my task as he followed me towards the lot. For some reason, when I stood up, he reversed directions. I was really looking forward to introducing him to my little friend...

Oh well, I'll probably never see him again anyway.

What an entitled Fuckstick!! He must have loved the sound of his own voice, because he didn't shut up until I started to get out. Guess he missed his opportunity to teach an old man a lesson.
awe mannn
you get all the fun
all that advise giving, hell if i was there i could have given some advise, i like young guys who like to trade advise
off topic, i offically got called old prick, the other day. it was similar to what you say in your situation, he didnt want to give advise after i got up
This is what has really perplexed me. We've seen fairly sizable demonstrations around the country, yet in this case with months of planning there's essentially nothing?

I genuinely felt that they would pull out all the stops, throw as much money and logistics as necessary at it, and orchestrate some legitimate chaos in at least a few of the more conducive locations.

What do y'all think happened (or failed to happen) to result in such a lackluster showing?

personally, i think Charlottesville really spooked them.

they learned the hard way that they no longer have the monopoly on the use of violence.....and being the cowards they are, are not willing to accept that..........

i think most of them saw "protesting" as a way to get out and break shit and behave like little shits without much fear of getting caught......but i dont think many are actually willing to die to do so.

and with Nov 4th being hyped up as much as it was, they knew if they assembled en mass, they could expect more pushback.....and risk an actual confrontation with people willing to fight.
personally, i think Charlottesville really spooked them.

they learned the hard way that they no longer have the monopoly on the use of violence.....and being the cowards they are, are not willing to accept that..........

i think most of them saw "protesting" as a way to get out and break shit and behave like little shits without much fear of getting caught......but i dont think many are actually willing to die to do so.

and with Nov 4th being hyped up as much as it was, they knew if they assembled en mass, they could expect more pushback.....and risk an actual confrontation with people willing to fight.

Thanks for the theory, it's not one I'd considered. In my twisted view though, Charlottesville was a "victory" for them: they got to show up to a lawful, permitted protest and instigate violence then got portrayed as victims while the press makes it sound as though The President were at the rally in a Klan hood.

Any pushback yesterday would've been portrayed as right-wing fascists attacking the peaceful snowflakes with their masks, clubs, and piss bottles.
I wondered why 11/4 to begin with. 11/8 made a whole lot more sense to me as it is the anniversary of Billary's Armageddon. I also wondered why they would telegraph such an event so far in advance. If they wanted knee-jerk reactions they would have let it leak out maybe last Wednesday. So maybe 11/8... if ever?

While I predicted no heads would be raised on the end of spikes, a reprehensible corner of my mind couldn't let the image go and was kind of like, in a gleeful sort of way...


But as for my 11/4 deer hunting plans, I did not get the big one, but I did get another one today. Now that my buck tags are filled it's coyote time, and the 5.56 orchestra is getting ready to make some music. I have to admit that just in case something were to go down I did have the battle belt and an SBR loaded with ANTIFA juice, and assorted other gear, in the back of the truck. While in the deer stand I kept up comms with a few folks in the center of sanctuary/commie cities.


Good job, man. I got this doe. She was being chased by a 6 point. I grunted at him for a bit after the shot, he seemed kinda irritated with me.


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