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November 4th... what will happen?

Apparently, some half-wit had to make a spectacle of himself.

Well, convicted felon should not have had a gun anyway.

Only took one spark in Sarajevo c. 1914. And that was an anarchist idiot, too.


I would take small issue here. I think felons, except for violent ones, having paid their debt, and received their pardon, should have their rights restored. Why peanalize a guy who had a hungry family and stole a car? Or a white collar worker who embezzled money? Or some poor careless schmuck who got arrested for a bit of cannabis?

On the other hand, volent crimes should be punished severly and without restoration.

I 'almost' feel that only viloent crimes should be punished with prison. If you get caught for something like I mentioned above, you should be given an option...to work and pay it off...or jail.

From what Ive seen, our prison system does little to correct wrongful behavior, and generally turns out a worse product thaan it took in.
Here is an idea how about a law that says motorist do not have to stop for protesters blocking the road and will not be held accountable or liable for any injury's or deaths resulting from not stopping for anyone who purposely blocks a public road. That is how it should be, but in our fucked up world instead of arresting someone blocking the road the person who doesn't stop will be the one arrested. I bet these dipshits wouldn't stand out in the roads if they knew they were going to be human bowling pins.
Jrassy I don’t blame you I won’t be stopped either. The funny part is if you ever watch some of those videos of people not stopping and plowing through them, the first thing they (the protesters) do is turn and and see if they can get some law enforcement to help them out like they have been victimized they turn look for nearby cops and start pointing at the vechicle . It’s makes for great laughs when watched.....lol
Guy Fawkes masks are really great targets... so much contrast between a black hoodie and a white Guy Fawkes mask...

Here... have a printable target. Get ready for the festivities!




Here is an idea how about a law that says motorist do not have to stop for protesters blocking the road and will not be held accountable or liable for any injury's or deaths resulting from not stopping for anyone who purposely blocks a public road. That is how it should be, but in our fucked up world instead of arresting someone blocking the road the person who doesn't stop will be the one arrested. I bet these dipshits wouldn't stand out in the roads if they knew they were going to be human bowling pins.

I'll be leaving Anaheim about 5 am that morning, headed north on I-5. I'll have my four kids and wife with me in my Ram 2500 quad cab and a 32 foot fifth wheel behind it. I won't be able to stop that fast.
I'll be leaving Anaheim about 5 am that morning, headed north on I-5. I'll have my four kids and wife with me in my Ram 2500 quad cab and a 32 foot fifth wheel behind it. I won't be able to stop that fast.

Is it wrong that I hope you bowl a strike?.....With no damage to your truck of course!
Here in Colorado, I expect them to stay in the metro Denver area to protest and destroy things. Since the communists don't believe in owning a car, as long as you stay away from the main protest area you should be fine. I doubt they will move into the outlying areas. If they do, they will use public transportation, so as long as you steer clear of bus routes and trains, you should be fine. Let them tear up those areas they feel safe in but if they want to start things outside of their hood, I'm sure those of us who are prepared will be happy to show them the error of their ways.
I'll be leaving Anaheim about 5 am that morning, headed north on I-5. I'll have my four kids and wife with me in my Ram 2500 quad cab and a 32 foot fifth wheel behind it. I won't be able to stop that fast.

Surely you have a deer gurad and 4 wd in case it gets......slippery from spilled red substances.
Here in Colorado, I expect them to stay in the metro Denver area to protest and destroy things. Since the communists don't believe in owning a car, as long as you stay away from the main protest area you should be fine. I doubt they will move into the outlying areas. If they do, they will use public transportation, so as long as you steer clear of bus routes and trains, you should be fine. Let them tear up those areas they feel safe in but if they want to start things outside of their hood, I'm sure those of us who are prepared will be happy to show them the error of their ways.

There was a time when I would have chalked up all of Antifa's BS to just that BS, but we are living in some crazy times right now and who knows what will or can go down, but my biggest concern is LE being able to tell the good guys from these POS scumbags. One scenario I thought about is an active shooter going after innocent people and a good guy trying to take the POS out, but then gets mistaken by LE as one of the thugs. Obviously if there is an imminent threat to ones life your going to do what you have to do. I don't live near a major city, but I thought about the good people who do. Anyone else given this much thought?
There was a time when I would have chalked up all of Antifa's BS to just that BS, but we are living in some crazy times right now and who knows what will or can go down, but my biggest concern is LE being able to tell the good guys from these POS scumbags. One scenario I thought about is an active shooter going after innocent people and a good guy trying to take the POS out, but then gets mistaken by LE as one of the thugs. Obviously if there is an imminent threat to ones life your going to do what you have to do. I don't live near a major city, but I thought about the good people who do. Anyone else given this much thought?

My thought/concern exactly. Best to remain low key and out of major metro areas. They aren't going to pull any shit in Podunksville USA. Not enough cameras/MSM around.
My guess is if one of our members gets eyes on an active shooter, it would just take a moment to eliminate the threat.
Then, either get back into the truck, or wait for the popo with arms at a safe distance.
Prolly not that simple though
Anyone else given this much thought?

Only that bows are quiet, have a great range and accuracy and won't get the anti-gun whack-jobs complaining about gun control.

Ever studied Agincourt? See below. Modern broadheads would add an exciting and effective twist to the plot. NLOS indeed. Boowah ha hah ah aha hh ah ah haa....

Just 'sayin.


You guys are over thinking this thing. Just put some small piles of Hillary's uranium near the protests with a sign that says: Snort for the best high ever. Problem solved with out wasting good ammo. :)
From a place never seen,
Comes a sound never heard.
The pill travels slow
But in reality, is just a blurb
As their friend is bleeding out,
Comes another for them just as stout.
The crowds so obtuse,
They never ponder nor grasp, the ruse.
As folks in the rear are helpless to yell,
Come more for the sheep, from the depths of hell.
If the news for the Resist movement keeps trending as it has I think even the most die hard of believers will be hard pressed to find the motivation to leave the comforts of Moms bedroom in an effort to install Hillary to power.
I'm not a fan of Antifa and the like, but I do recognize they are out there, and deserve respect, even if it's the same kind I reserve for rattlesnakes, etc. It's not as much about where they stand as it is about how far they'll go to force their will upon society.

I want to see them out there, making their commitment in more than a verbal manner. The bigger their balls the better, lets see them all on parade. After that, there can be less doubt about who they are, as a group and as individuals, and about what kind of benefit or threat they pose to our society.

I think Big Brother is watching and will be in attendance. On this matter, Chairman Mao got it right.

But what won't be in evidence will be the instigators, organizers, and financiers. Identifying them will require guile and subtlety, as in "softly, softly, catchee monkey...".. I want to see perps in custody, and harsh sentencing.

Meanwhile, localities like Berkeley and the like will be in evidence in a completely different light. I want to see them make undeniable commitments to their viewpoint as well, as unquestionably clear as possible. Time to call spades spades.

What I don't think is that the more sane among us should permit ourselves a taste of the current insanity. I don't believe it serves any good purpose for any of the non-Antifa folks to use force in a conflict of philosophies. It would depict sanity in a bad light, and simply provides negative fodder for the mealy mouthed MSM.

Remember, Antifa wants their opposition to show, to serve themselves up as victims, oppressors, whatever. Let it be "What if they held a war, and nobody came...".

I want them to shoot their bolt, and then, to fail ignominiously; as in "Who cares about those Silly Fucks, anyway...".

Protect hearth and home, of course, but also make it clear that there is a prescribed role for official agencies, leave them to their task, and put the pressure on them to get their hands wet and dirty on this stuff. If they leave it to others to act, I don't see good outcomes resulting. Meanwhile, leave it to them to play their necessary roles, and hold them accountable for the outcomes.

This entire movement is bringing many things to a head. Foremost is how irrelevant and ridiculous their entire message actually is. Also prominent is that this is what results from pandering to and coddling the wackos in our society. This point in our public behavior is a necessary extreme from which a -productive rebound can launch itself. The time is very near when the rest of society puts its collective foot down hard. So let them dangle their lunacy way out there for all to see and note.

I want the Antifa and it's ilk to get really way out there, so that the pendulum can take its full swing in response.

It all starts with the bigger, quieter sector standing up and saying, "No..., enough...! If our Nation as a government isn't going to halt this crap, once and for all, we will; and then we'll all come back and deal with the ones who wouldn't. Last chance, Swamp...!".

We did that back last November, and the intended improvements are not yet in evidence. Maybe this is the straw that gets the camel up off its knees and using teeth.

On a side note, the Romans conquered the entire known world, but there were no guns back then...

...And there's more out there in that swamp than just them Liberals...


BTDT, and I got the shirt, too...

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Very well said, I agree. I predicted our current situation just after the 2012 election. When I heard people freaking out about Obama and how the Democrats were truly showing their communist colors, I was looking at how America was going to reject this leftist vision soon. I believed that the louder the leftist voices became, the more America would reject it and I was right...that's what's happening...that's why we have Trump.
The internet has changed the world. Communication is so efficient now that we can hear everyone's opinion across the planet in real time. So things move fast now. Social media is the new nightly news, it's where people get their info from. So it's the new power, but it's a two-edged sword and it cuts both ways. The leftist/liberal/progressive/marxist/communist/democrats weren't counting on that and it's destroying them at a rapid pace.

So please leftists, keep doing what you are doing. Keep rioting, keep name calling, keep shutting down opposing speech, keep engaging in fascist tactics, keep being the stupid liberals that you are because America is now seeing that you are communist scum and America is rejecting you.
So I was having a conversation tonight with a Chicago PD sgt. that is in AZ on vacation and out of the blue he starts talking about Nov. 4th and how Chicago PD is gearing up for this. Up to this point I didn't expect this to be a very big deal but he said that they have been following the movement for some time and are very concerned with LE and hospitals being overwhelmed.
I'll be passing through Columbus on my way to a sporting clays shoot on the 4th. I think an AR with a couple of mags will go along with the shotgun and the pistol that day.
I seriously doubt that in my very rural town that anything will come form this but I can hope.
I would be behind my local Blue Line in full support of them, and would give them the courtesy of shouting "Duck" before ever unleashing something from afar to help them out when they are too hesitant.
There has to be some good come from all of the training Uncle Sam gave me back in the late 60s.before I go under from natural causes. FM
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Search ARRL or E-ham yourself Mr expert.

You have some serious problems discerning fact from fiction. That zerohedge "article" is a fucking joke mixing completely unrelated topics into one big bizarre conspiratorial editorial.

You're welcome to believe whatever you want. Don't expect others to laugh at it when you show us what it is.

Like I said, I'll let you know if I need to start my generator or light a few candles.
You have some serious problems discerning fact from fiction. That zerohedge "article" is a fucking joke mixing completely unrelated topics into one big bizarre conspiratorial editorial.

You're welcome to believe whatever you want. Don't expect others to laugh at it when you show us what it is.

Like I said, I'll let you know if I need to start my generator or light a few candles.

Did you miss the word test?
Did you miss the word test?

No, I did not. It means nothing will happen to the fucking grid on the 4th

Which makes your entire post about "more evidence" even more tinfoil-hat-loony-tunes. Which begs the question, what was your point anyway?

And this: "That zerohedge "article" is a fucking joke mixing completely unrelated topics into one big bizarre conspiratorial editorial" is still correct