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Ok, who snitched AJ....

Banned, unbanned I don't know but I generally find people with a love of freedom and liberty to be the 1st ones to jump in the hole with ya and stay to the end. I enjoy AJ's rants.
Oh ya, if you're truly offended by remarks on a public forum put some dicks in a picnic basket and head for city park.
Just sayin...
Banned, unbanned I don't know but I generally find people with a love of freedom and liberty to be the 1st ones to jump in the hole with ya and stay to the end. I enjoy AJ's rants.
Oh ya, if you're truly offended by remarks on a public forum put some dicks in a picnic basket and head for city park.
Just sayin...
Clearly not everyone who comes here has a love of freedom and liberty. There are a few commies, but probably more right wing authoritarians. You know, the kind of people who pine to be on a zoning board, and who aren't happy unless they're making someone else unhappy.
A mod could have just been reading the forum (hey, it's possible), saw the rant and...

We have a mod named Comidus? That's so fekking cool!
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Hope AJ is out banging away, like I was this am. 120rds of Subs, 10 rds of HS, 250 rds of 357 an 50rds of 22lr. Beats the shit out of shit bag key broad comando's that have nothing better to do than talk shit on the net. Makes me even wonder of the fucks are old enough to own a gun? Could be the jackoffs are in the prohibited class, of maybe just fucking whatabee desk jockeys, parroting true BTDT types.
In your honor @ArmyJerry ?

Ha, that reminded me of my younger days in Maine. We got escorted off an island for pulling wheelies on Main Street. One of our crew had a suspended license so a deputy drove his bike to the ferry. No tickets though. Boy that sheriff was pissed when he caught up with us. Threw his hat on his hood. He calm down because we were all respectful and turned out to be an ok dude.....
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Hope AJ is out banging away, like I was this am. 120rds of Subs, 10 rds of HS, 250 rds of 357 an 50rds of 22lr. Beats the shit out of shit bag key broad comando's that have nothing better to do than talk shit on the net. Makes me even wonder of the fucks are old enough to own a gun? Could be the jackoffs are in the prohibited class, of maybe just fucking whatabee desk jockeys, parroting true BTDT types.
You are obviously a comminaziwarmonger, I might not recover from your name calling and gun bullying. How do I unread what I have read? Fuck Fuck what now...
Who disabled my REPORT button? All these cocksuckers saying whats on their minds, trolling for a laugh.
Sick bastards.
Just sayin...
Laughing at that junk, AJ would never have that shit on his property.
Much like everywhere else, some asshole starts motherfucking someone that can't be there to defend their self, then the fuck balls show up to pile on. This thread tells me real quick who is real an who is fake as shit.
Fucking cunt's,...
After reading the 3 pages of shit, this is the only post that I could have written myself.
In the real world "Snitches are Bitches"
There are more fagots on here than men anymore. Long ago it was the other way around, the interesting thing is it's easier these days to spot them. Once you start reading the threads nailing down the POS/s is easy. I don't care who they are or what they do, if they can't man the fuck up hidden behind a key board, I would not what the fuck ball watching my back,...
This junk happens every time AJ watches Jarhead and Full Metal Jacket back to back, it sets him off.

His wife has requested the bear pit to quit sending him those movies, she said she has burned 69 copies of each now, and hes got so many stashes of ammo cans she cant check them all fast enough to get rid of all the movie copies.

She said send Apocalypse Now, that the tiger attack really makes him laugh and when the boat goes into Kurtz camp, all the bodies hanging soothes him into the most peaceful sleep he gets now.

Remember, send Apocalypse Now, not Jarhead or FMJ. ..

What's funny is of all the shit I had to put up with in the 13 years I been a part of this site, I think I only reported people like twice. Once was for deletion of a thread that I made that went totally the wrong way and the other was to delete certain pics of me that were posted that Lowlight had said he didn't want to see posted anymore and I didn't want people getting banned because of me.
There are more fagots on here than men anymore. Long ago it was the other way around, the interesting thing is it's easier these days to spot them. Once you start reading the threads nailing down the POS/s is easy. I don't care who they are or what they do, if they can't man the fuck up hidden behind a key board, I would not what the fuck ball watching my back,...
Coast guard Jerry isn't a fagot, he's ammosexual.

Anything that fits in the hole and goes bang.
You all DO realize that at one point in time this site was made up of men who had thick skins and no one got banned. Well, except for a guy who liked tractors and was actually a nice guy but not a hard ass like the rest of us. Some of you are just too weak for this place and it shows.
Instead of scrolling past something, or reading and moving on, you act like the thin skinned pussy you are. Pretty much the only things that should make you pissed are attacks on your family, wife, kids or dog, and maybe you car or bike. Outside of that, as far as I'm concerned, the lamp is lit for offending the shitstains who really don't belong here and ridding this site of the weak chaff that serves no other purpose other than to report and be offended.
Damn, can't even PM him for his side of the story. Solitary confinement is how it works I guess.

Shit I am curious now to what the hell hsppened too. He posted a thread right before he got locked. He definitely did not get permabanned. His avatar sigline has not changed. There are some people here whose avatar sigs read "Banhammer", like Cupid Stunt. Those folks got the treatment, and I believe you REALLY got to cross a line to earn that.
Damn, can't even PM him for his side of the story. Solitary confinement is how it works I guess.

I texted him and I'll leave it up to him, if he chooses, to explain, but as has been said many times, this ain't the old Hide unfortunately and we do have some weak sauce amongst us. Shame. You want a pat on the head and people to marvel at your big dick? Not here sweetie. Not here

Hurry back my friend.

And I'll add this, like it really needs to be said, but I've got first hand knowledge of just how big this guys heart is, and it's BIG! This fucking guy has stepped up so many times in HUGE ways it'd make your head swim. Some think they know him. They don't. One of thee most steadfast people on here, EVERY DAY!

I agree with one exception.

If a dude is so in love with his bike or car that he gets mad when someone talks smack about it, he should move on.
Its one thing to take pride in what a man has worked for and I applaud that.

I keep working with my 7 yr old about ignoring what people say instead of always freaking out about it. Girls!