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Ok, who snitched AJ....

It seems the content in question is missing . AJ and I forget who were arguing over
a court case/decision . It really didn't seem that big a deal dor the pit . Any ways Army Jerry is good people in my book . I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with him any day . Jerry says and tells it like it is . In a world full of cisgendered bitches it's refreshing to know where a man stands and where you stand with that man .
Hurry back Jerry .
I think someone who’s adept at computer stuff and social media and whatnot should make a Wikipedia page about ArmyJerry. Then we could all add facts and anecdotes to it.
Maybe someone like @Maser could do it.

Or perhaps you could wait until he's back before continuing with the ball busting. You know, give the man a chance to respond.
I hope he’s ok. We are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon together. I’ll be riding bitch and covering the costs. Maybe he’ll use this time to fabricate some training wheels to prevent accidental wheelies as I am not a small man. He and I discussed this in one of the threads.
We miss you Jerry.
Not a lot but we do miss you.
Or perhaps you could wait until he's back before continuing with the ball busting. You know, give the man a chance to respond.
Who’s ball busting? I’m serious. It could be epic!
Besides, AJ ranks #1 as far as being thick skinned. (Thick headed too).
He’d probably be pissed if we didn’t have some fun with this.
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I hope he’s ok. We are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon together. I’ll be riding bitch and covering the costs. Maybe he’ll use this time to fabricate some training wheels to prevent accidental wheelies as I am not a small man. He and I discussed this in one of the threads.
We miss you Jerry.
Not a lot but we do miss you.


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I hope he’s ok. We are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon together. I’ll be riding bitch and covering the costs. Maybe he’ll use this time to fabricate some training wheels to prevent accidental wheelies as I am not a small man. He and I discussed this in one of the threads.
We miss you Jerry.
Not a lot but we do miss you.
Only way to ride bitch with a fellow dude
I texted him and I'll leave it up to him, if he chooses, to explain, but as has been said many times, this ain't the old Hide unfortunately and we do have some weak sauce amongst us. Shame. You want a pat on the head and people to marvel at your big dick? Not here sweetie. Not here

Hurry back my friend.

And I'll add this, like it really needs to be said, but I've got first hand knowledge of just how big this guys heart is, and it's BIG! This fucking guy has stepped up so many times in HUGE ways it'd make your head swim. Some think they know him. They don't. One of thee most steadfast people on here, EVERY DAY!
He’s one of my favorite on the site! He’s pretty damn spot on with most of the things he says. Hope he’s not gone long!
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Okay, he challenged a newcomer to a duel. Not just one of us. You can't challenge a newcomer to a duel. They think it is real and freak out. It is in the rule book or something. Newcomer was on acid or some kinda shit like that. Fucking freaked out throwing up and shit. Not cool.
Fuck that, as soon as I started making counterpoints in the Pit, AJ, W54x, Theis, Veer and others were all up in my face calling me a socialist commie feg and shit. This was 3 weeks into my account. I didn't bitch and moan, I put up a fight until AJ came to the dark side and became a Bernie bro like me. Matter of fact, that was the exact same thread he eventually got banned. Maybe Snipershide AI couldn't handle that (calling AJ a leftist and liberal was gold btw :))
There oughta be a landing page before you enter the Bear Pit that says pussies should enter at their own risk and any bans that originate from the Bear Pit are automatically dismissed (except for universally horrendous shit which is upto HMFIC)

I'ma miss you AJ, I bought so much ammo because of the paranoia you instilled in me. Godspeed.
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When I joined the Hide, I read. And read. And read. And read some more. Asked a couple questions.

Posted thoughts to questions I actually had a morsel to add to. Never as the end all answer.
I dont get these new guys who do.

Oh well. I also wont get into it with people on the interwebz. Doesnt benefit me at all.
Fuck that, as soon as I started making counterpoints in the Pit, AJ, W54x, Theis, Veer and others were all up in my face calling me a socialist commie feg and shit. This was 3 weeks into my account. I didn't bitch and moan, I put up a fight until AJ came to the dark side and became a Bernie bro like me. Matter of fact, that was the exact same thread he eventually got banned. Maybe Snipershide AI couldn't handle that (calling AJ a leftist and liberal was gold btw :))
There oughta be a landing page before you enter the Bear Pit that says pussies should enter at their own risk and any bans that originate from the Bear Pit are automatically dismissed (except for universally horrendous shit which is upto HMFIC)

I'ma miss you AJ, I bought so much ammo because of the paranoia you instilled in me. Godspeed.
AJ fer Bernie the tardded raisin?

What was the cause?

Someone above 'touched" on some NOOB triggering him..................

I'll leave it up to @ArmyJerry to divulge or not the actual infraction. I take it for granite that those I share comms with on here don't automatically give me the green light to talk about our conversations, and vice a versa. Plus I hate playing the middle man. Slippery slope n all. ;) I'm certain he'll share though in his own way. :LOL:
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I wonder how often admins check IP for alternate accounts. There's gotta be a riptide to all the crazy fuckers washing out of the Pit, I bet a few get back here and there.

Often. I know a guy that got banned, thought he'd be funny and opened (accidentally) another account and got the only double Ban I'm aware of. Rob and Tucker were playing Tug-o-War over some damn thing. The guy PM'd the HMFIC and was released from Jail. Fucking EPIC.
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Good call Mr Shartz.

I wonder what I could accomplish in 30 days of not posting on the Hide??

It's what I told him, "Get some shit done". In the meantime I'm sending out a care package to tide him over and put a smile on his face. Stopped by a couple local establishments today and the Post Office for a box.
AJ fer Bernie the tardded raisin?

The argument (and this is heavily summated) was that wade didnt agree that felons should have the right to vote but AJ being the strict constitutionalist he is says they do have the right to vote. Bernie just came out saying felons should be allowed to vote in prison. I bet AJ was saying once a felon does the time then they should be allowed to vote but I took it even further saying he agreed with Bernie. Then insults were thrown and someone got offended and BAM...Banhammer
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