I'm good at making mistakes

, less of them as I get older

, not trying to be mean but did you even LOOK at that before you cut the chamber ? I worked for a tool and die company and got a feel for how much stock gets left on stuff to grind, that part for sure was made wrong on the lathe, then ground incorrectly too, IE they shot for the wrong number from the start. I have seen some silly mistakes over the years, one of them the person drawing the part in cad pulled the dimension of a hole dia from the chamfer not the hole ID..so the hole dia +-.001" was precision ground to end up .06" oversize for what was supposed to be a precise slip fit. Then the parts got remade AGAIN in a rush to be made on lathe, have mill work done, go to heat treat and grind, and AGAIN discover on assembly that the fit was sloppy

I guess we can never have back what was, but my first purchases from Dave Kiff were back when he advertised every month in several magazines for live pilot wildcat specials for something like $125 and delivery was 3 weeks. That was when Manson had just left Clymer and Clymer was a LOT more $$ and a LOT longer delivery time. Manson was not well set up yet. That apparently was a good market for Pacific Precision (what the company name was then) because the reamers seemed nice, the delivery was good, etc.
I think the 2008 run on guns, ammo, barrels and the like, the gulf wars did their part too put some mfg where they could make a lot more money and kind of set their traditional smaller customers aside. ...or put them way down on the priority list.