Hunting & Fishing Palin hunting Video

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I proudly profess to be a Palin supporter. Call me a lemming or what ever you like. I am actively into politics and believe the only "baggage" she carries is she is polarizing. To me that means she tells it like it is and doesn't mince words or lie.

If she runs I will help her in my area as best as I can. If she losses the primary I will support whoever wins and pray that will be a pro 2nd amendment candidate.

Palin has switched people over just because of her gender and I believe she is genuine. I truly believe she is not "in it" for the money. Anyone think that being a politician makes you wealthy is crazy compared to the money that person could make in the private sector. How many millions does one make with a few best selling books.

I honestly was really surprised to read through all the posts of how much they hate Palin. I figured on a firearms forum you would get some "I don't really like her" and some of the "xxx is so much more pro hunting, pro 2nd amendment" but geeze this make me think we are in for a lot of turn in that evil black gun at your local Sheriffs dept. in 2012.

Flame all you want I have Nomex undies and they are pink pokadots. </div></div>

I'm right there with ya buddy!!!
Re: Palin hunting Video

I'm a fan, maybe not of her hunting, but like her being level and forward.
Really would have liked it if she was a bit more gun savy, but at least she is out there.
Re: Palin hunting Video

did no one notice that she hit the animal with the first shot after changing guns? perhaps the first gun was not sighted in properly. i would be willing to bet that most of the spouses here that do shoot are no annie oakly when it comes to operation and handling of the firearms. i believe she has the best interest of my country in her heart. thats all i really need to know.

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I proudly profess to be a Palin supporter. Call me a lemming or what ever you like. I am actively into politics and believe the only "baggage" she carries is she is polarizing. To me that means she tells it like it is and doesn't mince words or lie.

If she runs I will help her in my area as best as I can. If she losses the primary I will support whoever wins and pray that will be a pro 2nd amendment candidate.

Palin has switched people over just because of her gender and I believe she is genuine. I truly believe she is not "in it" for the money. Anyone think that being a politician makes you wealthy is crazy compared to the money that person could make in the private sector. How many millions does one make with a few best selling books.

I honestly was really surprised to read through all the posts of how much they hate Palin. I figured on a firearms forum you would get some "I don't really like her" and some of the "xxx is so much more pro hunting, pro 2nd amendment" but geeze this make me think we are in for a lot of turn in that evil black gun at your local Sheriffs dept. in 2012.

Flame all you want I have Nomex undies and they are pink pokadots. </div></div>

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GUNNER75</div><div class="ubbcode-body">..but at least she is out there. </div></div>

So that's all it takes? To be "out there?" What does that mean? I suspect there's plenty of people "out there" who have no earthly business even leaving the house. Doesn't make them hunters.

Fine, she put on some boots and a coat and ventured outdoors. Bully for Palin. I'd have a little more respect for her if she told it like it was. Something like...

"Yeah, I occasionally accompany my dad when he goes hunting. Its great, sometimes he'll even let me hold the bangstick while he takes a picture, and this one time he actually let me pull the trigger thingy on it! He said it didn't kick but it kinda did."

All this xena the warrior princess stuff really loses a lot of its flavor when you watch that clip. People call her a "straight shooter" well... not so much... in more ways than one.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: selfbowhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">did no one notice that she hit the animal with the first shot after changing guns? perhaps the first gun was not sighted in properly. </div></div>

Yeah, sure I agree. I'd be willing to bet the first rifle wasn't on. That doesn't change the situation. For one, we don't know how many rounds went through the second rifle, we know what they allowed us the veiwers to see. More importantly, she's asking if a weapon 'kicks' indicating she's never fired it, she's not operating anything but the damn trigger, and then she gets the second wepaon handed to her 'safety off.'

On the face of it, there's not a whole lot wrong with the above, if we're talking about a guy and his 11 year old daughter out in the field for the first time. I wouldn't do it that way, but I wouldn't foam at the mouth over it like I have in this thread either.

What we have is a political pundit who tries to connect with a certain group of people and tries to identify herself in a certain way. What I saw in that video IS NOT consistent with the image she has portrayed of herslef.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: skinney</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: COURAGEWOLF</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The same could be said of first amendment supporters and people like Julian Assange. Would you applaud him for standing up for freedom of speach? I'm assuming you believe strongly in the first amendment. </div></div>
hmmm... a woman trying to shoot an animal with a rifle thats off 0 (she doesn't know is off 0), who agrees with our rights and hunting privileges and loves our country..., compared to wikileaks releasing classified docs, with means of trying to destroy our country... i am all for the 1st amend, but assange releasing classified leaks... i don't call that freedom of SPEECH..., call it what you will.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: COURAGEWOLF</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While I don't find her appealing politically I do feel she loves her country and what it stands for. Sure funny how some of you 'males' of superior intelligence would have no issues with posting the same flipping antics of your wife or girlfriend and defend their incompetence with a firearm and hunting till death!! Seen it here numerous times over the yrs! Guess it is easy to critique someone else when 'we' ourselves are all so competent and proficient huh??? Would love to hear some of the excuses for the inability to competently hit the caribou from some of you. Ammo? Airline dropped the rifle? Shitty scope? Rotation of the earth different above the Artic Circle? You was looking at Russia and not concentrating?

Give the woman a break. We as a shooting community are fighting for every able body we can muster to defend our rights and our sport! I am sure 'we'(myself included) would never or have never done what she did. Give her credit for not demanding the vid be edited to show 'political and hunting' correctness!!!! Her 'incompetence' may well bring hundreds of women to the ranges seeing as many of their husbands won't!

I am willing to bet that 90%+ of the shooters on this forum NEVER 100% of the time outshoot their rifle!!!

Now rag on my ass awhile! I am an imperfect big boy!

Dennis </div></div>

If someone posts a video of their wife taking several shots repeatedly at a live animal she's obviously in no shape to actually hit(it's maybe 200 yards away bullets should all be landing near the lung region) I will be the first to call both them and their wife a retard for not exhibiting plain old fashioned common sense.

If we were to magnify the situation by putting it on some bullshit reality TV show making them look like an idiot in front of the entire country for the love of money that goes doubly so.

There's nothing wrong with calling a duck a duck when it's quacking into your face.

I'm certain she loves her country to. How that helps her case in this situation I don't understand though loving your country isn't just some excuse for incompetence. I mean, she's trying to convince people that this is a big part of her life, and that it's something she grew up with, and yet she's got someone else cycling the bolt action for her?

Seems pretty suspicious to me. She's either incompetent, or putting up a facade you pick. </div></div>

You have valid points which I can't argue with! Everyone should be proficient with their rifle for the sake of humane kills. With that being said over 40yrs of watching local, out of area and out of state hunters shoot deer, antelope and prairie dogs I can't count the number of 'proficient MALE' hunters from teenagers to 60+yr old I have witnessed empty a rifle and not hit anywhere close to suppodedly POA more less the critter itself!!!! Look at some of the pics guys here post of their wives/girlfriends shooting, post the same critiques on those pics as you are about this issue!!! Shouldn't be a difference if we are discussing form, correct and experienced firearms handling etc should there????

I have 100,000+ rds behind me and have scared many a coyote. They ran until they stroked out while I stood there in 'disbelief' with an empty rifle that WAS capable of hitting POA!!
Shit happens but that don't justify the name calling and ego's 'we' males have demonstated here! She is just human and to her credit didn't make a bunch of horseshit excuses like many MEN I have met, shot with or read about on this forum!!!

Just pisses me off at the 'perfection' that supposedly exists with many of the SH members who have no issues with condemning others because of sex, background, etc. Yes, she is probably doing most of it for the money and publicity, how does that make her different than other celebrities? Guess she needs implants? No morales? Screw 59 different guys??? She needs the morales of an NBA player? I'll bet everything I own she thinks more of her consitution, country and state then Hollyweird celebs do!!!

Now I am done with MY opinion!!!

Dennis </div></div>
Dennis damn fine opinion.</div></div>

I actually do agree with some of the above as well - I mean if its Hillary vs. Sarah who would be want to represent "America". Anyway, I heard her forte was shot gun anyway, not bolt gun. I admire a lot of what she stands for, although probably wouldn't want her as CIC.
Re: Palin hunting Video

Going to mix religion into this violate mix

During my big game hunting days I often believed that the animals I took were gifts-they had to be I wasn't that good but still managed to keep the freezer full. This video just again confirmed that. Sarah then took what looked like a much more diffucult frontal shot and connected. WOW!
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Originally Posted By: GUNNER75
..but at least she is out there.

So that's all it takes? To be "out there?" What does that mean? I suspect there's plenty of people "out there" who have no earthly business even leaving the house. Doesn't make them hunters.

Fine, she put on some boots and a coat and ventured outdoors. Bully for Palin. I'd have a little more respect for her if she told it like it was. Something like...

"Yeah, I occasionally accompany my dad when he goes hunting. Its great, sometimes he'll even let me hold the bangstick while he takes a picture, and this one time he actually let me pull the trigger thingy on it! He said it didn't kick but it kinda did."

All this xena the warrior princess stuff really loses a lot of its flavor when you watch that clip. People call her a "straight shooter" well... not so much... in more ways than one.</div></div>

I see it only as this. I give her points for going hunting, not just talking about it. That's all.
Re: Palin hunting Video

First, yes I know Sarah, my daughter worked on her Gov campaign. Sarah says her family lives off hunting and fishing, many Alaskans live off the land, she does not say I. Sarah says she supports that and is for working hard Americans and 100% Amendment II rights. Chuck her dad and Todd her husband hunt and fish to put food on the table, Sarah got into politics and left a lot of that behind. Chuck says, thank you Sarah for bringing back memories of us hunting as she gets into the Piper Cub. Chuck falls head first onto his rifle, happens every year in Alaska knocking zero off. I have seen broken stocks and scopes. Sarah goes from a 22.250Rem recoil to a 338Win, slight difference in recoil and many will not admit it but they would ask the same question. She shoots trap and has no issue with recoil. I do many things for my daughter and wife in the Alaskan bush, just the way it is with some of us dads and husbands. I would work the bolt too, just the way it is in my family and my sons would do the same for their sister and mom.

Unless you have actually hunted in Alaska, hunted the slope, tipped over a bou, you do not know what the hunting is like. If you have not walked on tundra, it is like walking on wet basketballs for miles. Sometimes bou walk into camp, other times you walk for miles, glass for hours, nothing.

Many so called super outdoorsmen show up in Alaska to get their tail tucked. I was a guide, several close buds too. Bull fever runs rapid with many once the shot is ready. I have seen hunters empty their mag with a bolt gun never taking a shot and these were so called killed a deer every year hunter. Seen hunters keep pulling the trigger with safety on.

Not sure why but it is amazing Sarah has so many haters and really amazing those on her side the most. She 100% supports right to carry nation wide, own and use all firearms, hunting rights, I would guess very few if any inside the belt way would have as strong a voice for gun rights as Sarah.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: blklabs</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We finally have someone who gives a damn about our traditions and way of life and everyone rags her. I don't think she is an awesome person, hunter, or politician, but don't rag the woman for showing that on TV. How about you tell her congrats for having the balls to put that on the TV and keep your criticism for the liberals.

One of these days we will take lessons from the other side and grow a backbone and stand together instead of criticizing our own team. </div></div>

X2. I don't think she should be Pres, but hell, at least she shoots and she's not against us.
Re: Palin hunting Video

Stuff happens in the field and people get super excited when game present. Looks to me like the gun was dropped or the father fell on it and the scope was off. It could happen to anyone, you fall bump the rifle and then a caribou shows up. You forget about bumping the rifle and you miss. She got excited when she started shooting at the caribou and her farther worked the bolt for her. I could see that happening to my wife, she knows how to shoot but if she was excited she might forget to cycle the bolt. When people get super excited they tend to overlook some things.
Just my opinion.
Re: Palin hunting Video

I don't know...maybe she's got something there...I'm going out this afternoon for the last day of deer season...anybody want to come along and run my bolt for me? Kinda like having a loader on a driven pheasant shoot...
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GUNNER75</div><div class="ubbcode-body">..but at least she is out there. </div></div>

So that's all it takes? To be "out there?" What does that mean? I suspect there's plenty of people "out there" who have no earthly business even leaving the house. Doesn't make them hunters.

Fine, she put on some boots and a coat and ventured outdoors. Bully for Palin. I'd have a little more respect for her if she told it like it was. Something like...

"Yeah, I occasionally accompany my dad when he goes hunting. Its great, sometimes he'll even let me hold the bangstick while he takes a picture, and this one time he actually let me pull the trigger thingy on it! He said it didn't kick but it kinda did."

All this xena the warrior princess stuff really loses a lot of its flavor when you watch that clip. People call her a "straight shooter" well... not so much... in more ways than one. </div></div>

I am sorry, but taking a gun into the woods, and bringing back meat, that makes you a hunter. Taking a gun into the woods and pontificating about the "Humane Kill" and "Real Hunters" is just plain lame, even if you bring back meat. Of course not all of us can be the Uber hunter that you appear to be. Please continue as your post are so enligtening.

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: selfbowhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">did no one notice that she hit the animal with the first shot after changing guns? perhaps the first gun was not sighted in properly. </div></div>

Yeah, sure I agree. I'd be willing to bet the first rifle wasn't on. That doesn't change the situation. For one, we don't know how many rounds went through the second rifle, we know what they allowed us the veiwers to see. More importantly, she's asking if a weapon 'kicks' indicating she's never fired it, she's not operating anything but the damn trigger, and then she gets the second wepaon handed to her 'safety off.'

On the face of it, there's not a whole lot wrong with the above, if we're talking about a guy and his 11 year old daughter out in the field for the first time. I wouldn't do it that way, but I wouldn't foam at the mouth over it like I have in this thread either.

What we have is a political pundit who tries to connect with a certain group of people and tries to identify herself in a certain way. What I saw in that video IS NOT consistent with the image she has portrayed of herslef. </div></div>

Again, did you even watch the video. The rifle not being zeroed, doesn't change the situation. OK, so you just flew into the bush, set up a remote camp, and your hunting via pack. You learn your rifle is off zero after several shots that should have downed the animal, so you would just scrap the hunt, and not shoot your hunting buddy's rifle. Right, I believe that nonsense.

Things happen, dear old dad took a spill on the hike, could his rifle's zero had been off from the knock. It was clearly apparent that dad was befuddled why his dughter hadn't hit the animal, even stating, it must be off after the third or fourth shot. As for cycling the rifle, it looked more like a fustrated dad, who was trying to refrain from shooting the rifle himself. Which in part was probably because of the film crew. So lets see what you would have done in that situation, I seriously doubt you would have packed up and went home, you would have taken the rifle and shot at the deer yourself probably, and then when you missed, what, use your buddy's gun.

You don't like Palin, thats fine, I don't particularly care for her either, but don't make excuses as to why you are so much more high and mighty as a hunter. Foaming at the mouth, get over yourself.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: skinney</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I proudly profess to be a Palin supporter. Call me a lemming or what ever you like. I am actively into politics and believe the only "baggage" she carries is she is polarizing. To me that means she tells it like it is and doesn't mince words or lie.

If she runs I will help her in my area as best as I can. If she losses the primary I will support whoever wins and pray that will be a pro 2nd amendment candidate.

Palin has switched people over just because of her gender and I believe she is genuine. I truly believe she is not "in it" for the money. Anyone think that being a politician makes you wealthy is crazy compared to the money that person could make in the private sector. How many millions does one make with a few best selling books.

I honestly was really surprised to read through all the posts of how much they hate Palin. I figured on a firearms forum you would get some "I don't really like her" and some of the "xxx is so much more pro hunting, pro 2nd amendment" but geeze this make me think we are in for a lot of turn in that evil black gun at your local Sheriffs dept. in 2012.

Flame all you want I have Nomex undies and they are pink pokadots. </div></div>

I'm right there with ya buddy!!! </div></div>

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am sorry, but taking a gun into the woods, and bringing back meat, that makes you a hunter. Taking a gun into the woods and pontificating about the "Humane Kill" and "Real Hunters" is just plain lame, even if you bring back meat. Of course not all of us can be the Uber hunter that you appear to be. Please continue as your post are so enligtening.</div></div>

I never proclaimed to be any kind of hunter at all, just that<span style="font-style: italic"> she </span>wasn't one. I stand by that statement. She didn't take a gun into the woods and bring back meat, she accompanied a couple of hunters into the woods who brought back meat. Like I've said there is nothing wrong with that at all, but strutting around talking like she's Daniel Boone and then showing the world this video was a bad idea.

Make all the excuses for her you want. She's not a hunter. She comes from a family that hunts and decided to make a movie about it.

I'm also growing weary of all this "Not bad for a girl" bullshit. If you're gonna suit up I don't give a damn what's between your legs. This thread is a shining example of why women have no place in the combat arms fields. Not because she can't operate a rifle but because of all you swinging dicks that came immediately to her defense with the "she's just a girl" crap when she got called out on the carpet.

Had some male "gun and hunter advocate" politician made this embarrassing waste of sperm you all would have let him have it.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...but don't make excuses as to why you are so much more high and mighty as a hunter. Foaming at the mouth, get over yourself. </div></div>

Again, where the hell did I say anything about my hunting? Re-read what I posted. This is not about me, I wasn't the one that posted a video. When I post a video of me pretending to hunt while two real hunters do all the work then you can critique my abilities just like we get to critique hers. This is Palin's thread, not mine.

But since you're so eager to hear about me I will say I taught my kids to properly, safely operate a firearm before I taught them to kill with it. I learned in the same sequence.
Re: Palin hunting Video

I sure wish you would have been my daddy so I would have all them 'perfect' and 'infallable' genes you have. Oh well :>(

Yesterday I dropped the bolt and pulled the trigger on a yote. It went click!!! Stupid me thought I had a round in the chamber. You'd think being in my 50's, shooting around 100K rds in my life, killing 3-400 fox and coyote and probably 5K+pdogs, couple of bear and who knows how many deer/antelope and being a MALE that would have NEVER happened. I was by myself so with all of the above attributes I wonder why that happened??? Hmmmmm

#1...I must NOT be a HUNTER

#2...I must be incompetent and have an inny instead of an outy between my legs

#3...I didn't have someone to operate my bolt

#4..1812 must not be my daddy

#5..oh wait, all of the above, 1812 would never have any of these issues because he is what..........?
Re: Palin hunting Video

It is plainly clear to me that there are very few guys commenting on this that have ever fired a gun at an animal paper targets don't count. Let's analyze

1)The scope was off clearly, I have had that happen more times than one. How many ever check the zero on your gun after getting off a flight and setting up camp

2)She was getting pressure from the other two. And if you've ever had any experience with hunting under the pressure of being with others it's kinda like having to pee while everybody's watching you try to perform.

3)Her dad was'nt wanting her to shoot the other rifle, but when she did it was over with one shot

With that being said if you could press the EASY button and exchange her right now, (for the clown that is in the whitehouse). you would do it or you would'nt be on a forum that supports 2nd ammendment rights like this one.
Re: Palin hunting Video

I think most people are missing the most important point here.
When she switched to the Savage, that caribou's life was over!
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I sure wish you would have been my daddy so I would have all them 'perfect' and 'infallable' genes you have. Oh well :>(</div></div>

LOL. Such is life. I wish my dad had been Chesty Puller. We just don't get to pick these things. I guess its tough luck for both of us. But... How do you know I'm not your dad?
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lovain1932</div><div class="ubbcode-body">With that being said if you could press the EASY button and exchange her right now, (for the clown that is in the whitehouse). you would do it or you would'nt be on a forum that supports 2nd ammendment rights like this one. </div></div>

Sure. But I'd press the same button with a wooden coat rack as the exchange. Your point is?
Re: Palin hunting Video

So I can pretty much sum this up.

A politician who supports gun rights, and is a proficient shooter.
is greater than;
A politician who supports gun rights, but isn't personally a proficient shooter.
is greater than;
A politician that doesn't support gun rights, but is a proficient shooter.
is greater than;
Politician that doesn't support gun rights, and won't even pick up a gun.

I support a lot of things that I am not personally good at. And if I had a camera there while I was learning all the things that I am actually good at, you guys would be ripping my video right now.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Witch Doctor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am sorry, but taking a gun into the woods, and bringing back meat, that makes you a hunter. Taking a gun into the woods and pontificating about the "Humane Kill" and "Real Hunters" is just plain lame, even if you bring back meat. Of course not all of us can be the Uber hunter that you appear to be. Please continue as your post are so enligtening.</div></div>

I never proclaimed to be any kind of hunter at all, just that<span style="font-style: italic"> she </span>wasn't one. I stand by that statement. She didn't take a gun into the woods and bring back meat, she accompanied a couple of hunters into the woods who brought back meat. Like I've said there is nothing wrong with that at all, but strutting around talking like she's Daniel Boone and then showing the world this video was a bad idea.

Make all the excuses for her you want. She's not a hunter. She comes from a family that hunts and decided to make a movie about it.

I'm also growing weary of all this "Not bad for a girl" bullshit. If you're gonna suit up I don't give a damn what's between your legs. This thread is a shining example of why women have no place in the combat arms fields. Not because she can't operate a rifle but because of all you swinging dicks that came immediately to her defense with the "she's just a girl" crap when she got called out on the carpet.

Had some male "gun and hunter advocate" politician made this embarrassing waste of sperm you all would have let him have it.

If you cannot see shear condescension in your posts, with this last one being ever so glaring, maybe you should just turn off the computer, sell your guns and take up knitting.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I sure wish you would have been my daddy so I would have all them 'perfect' and 'infallable' genes you have. Oh well :>(</div></div>

LOL. Such is life. I wish my dad had been Chesty Puller. We just don't get to pick these things. I guess its tough luck for both of us. But... How do you know I'm not your dad? </div></div>

This is just to easy to answer....because my mother couldn't lie or say 'shit' if she had a mouthfull! She told me my real daddy was an honest hard working man who never stole, never lied, worked real hard, didn't think he was better than anyone else, didn't think he was perfect, would never take a dime he didn't earn, never made fun of people whos views were different than his, never thought he was smarter than anyone else and would never think of running someone down who made an effort to do right, be honest,worked hard,... especially someone he had never met!!!
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GUNNER75</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I vote this be deleted, tucker301, not sure I can hold out anymore! </div></div>

It's not my call.
Besides, I'm enjoying it!
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: selfbowhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">did no one notice that she hit the animal with the first shot after changing guns?</div></div>

Apparently you and I are the only ones who saw that.

I watched the TV show and when they got back to camp the dad (rifle owner) couldn't even hit anything with that rifle.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shot In The Dark</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: selfbowhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">did no one notice that she hit the animal with the first shot after changing guns?</div></div>

Apparently you and I are the only ones who saw that.

I watched the TV show and when they got back to camp the dad (rifle owner) couldn't even hit anything with that rifle.</div></div>
Saw that also. When Pops fell face first that was the first thing I thought after the first couple of misses.
I thought that Dad running the bolt was just a dad that was wanting to do to much for his daughter. I have the same problem at times with mine and have to step back and let her learn. When I saw her busting clays with the over under she is obviously someone familiar with firearms. Heck I have never been able to hit one of those friggin' rabbit clays. Don't know why maybe just not enough practice. In the next episode it looks like she is running a pump 12 gauge pretty well also.

Like I said before just can't understand the hate for this woman. I see her showing people how great Alaska is and how much she loves it. If it were not so dang cold up there I would love to live there. I really had no idea it was so beautiful there but now I do.
Re: Palin hunting Video

I was flipping through channels and happened to catch the show. It was about as hokey as that Bear Grylls guy running around breathlessly cooling off in his own urine, etc. No more, no less. To their credit, they didn't edit out the bad shooting. I'm sure a lot of hunting shows would. It was kind of surprising that they kept trying the same rifle over and over. If anything, it was like dear old Dad was doubting her shooting ability.

Becker (the friend) is kind of goofy, but seemed to know his stuff, especially the way he dealt with the animals after they were down.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lovain1932</div><div class="ubbcode-body">With that being said if you could press the EASY button and exchange her right now, (for the clown that is in the whitehouse). you would do it or you would'nt be on a forum that supports 2nd ammendment rights like this one. </div></div>

Sure. But I'd press the same button with a wooden coat rack as the exchange. Your point is? </div></div>

Point is she is not a crooked politician or a socialist so I would rather have her than anything else that's in Washington.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shot In The Dark</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: selfbowhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">did no one notice that she hit the animal with the first shot after changing guns?</div></div>

Apparently you and I are the only ones who saw that.

I watched the TV show and when they got back to camp the dad (rifle owner) couldn't even hit anything with that rifle.</div></div>
Saw that also. When Pops fell face first that was the first thing I thought after the first couple of misses.
I thought that Dad running the bolt was just a dad that was wanting to do to much for his daughter. I have the same problem at times with mine and have to step back and let her learn. When I saw her busting clays with the over under she is obviously someone familiar with firearms. Heck I have never been able to hit one of those friggin' rabbit clays. Don't know why maybe just not enough practice. In the next episode it looks like she is running a pump 12 gauge pretty well also.

Like I said before just can't understand the hate for this woman. I see her showing people how great Alaska is and how much she loves it. If it were not so dang cold up there I would love to live there. I really had no idea it was so beautiful there but now I do. </div></div>

I'm with you, I dig the show and her. She shares the same mentality as most of us so I have no idea why so many on here hate her...
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lovain1932</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 1812</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lovain1932</div><div class="ubbcode-body">With that being said if you could press the EASY button and exchange her right now, (for the clown that is in the whitehouse). you would do it or you would'nt be on a forum that supports 2nd ammendment rights like this one. </div></div>

Sure. But I'd press the same button with a wooden coat rack as the exchange. Your point is? </div></div>

Point is she is not a crooked politician or a socialist so I would rather have her than anything else that's in Washington. </div></div>

Did you just say not crooked, and a politician in the same sentence?

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lovain1932</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Point is she is not a crooked politician or a socialist so I would rather have her than anything else that's in Washington. </div></div>

Tell me you're not naive enough that you are buying her whole ditsy schtick? She would have gotten no nod for nothing if she weren't fully on board with the carefully plotted screwing of the masses by the real powers that be.
The little red v. blue arguments we engage in are all just distraction from the gigantic assf*cking that the average human is taking at the hands of the very powerful.

See the equpiment section for my DIY post on cerakoting tin foil hats.
Re: Palin hunting Video

they could have worked a little hollywood magic and edited out all the misses and only shown the kill. shot after watching this show i agree with cw it hard to believe shes done this all her life like she says, but shes doin it now.
Re: Palin hunting Video

Figured I would add in some key info for all those who didnt watch the full show. The rifle was way off--her dad had fell with the rifle the day before and never rechecked the rifle. After she shot the caribou with her friennds rifle on the first shot, they went back to camp and tried her dad's rifle and found it not even be able to hit a pie plate at the same distance.

She is standing up for our rights, she is a voice for our rights. Like it or not she is here to stay and until one of your asses gets up the courage to run for office, or better yet get your wives to run for office and put your lives in front of the spot light, I suggest going easy on the woman who your entire opinion about is based on national biased media coverage and edited reality tv.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 800mZero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Also her show "Sarah Palins Alaska" is produced by Mark Burnett

Well what do you know--he is a contributer to who---oh yeah uncle barry. You really think his editing of the show is unbiased?? </div></div>

You really think she signed contracts for a show with this producer not knowing full well what she was getting into?

Either she values the dollars more than she's concerned about this, or she doesn't care.

Either way politicians signing up for reality TV shows are appealing to the lowest common denominator intellectually. Congratulations to all fans of the show.

Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 800mZero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well like I said--step up then--run for office--give us a true unbiased voice and I'll vote for you.

Easier to bitch about the politicians and what they do and dont do though isn't it? </div></div>

There's no room for honest people in politics.

Specifically because people don't want to hear the truth. People want to be lied to.
Re: Palin hunting Video

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: COURAGEWOLF</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 800mZero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well like I said--step up then--run for office--give us a true unbiased voice and I'll vote for you.

Easier to bitch about the politicians and what they do and dont do though isn't it? </div></div>

There's no room for honest people in politics.

Specifically because people don't want to hear the truth. People want to be lied to. </div></div>

Hmmm....boy you're right you wouldn't make a good politician because you are so "honest"! You aren't having any issues with informing members here who post in favor of Palin or what she stands for how uninformed, incompetent and misguided they are! You also aren't having any narcassistic tendencies to tell members and fellow shooters how smart and 'connected' you are with society as a whole and that if we all were of your intelligence and social status we 'would/could SEE THE LIGHT!!!! I cuss my parents everyday for not making me as smart as some internet people are!!!!! Life just sucks when you are stupid!!!! Well, to play with my crayons and pick my nose.....errrr, I think that is what I was thinking of doing before reading your remarks??
Re: Palin hunting Video

She diden't to as bad as ALOT of the dickhead men i see in the woods every year.

Folks their are people that don't shoot threir rifles except when shooting at game and that may only be once or twice a year
Re: Palin hunting Video

What they don't show you in this vid is once they got back to base camp her father test fired the rifle. He couldn't hit a pie plate at 50 yards. Her father had shot the rifle before the trip, and it was on. Scope must have been bumped during their trip to camp.

Polotics aside: I wish more women would get out and hunt. Then I would get less crap from my wife when I disappear for a week or two.....

Re: Palin hunting Video

Tell yourself what you will. Politicians primarily affirm people's emotions to garner support. Someone playing up their support of something you believe in makes you feel like you should trust them, and vouch for them.

Everyone's willing to ignore that when it's something that makes them feel warm and fuzzy though I guess.

Don't let me pee on your cheerios I'll bow out of this conversation.