What about OAL's? I heard that it has to be listed along with an actual caliber now... What if it's registered as a 9" barrel, but I want to run a 7.5" barrel? Theoretically, just like caliber, it shouldn't matter once registered, but now that they also want to know an OAL range, then what?
OAL has always had to be listed.
You are registering a rifle.
It has a caliber, a barrel length and an overall length.
It has to be registered in that configuration.
Once registered, any barrel of any length and caliber can be installed on it.
Any buttstock (that will change the OAL) can be installed.
There is no requirement to keep the parts to return it to the registered configuration.
OAL is measured with the buttstock extended (firing configuration) and the muzzle device removed (unless permanently installed).
People sweat this stuff too much. I understand. If you’re new to NFA, it seems really opaque.
I have 2 AR pattern SBR’s. Both done on Form 1.
Both have a 10.3” barrel listed on the form.
One has had a 14.5” barrel installed for the last 3 years.
I sold the 10.3 off of it .
I didn’t bother to let ATF know because I don’t have to and I’m pretty sure that they really don’t care.
It’s registered, they got their $200, all good. My dog remains unshot.