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New to the forum here... And the owner of a suppressed AR 300 BLK pistol - with a brace!

I have read through all the comments on this thread and am hopeful that both Heller and Bruen will rescue us. Common use is the important phrase and there are literally millons of these braced pistols out there. I have to hope that the lawsuit in N TX Federal Courts will shortly provide an injunction to this unconstitutional abuse of power. Of course the ATF and our Department of inJustice will file an appeal to the injunction until it gets in front of SCOTUS.

IMHO, Gorsuch, Thomas, C-B, Kavanaugh and Alito will not appreciate a rule change, by ATF, which makes millions of law abiding citizens felons overnight. Fingers crossed!
Bruen will help, but WV v EPA is where they will make serious headway IMHO. Congress CAN act but has chosen not to, therefore an agency has no right or power to act where Congress hasn't specifically delegated such actions.
I know you will be surprised by this, but I really do not trust the ATF! I think they are absolutely trying to figure out how far the can go before they get slapped in the face. I have not started the process of registering my Rattler as an SBR, and dread the thought of even doing so. It is none of their damn business if I own a firearm that they repeatedly said was legal. The Federal courts need to issue an injunction now and let the process play out until the SCOTUS kicks them all in the teeth!
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I know you will be surprised by this, but I really do not trust the ATF! I think they are absolutely trying to figure out how far the can go before they get slapped in the face. I have not started the process of registering my Rattler as an SBR, and dread the thought of even doing so. It is none of their damn business if I own a firearm that they repeatedly said was legal. The Federal courts need to issue an injunction now and let the process play out until the SCOTUS kicks them all in the teeth!
First comes registration. Then comes the ban. Then comes confiscation. That's the plan.
Has any of my fellow sheep successfully received an approved Form 1-Trust back? Seems like the guys who submitted a Form 1-Individual is taking an avg of 5 weeks but I have not heard if any Form 1-Trusts have been successfully approved.

Buddy (Form 1-Individual) and I (Form 1-Trust) submitted in mid Feb. He got his approved mid March. I am still waiting.
Has any of my fellow sheep successfully received an approved Form 1-Trust back? Seems like the guys who submitted a Form 1-Individual is taking an avg of 5 weeks but I have not heard if any Form 1-Trusts have been successfully approved.

Buddy (Form 1-Individual) and I (Form 1-Trust) submitted in mid Feb. He got his approved mid March. I am still waiting.
I thought the AFT stated that; only if your trust was the purchaser, could it be transferred to a trust.

Not sure, so don't quote me.
Has any of my fellow sheep successfully received an approved Form 1-Trust back? Seems like the guys who submitted a Form 1-Individual is taking an avg of 5 weeks but I have not heard if any Form 1-Trusts have been successfully approved.

Buddy (Form 1-Individual) and I (Form 1-Trust) submitted in mid Feb. He got his approved mid March. I am still waiting.
Yes, the trust brace Form 1's are starting to be approved. Few and far between yet, though. I've got a paid Form 1 submitted 1/27 and a freebie submitted 3/5. Nothing on either one yet, both in a trust.
either way the aft on it's own cannot pass a law without congress and the house voting on it since there recommendation basically mean nothing I'll treat it as such and keep my guns as they are the one I have with a brace stays that way and unregistered mostly cause I am not paying them shit all extra after I already paid for an item . and registering my guns sounds as stupid as swimming in chummed water that's full of sharks .but at least the sharks do what sharks do dirty politicians they are low .

politicians explained in a few minutes
Has to belong to the trust before 01/31/2023. Notarized BOS to trust.
your date is correct. I am not sure about the notarized part because I could not find that requirement in any of the ATF's documents or training seminars. I have them on my Trust's Schedule which has 3 witness signatures. I am hoping that's enough.
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Absolutely amazing that so many people just bend over and say yes sir, give me some more. Do you guys really think the gov is being all benevolent here? I’m also curious for those that have gotten something back, is it an approved status for an SBR as in you can put a stock on it or is it that you are allowed to keep your brace on?
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either way the aft on it's own cannot pass a law without congress and the house voting on it since there recommendation basically mean nothing I'll treat it as such and keep my guns as they are the one I have with a brace stays that way and unregistered mostly cause I am not paying them shit all extra after I already paid for an item . and registering my guns sounds as stupid as swimming in chummed water that's full of sharks .but at least the sharks do what sharks do dirty politicians they are low .

politicians explained in a few minutes

your date is correct. I am not sure about the notarized part because I could not find that requirement in any of the ATF's documents or training seminars. I have them on my Trust's Schedule which has 3 witness signatures. I am hoping that's enough.
How many more hoops are you going to jump through......

Absolutely amazing that so many people just bend over and say yes sir, give me some more. Do you guys really think the gov is being all benevolent here? I’m also curious for those that have gotten something back, is it an approved status for an SBR as in you can put a stock on it or is it that you are allowed to keep your brace on?
Why does it matter to you? I'm only SBRing the ones that I already planned to SBR. FBI already knows every firearm I purchased (or they can at least easily track it to me since I used a UPIN for the background check).

Once approved you can do whatever you want.
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^ ummm no. My understanding is once approved it can not leave that state without prior ATF approval. It is no longer treated as a normal pistol from approval piint forward.
I'm referring to swapping the brace out for a stock. For interstate travel you have to submit form 5320.20 AND has to be approved. I have 1 SBR and have brought to neighboring states a few times.
I'm referring to swapping the brace out for a stock. For interstate travel you have to submit form 5320.20 AND has to be approved. I have 1 SBR and have brought to neighboring states a few times.
So, it goes to full SBR status cause that’s the issue I cannot get anyone to answer. People have been saying that it’s not full SBR status, as in you can’t put your stock on it but you now have a permission slip to keep your brace on it. That’s a pretty major discrepancy.

I have a few more I’m gonna SBR but I’m going the legit way, as I have a feeling this amnesty ain’t what people think it is, or won’t be in the end.
So, it goes to full SBR status cause that’s the issue I cannot get anyone to answer. People have been saying that it’s not full SBR status, as in you can’t put your stock on it but you now have a permission slip to keep your brace on it. That’s a pretty major discrepancy.

I have a few more I’m gonna SBR but I’m going the legit way, as I have a feeling this amnesty ain’t what people think it is, or won’t be in the end.

Does the paperwork specify brace or does the paperwork say SBR? That's what I am wondering.
So, it goes to full SBR status cause that’s the issue I cannot get anyone to answer. People have been saying that it’s not full SBR status, as in you can’t put your stock on it but you now have a permission slip to keep your brace on it. That’s a pretty major discrepancy.

I have a few more I’m gonna SBR but I’m going the legit way, as I have a feeling this amnesty ain’t what people think it is, or won’t be in the end.
It is a sbr. You can put a stock on it when approved. It was mentioned in a FAQ powerpoint presentation sent to FFL's a few months ago. Go to minute 47, 30 sec mark of video.
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Why take the bait to register as an SBR when you can simply remove the brace and wait on the legal system to shoot it down? Is it the incentive of saving $200? I have plenty of tax stamp items...if I wanted to stamp an SBR I would have done it before the offer to register for free. SBR's have all kinds of stipulations to transport, users and storage that a pistol does not.
Many older brace guns are on slick tubes and not adjustable like a standard stock already. Regardless, all I read released by the ATF says nothing about the buffer tube....only the presence of a brace. If the brace is gone it is a pistol regardless of the buffer tube is how I read it. Personally I'd put a slick buffer on any one owned if that is necessary vs registering for a conditional permission from an agency that changes policy and definitions more than I change underwear. However as it reads buffer tube doesn't matter.
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LOL You have to treat the SBR just like you do your suppressors (go out of state fill out a form). How many people on here complaining about these things, look up their past post and they talk about their new suppressor.

I filed 5 of them, for free SBR's All five filed February 4th,2023. One was approved April 5th. I have already owned Full auto's and multiply suppressors and an SBR shotgun. If there is a list I am already on it. I will take advantage of the Free SBR.
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Sent 5 registries off thru Silencer shop for SBR's tax free stamps 3 weeks ago. Got my first approval today. Thats pretty quick. Hope the other 4 will come thru in the next day or so.
3 SBR Eform 1's as Trusts approved today. Swapped the braces for stocks and put them in storage. Waiting for the brace rule to get null and voided and at this rate it'll be 2024. Once that happens I'll apply for real SBR's since I like to collect real stamps or copies for Eforms.
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3 SBR Eform 1's as Trusts approved today. Swapped the braces for stocks and put them in storage. Waiting for the brace rule to get null and voided and at this rate it'll be 2024. Once that happens I'll apply for real SBR's since I like to collect real stamps or copies for Eforms.
Confused here. You said “as Trusts”.
I thought the only way you could apply form 1 (tax stamp waiver) as a trust was to prove you had said firearms on your trust before Jan31st. If you did this then there would be no reason to file form 4 later as they would already be on your trust. Did you mean “as an individual”?
Additionally they are “SBR’s” with the brace on as of Jan 31st. Why swap to stocks? They only way to be legal currently is to remove said braces.
Confused here. You said “as Trusts”.
I thought the only way you could apply form 1 (tax stamp waiver) as a trust was to prove you had said firearms on your trust before Jan31st. If you did this then there would be no reason to file form 4 later as they would already be on your trust. Did you mean “as an individual”?
Additionally they are “SBR’s” with the brace on as of Jan 31st. Why swap to stocks? They only way to be legal currently is to remove said braces.
-Yes I provided proof that my Trust owned my firearms prior to Jan 31st. In fact I don't own any guns or suppressors at all. My Trust owns all of them.

-Why swap to stocks? Because my KAK blades and SB Tactical braces are absolutely horrendous looking especially the ones that came on my Kriss's.


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There's no way to win at this point, except to go back to pre-brace life and make sure you do not own anything, or combination of things that could be constructed to make an SBR. Before braces were around, no one wanted to own an upper with a barrel < 16" because even if you just put it in your safe, etc. you were risking getting in trouble by having the items to easily construct an SBR.

Once you take into account the ATF redefining things at will, just removing the and even destroying the brace, means you still probably have all the parts (assuming you own an 16" AR with a non-brace stock) to construct an SBR in minutes in your possession and likely within close proximity.

So let's say you own a braced 8" pistol AR, you remove and destroy the brace, but you also own a 16" AR. Given what we've seen and all the concern about the ATF redefining things and changing the rules on whims, how long before the ATF decides it's not okay just removing and destroying the brace, when in less than a minute you could slap that 8" upper on your other AR and construct an SBR?

Anyone that owns a braced gun with a <16" barrel that also owns another gun with a fixed stock that can exchange lowers/uppers, should also be very concerned about the ATF deciding that you can all too easy construct an SBR out of things you have in your possession.
The ATF is NOW saying that just removing the brace isn't enough. You must destroy it.

Kinda figured this was gonna happen. The next move will be along the lines of “Remember how we said you could put a stock on your pistol once you amnestied it? Yeah… no. Only a brace but thanks for registering it because conditions.”
There's no way to win at this point, except to go back to pre-brace life and make sure you do not own anything, or combination of things that could be constructed to make an SBR. Before braces were around, no one wanted to own an upper with a barrel < 16" because even if you just put it in your safe, etc. you were risking getting in trouble by having the items to easily construct an SBR.

Once you take into account the ATF redefining things at will, just removing the and even destroying the brace, means you still probably have all the parts (assuming you own an 16" AR with a non-brace stock) to construct an SBR in minutes in your possession and likely within close proximity.

So let's say you own a braced 8" pistol AR, you remove and destroy the brace, but you also own a 16" AR. Given what we've seen and all the concern about the ATF redefining things and changing the rules on whims, how long before the ATF decides it's not okay just removing and destroying the brace, when in less than a minute you could slap that 8" upper on your other AR and construct an SBR?

Anyone that owns a braced gun with a <16" barrel that also owns another gun with a fixed stock that can exchange lowers/uppers, should also be very concerned about the ATF deciding that you can all too easy construct an SBR out of things you have in your possession.
Wow you sound like a cuck….Live your life don’t be worried about the ATF showing up at your door. If they do don’t answer a single question and unless they have a warrant tell them they are trespassing and even if they do still don’t talk. I am going to live my life and use my legally bought items at my leisure. Everyone else should do the same!
Still waiting on congress to do something, after all of the arguing they did for days.

End result, it all for show, nothing but crickets
Oh, I think they will... At the 11th hour and 59th minute after everyone that wants a "free" tax stamp... Wait, permission slip, has registered they will step in, void this, and say "See! We're helping!". For show indeed!

P.S. How much more vague than "With conditions" can you get?
Still waiting on congress to do something, after all of the arguing they did for days.

End result, it all for show, nothing but crickets

Have you seen my kabuki gif? I'm quite proud of it. I like to show it off. Much like those republicunts, showing off their hypocrisy.