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Looks like Tucker is exposing the republicants for their bullshit.
I'm sure that it's a waste of time though. Republicant voters are worse than democrap voters. They hear the bullshit, they know it's bullshit, it's proven bullshit and like a retard they dismiss it because...... Lesser of two evils or some other mental masturbation to excuse their vote.

So she motivates the fat, alphabet identifying, low testosterone, out of shape population.

It’s a comical shadow of the real thing.

I don’t see that and consider it without danger but the danger of the real thing was that he appealed to those capable of making possible his atrocities physically not just politically.

Unsure if this appeals to an operational part of the population.

Thinking about this this morning while in the shower. While not contemplating my ridiculously small junk I realized they expect technology to be their muscle and they may in fact have success with that.

Release swarms of disposable drones weaponized as your brown shirt army.

Don’t worry about collateral damage. Anyone not in their protected bunker for whatever the battery life of their army is shall be considered enemy.
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  • Wow
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probably a repost, but the xiden regime is really pulling out all the stops. a real continuation of the obama regime.

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Got to give some credit where credit is due……..

Massachusetts is faced with an absolute turd of a gun law and the Ware police is speaking out.
View attachment 8182873

If off duty LEO had been exempted, they wouldn't have made this post.
Just telling it like it is.



"E" for a belt buckle.. WTF do they think doing here? This may be worse than Budweiser.

Maybe it's time for the west to accept that giving unlimited number of weapons to Ukraine is not going to stop Russia?

Sending more humans into a wood chipper doesn't appear to be doing anything constructive at all.

Depends on which side you're on.
Had a run in with who I suspect were Rockefellers up in Acadia National Park.

The whole thing used to be owned by the family but I suspect they got in a good scam of having Uncle Sam take it over to care for it on the tax payer dime while still having access to it.

The negative for them is that scum like me get to invade their space.

Anyway the fams was on a bike ride exploring the trails and we got to one point where it was marked “No Bicycling” but it was a much shorter route to where we needed to return. It was the path that passes by the still private Rockefeller property.

We obediently got off our bikes and were pushing them on our route.

Two snotty ass ladies came along…one riding a horse the other in a horse drawn carriage.

Sure enough snotty lady on the horse stated “There is no bicycling here” and I said we are not bicycling we are pushing bikes and she proceeded to tell me it was not allowed so I proceeded to tell her my tax money pays for this park go eat shit.

About that time the horse pulling the carriage started to act up and rear up on its hind legs looking to get out of control.

I yelled at the old biddies to take better care of their animals and get them in control before they injure them.

Fuck that cunt family.

They need to go investigate the remote areas of Bougainville.

In one of the videos, linked in this post, they talk about Yuvai Harari and a religion created by AI.

  • Sad
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In one of the videos, linked in this post, they talk about Yuvai Harari and a religion created by AI.

I say bring it on. Yeah it’s scary to think about, but Scripture will stand the test of time. Always has, always will, and the elect will receive Christ as a witness to this test of what is truth and what is not.