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A little heavenly retribution!!

Now watch Pfizer come to the government (taxpayers) asking for money to rebuild the plant because the economic loss is too great to bear. After all, they are a company giving out an inexpensive vaccine to save mankind. Think of the thousands of Pfizer employees and their families hurt by this catastrophe. Think of the children.

You read it here first; right here on SH.
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Drunk and high Alabama man was shooting at imaginary tangos in a field. Arrested for public intoxication and misuse of a firearm. Remember the lady on the plane, as well as a guy on another flight that was seeing invisible people? 😂

The suspect, identified as 33-year-old Christopher Andrews, was shooting at imaginary people when he began firing, according to police, who said Andrews was having an alcohol and drug-induced hallucination.

“When we interviewed him, he inferred there were people in his backyard, running away and climbing over the fence,” said Gulf Shores Det. Carl Wittstruck. “When we investigated, however, we found there were no people, but Mr. Andrews appeared to be under the influence.”

No one was injured in the incident, with shots Andrews fired striking a tree, a fence and a kayak, Wittstruck said.

Andrews has been charged with possession of a controlled substance, public intoxication and discharging a firearm within city limits. He was booked and released on bail from the Gulf Shores Detention Center.


It HAS to be something in all those edibles that are floating around everywhere right now.

ETA: On a more wholesome note, anybody remember that back in the 1950s and 60s, kids used to play "Martian Marauder" with toy ray guns in neighborhood fields, and with flashlights after dusk? Some of the 'enemies' were invisible, designated by players wearing special silver painted cardboard headbands, and folks had to be like Special Ops maneuvering around to catch them by surprise? The mail order catalogs of the time had gear and percussion cap powered dart shooting weapons for games like that and even a big cardboard, foil, and plywood flying saucer kit that you can build, with blinking lights and all.
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I guess with no buyers US will send this to Ukraine

Seized Iranian Oil Stuck Off Texas Coast As US Companies Afraid Of Tehran's Retaliation​

US federal prosecutors are struggling to sell off a shipment of stolen Iranian oil being carried by a Greek tanker off the coast of Texas, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The US Justice Department seized the Greek tanker Suez Rajan in April under the pretext of sanctions enforcement and forced the ship to head for Texas instead of China. The Suez Rajan is carrying 800,000 barrels of stolen oil and is currently off the coast of Galveston.
According to the Journal, the US can’t sell the oil because the companies that would unload the oil are worried about Iranian retaliation in the Persian Gulf.

"Companies with any exposure whatsoever in the Persian Gulf are literally afraid to do it," a Houston-based energy executive involved in the matter told the paper.

The executive said that several companies contacted about the oil declined to unload the cargo. After the US stole the Iranian oil shipment, Iran seized two tankers in the Persian Gulf, which was likely retaliation.

Since then, the US has announced several measures to increase its military presence in the region to prevent more Iranian seizures in the Persian Gulf that it provoked in the first place.
Thank God!! Now I hope that the liberal cunts in CA and NY move somewhere else. TX is starting to develop an odd odor.
Where I am at they (CA) are coming in large numbers and it sucks. My once small town is growing fast and these people are not Texans. Hell most everyone who grew up here won't be able to afford a house here. The median house price in 2010 was $116,800 and now its $432,500. All of the ranch land is disappearing. I had a buddy who last year picked up everything and moved to Montana because all of his lease land he used to raise cattle was sold to developers by the owners. Lost 600 acres of land in one year to raise cattle. It absolutely crazy here now with traffic and the roads can't handle the amount of cars. People get so pissed when tractors are on the road moving from one crop field to another. I don't understand it as the farmers and ranchers were here first. It's just not as friendly as it used to be.
i wonder how many they already imported into sweden.

Many but unlike Gotham Chicago , Sweden upped the game so they do not have a shoot outs but frag-outs with hand grenades

Many but unlike Gotham Chicago , Sweden upped the game so they do not have a shoot outs but frag-outs with hand grenades

If we could only point to some change in the past few years......shucks I can't think of a thing that is new......
Liars and deceivers are the first to respond with righteous indignation when confronted with the truth. The little Weiner needs to have another meme made about him based on that conversation.

Why the interviewer did not include Sexting a 15year old in with his list of crimes is past me. That would have shut that fuck up right quick.

Another fucking perv that needs "it" flat cutoff with a rusty spoon.
The answer is very dark,
Cultural enrichment

Who is to blame?​

This category of crime was not even logged prior to 2017. Then, in 2018, there were 162 explosions and in the past two months alone the bomb squad have been called to almost 30.
"Bangers, improvised explosives and hand grenades" are behind most of the blasts, says Linda H Straaf, head of intelligence at Sweden's National Operations Department.

Gun crime among gangs is of course not unique to Sweden, but why do criminals in the country appear to be turning towards grenades in particular? Joakim Palmkvist, a Malmö-based crime journalist and author who has decades of experience writing about gang violence, thinks the choice was made easy for them by the law.

"Why use a hand grenade? Well, say you want to scare or injure someone. Option one: you take a gun, threaten them, perhaps shoot them in the leg. Then it's attempted murder or an aggravated weapons crime – the guy you shot sees you and can point you out. On top of that there's a big trail: the empty shells, bullets that can be tied to a specific weapon. Traces on your hands after the shot. You have to get rid of that, clean it and so on. And you're also at risk of being caught committing a serious crime if you're stopped and searched before the incident even happens," he explains to The Local.

"Option two: you take a hand grenade and throw it at the person's house. It'll be either carelessness endangering the public or perhaps attempted murder. But all of the traces are gone. And who saw you throw the grenade? Before the law was changed, if you were stopped and searched while travelling to the place with one on you, you went down for a lighter crime."
Police head Staaf believes a combination of factors have played a part in the use of grenades by gangs, but also highlighted the laws in the area:

"In the past there were relatively light sentences for them, though that has changed now. It has also been cheap and fairly easy to buy them when someone was at the same time buying weapons from the former Yugoslavia."
Previously that meant the minimum sentence for aggravated breaches of laws governing possession of explosive materials was only six months in prison, with a maximum sentence of four years.

Gangbangers from Gotham Chichago , can only dream of grenades
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Cultural enrichment

Who is to blame?​

This category of crime was not even logged prior to 2017. Then, in 2018, there were 162 explosions and in the past two months alone the bomb squad have been called to almost 30.
"Bangers, improvised explosives and hand grenades" are behind most of the blasts, says Linda H Straaf, head of intelligence at Sweden's National Operations Department.

Gun crime among gangs is of course not unique to Sweden, but why do criminals in the country appear to be turning towards grenades in particular? Joakim Palmkvist, a Malmö-based crime journalist and author who has decades of experience writing about gang violence, thinks the choice was made easy for them by the law.

"Why use a hand grenade? Well, say you want to scare or injure someone. Option one: you take a gun, threaten them, perhaps shoot them in the leg. Then it's attempted murder or an aggravated weapons crime – the guy you shot sees you and can point you out. On top of that there's a big trail: the empty shells, bullets that can be tied to a specific weapon. Traces on your hands after the shot. You have to get rid of that, clean it and so on. And you're also at risk of being caught committing a serious crime if you're stopped and searched before the incident even happens," he explains to The Local.

"Option two: you take a hand grenade and throw it at the person's house. It'll be either carelessness endangering the public or perhaps attempted murder. But all of the traces are gone. And who saw you throw the grenade? Before the law was changed, if you were stopped and searched while travelling to the place with one on you, you went down for a lighter crime."
Police head Staaf believes a combination of factors have played a part in the use of grenades by gangs, but also highlighted the laws in the area:

"In the past there were relatively light sentences for them, though that has changed now. It has also been cheap and fairly easy to buy them when someone was at the same time buying weapons from the former Yugoslavia."
Previously that meant the minimum sentence for aggravated breaches of laws governing possession of explosive materials was only six months in prison, with a maximum sentence of four years.

Gangbangers from Gotham Chichago , can only dream of grenades
Excellent write-up by I was referring to the complexion of the offending parties.