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wow! not a bad looking neighborhood. concern about needing to be armed at home,running the mower,washing the car. things are fine here but worry about a future that is looking more likely. gotta be armed all the time it seems.

If I followed the right white rabbit that happened on Jayne Ave and the parent of the thug turned him in.

Jayne Ave is in West Park according to this link and one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in Jackson.

If that's the right street it is well within the city bus routes. I can't say it enough, wherever the city routes extend crime follows.

Parent link

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So basically, permitting, well authorizing all crime except rape and murder? Sounds like a great place to live or visit - NOT. Add Boston is a sanctuary city,or course. Can't have crime stats if you don't do arrests - convenient, huh?

So what are the police going to go after? Hate speech? Red flaggers? "Domestic terrorists"?
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Their collective frustrations have to be off the scale. Their world is so artificial, their individualism deleted and their freedoms removed. I guess some are lashing out in more extreme manners than would be normal.

I have no issue with that.
Mobs and cartels use such tactics to make a point every day. It works because people take note.

They will light a match soon; make sure your wife and kids stay safe!
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Welcome to the new America.
It will only get worse.
No one is coming.
This shit is everywhere. I live in the country, I came home one night and five neighbors down is a car half way down the driveway. The drive is probably a football field long. It was a clear day and the winshield wipers were on. It was parked at a 45 degree angle. I didn't really know them, but it was so odd, I pulled down the drive and slowly walked up to the car. I thought I was going to find a heart attack and dead person in the car. I noticed the seat all the way back. I put my hand on my gun on my back. I walked up, and nothing. I then noticed the passenger window was shattered and the column busted. I drove up the driveway and knocked on the door. An older lady answered and I asked if that was her car. She said yes and looked puzzled and stunned. I think at first she thought it had something to do with me. I calmly explained what I found.

It was a Kia, and I guess they tried to steal it. I assume maybe it got part way down the drive and something happened without the keyfob??? I don't exactly know what they are doing with the USBs, but I guess that one didn't work out. I did notice her car was gone for months. I'm guessing the parts for the broken column must be long lead items.

I have lived out in the country for 7 years now and I feel like more crime than I ever endured when I lived closer to the city. I can't decide if it is the local meth heads or people coming out from the city.

I booby trapped my barn after they stole my trailer and UTV. That was the third deal for me and I am done. I found the guys and gave it all to the police, they haven't done shit. If a mother fucker goes in my shed now, they will be dead. If I have to spend the rest of my life in jail for it, I don't care! I'm a single guy, no kids.......I've lived a good clean life to this point. If they make me a criminal, so be it.

As of last week, his daughter was reported to have raked in 93M of "democratic support" since the trial process started.
This shit is everywhere. I live in the country, I came home one night and five neighbors down is a car half way down the driveway. The drive is probably a football field long. It was a clear day and the winshield wipers were on. It was parked at a 45 degree angle. I didn't really know them, but it was so odd, I pulled down the drive and slowly walked up to the car. I thought I was going to find a heart attack and dead person in the car. I noticed the seat all the way back. I put my hand on my gun on my back. I walked up, and nothing. I then noticed the passenger window was shattered and the column busted. I drove up the driveway and knocked on the door. An older lady answered and I asked if that was her car. She said yes and looked puzzled and stunned. I think at first she thought it had something to do with me. I calmly explained what I found.

It was a Kia, and I guess they tried to steal it. I assume maybe it got part way down the drive and something happened without the keyfob??? I don't exactly know what they are doing with the USBs, but I guess that one didn't work out. I did notice her car was gone for months. I'm guessing the parts for the broken column must be long lead items.

I have lived out in the country for 7 years now and I feel like more crime than I ever endured when I lived closer to the city. I can't decide if it is the local meth heads or people coming out from the city.

I booby trapped my barn after they stole my trailer and UTV. That was the third deal for me and I am done. I found the guys and gave it all to the police, they haven't done shit. If a mother fucker goes in my shed now, they will be dead. If I have to spend the rest of my life in jail for it, I don't care! I'm a single guy, no kids.......I've lived a good clean life to this point. If they make me a criminal, so be it.
Reacted with the sad face, not because I disagree, but because I’m sad that it’s come to this. I wish you the best, and remember the 3-S commandment.
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If I followed the right white rabbit that happened on Jayne Ave and the parent of the thug turned him in.

Jayne Ave is in West Park according to this link and one of the more dangerous neighborhoods in Jackson.

If that's the right street it is well within the city bus routes. I can't say it enough, wherever the city routes extend crime follows.

Parent link

I read a study once that looked into how far criminals would travel from their homes to commit crimes. It was generally not very far. Granted, cars extend their range, but most of the time they stick to areas they are familiar with.
I read a study once that looked into how far criminals would travel from their homes to commit crimes. It was generally not very far. Granted, cars extend their range, but most of the time they stick to areas they are familiar with.

Yep, mostly, here in Houston-ish on the 249 corridor there is legend of a bank robbery where the getaway vehicle was Metro.

They actually didn't travel far but they did travel by bus.

Getting on a bus doesn't mean you are contractually obligated to travel any farther than the next stop or until you pull the cord.

Statistics prove everything and nothing BTW
JUST IN: Judge Juan Merchan just got exposed for his corruption by the jury, and now we know why he broke tradition and didn’t give written instruction to the jury. Yesterday, the jury asked for a repeat of specific instruction, and Merchan decided to just send them home. Today, we now know what it was they wanted repeated. It was a metaphor from Judge Merchan in which he said “ suppose you wake up in the morning and it’s not raining, but the streets are wet and people are wearing raincoats and holding umbrellas. Under those circumstances you may conclude that it rained during the night.” The Judge is essentially telling the jury that even though you don’t see proof of a crime, it’s reasonable to assume one occurred. This is next level corruption! Throw this Judge, his daughter, and the entire prosecution in jail!
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Conservatives better start rethinking the wisdom in "letting them take you into custody". The courts are corrupt or corruptible if they decide they want to make an example of you.
If they can do this to a man as powerful and rich as Trump, you are of no more consequence than a cockroach.
The Republic is dead, and no one will restore it.
if any even semi advanced civ exists in 100,200,1K years (doubtful) historians can debate about the date that american republic died. 1/6/21,5/30/24,maybe 11/4/08.
The world as we have known it is done and gone.
At this point - I’m leaning towards a planet-ending asteroid or meteor collision would just be par for the course.
  • Haha
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So basically, permitting, well authorizing all crime except rape and murder? Sounds like a great place to live or visit - NOT. Add Boston is a sanctuary city,or course. Can't have crime stats if you don't do arrests - convenient, huh?

So what are the police going to go after? Hate speech? Red flaggers? "Domestic terrorists"?
They are too stupid too see how well this has worked in CA. This has zero to do with helping anyone but them stay in power. Business will close, people will move leading to a concentration of blue voters.
if any even semi advanced civ exists in 100,200,1K years (doubtful) historians can debate about the date that american republic died. 1/6/21,5/30/24,maybe 11/4/08.
The world as we have known it is done and gone.
At this point - I’m leaning towards a planet-ending asteroid or meteor collision would just be par for the course.

The Republic began a death spiral on August 18, 1920.