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All I can offer you is a one opinion- nothing more and nothing less.

(1) Destruction of Healthcare- The baseline I'd offer you is before the ACA (aka Obamacare) things weren't necessarily 'great' but holy cow my premiums basically tripled and seeking healthcare became more convoluted and restricted in response.
(2) Mandated experimental treatment- I hear that, never once was a fan despite the narrative.
(3) Gain of function research- Everyone involved should be held accountable in "Nuremberg Trials" fashion.
(4) Indoctrination of citizens (consolidating your comment) - freedom of speech and the press is protected under the 1st amendment of our constitution and in that regard, I support it. I do feel that the MSM has been weaponized against the American public since the days of Walter Cronkite and propaganda is NOT protected speech and I can't help but think someone 'on high' is distributing the official/approved 'state's message' and that would be a worthy use of tax payer's dollars to fund the research there.
(5) Racism- I'm sure some of our more seasoned folks here can/should be able to speak of the civil rights movement in the 60's, I harbor no hatred towards anyone based due to their skin color or ethnicity but I'd also say where we're at today is not the society that either MLK or even Malcolm X fought for 60 years ago.
(6) Lack of repercussions with regards to the rule of law & order- Well on this one, I don't have an intelligent answer to offer you. We used to be a country where the law meant something but now there are pockets of our nation that won't enforce long standing laws because of what I call "ist" concerns and the folks making those decisions sleep better than either of us because they fought for social justice.
(7) The remark about Judeo-Christian principles- also not much help there. I'll say that on one hand my understanding of American History supports your remark but also many of our founding father's weren't exactly "devout" Christians either. Myself- I'm the product of 13 years of Catholic education, was raised as "Irish Catholic" (yes there some nuances there) but it didn't... stick for me. That said- it doesn't make a difference to me whether you identify as Catholic, Jewish, Pagan, or even Zoroastrian for that matter. You do you without any qualms to me. I am concerned a bit with Islam but that's both complicated and personal to me. But I believe in the constitution's provision of freedom of religion as well. You do you, you won't get any grief from me on theological beliefs.
(8) Abandonment of US Veterans- I just don't have enough time to share stories but let's just leave it as I agree myself

I know that's not all of the points you brought up but hopefully you'll agree with me that it's a start. Lots of issues, just as many opinions too- none of which means "you're wrong" either.

Forgive me for taking the shortcut here but if you'll allow me to boil things down, the most simplistic response is... you/I/we deserve better from our government and something changed along the path of history. I don't have either an explanation or solution but we're a far cry aways from where we're supposed to be (again in one opinion)


1. I won't go into it, but ACA is a scheme. If you are chronically ill and need expensive treatment - they find a way to deny your care.
Period. You may have been on necessary, expensive treatments for over a decade to survive only to find that treatment is now on the "not covered" list, and your doctor, which is not the one you've had for those decades, it's not on your list of providers.
2. You sound vaccinated.
4. I said indoctrination of children. Indoctrination is psy-op technique of brainwashing your child to ignore its biological reality inlieu of promoting mental illness fantasy as reality that results in sterilization and further ostracising of that individual.
5. I am talking about the new, "reverse" racism that is being promoted specifically against whites. I was proud of what had been achieved in the civil rights movement up to and including the Trump Era. But if you repetitively blame one specific group of individuals for another groups personal and moral failures and shortcomings, allowing or perpetuate violence against them, you are the source of that racism. The racism that existed before the civil rights movement wasn't right, neither is this new reverse racism that is being promoted. Individuals should be judged by the content of their character, not their skin color. End stop.
6. You don't have an intelligent answer here, because what they are doing is against what civilized societies use to maintain law and order. If there is no punishment or consequences enforced, there really are no laws per se. Any civilized society will break down under the circumstance, and that is the intended purpose here. Social anarchy. DAs and Judges that refuse to prosecute severe crimes or uphold the law and mandatory sentencing, are worthless and actually counterproductive to justice system. And it's just purely insanity that allows installation of judges who've never seen a single day in law school, which is another thing they are doing.
7. You obviously don't have a good foundation of what Judeo Christian values are. I feel sorry for you and I hope you find Jesus. Organized religion is part of the problem, not part of the solution when churches step out of their boundaries and insist on false interpretations of His word.
This government is the antithesis of what our founding founding fathers intended, and will destroy everything that made America wonderful and prosperous.
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I've offered this (unpopular) opinion here before but it's a bit personal to me so I'll state it again. When it comes to people complaining about housing costs- if you hold the opinion that they should (a) go to college (b) learn to code (c) pull themselves up 'by their bootstraps, I still wonder things like- who is going to work at McDonald's, who is going to ring you up at Walmart, who is going to sell you your steaks & pork loins as the local butcher?

Growing up- my father (a boomer if we had to label it) used to take me to visit his own father at a minimum monthly. EVERY time we went back up to his hometown (for what it's worth was a small coal mining town) he'd point out who lived at which house... That was the butcher's, this was the seamstress, that's the church your great-great grandfather donated for a church to be built, that was the gas station attendant's house etc...

We're now at a point where many of us look down on the 'gas station' employees and believe they don't deserve to own a house. "they can always live with roommates" right? What about the factory workers that produce the steel to make the barrels, the woodworkers & plastic/aluminum engineers who make the stocks/chassis we rely on for our hobby? What about the seamstress that makes the rest bags we argue about, makes the condora pouches we post pictures of to hold our high tech gear?

Lord knows I hope some of our older folks (yes "Boomers") will chime in on this. Something got seriously broken along the path to 'progress'. Place your blame where you want to but I'd suggest it's not worth anyone's effort blaming any "Boomer" or "Gen X'r" or "Millennial" either for that matter. It's long since time we all take a pause, recognize we're being played, and instead of fighting amongst each other, it's long since past time we "look behind the curtain" of OUR government and question how we got to this point and start holding our elected officials accountable for this nonsense.

Surely this is not a sustainable model, and hopefully the fallacy in this belief isn't lost on at least some of the SH folks. They can always "go be poor somewhere else" after all, but who's going to staff the libraries, Wendy's, and local grocery stores? Just an opinion but we need to fix this.

Something to think about am I right?


Do your research. Biden campaign in 2020 on free down payments, (yes, provided down payments up to 20%), and guaranteed mortgages for first time homebuyers provided they come from certain ethnic backgrounds only. He tried to do the same thing with regards to benefits only for black farmers, and the supreme court shot it down, but we know he doesn't listen to the Supreme Court rulings. I suspect that his initial campaign promise from 2020 is actually being met subvertly,
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1. I won't go into it, but ACA is a scheme. If you are chronically ill and need expensive treatment - they find a way to deny your care.
Period. You may have been on necessray, expensive treatments for over a decade to survive only to find that treatment is now on the "not covered" list, and your doctor, which is not the one you've had for those decades, it's not on your list of providers.
2. You sound vaccinated.
4. I said indoctrination of children. Indoctrination is psy-op technique of brainwashing your child to ignore its biological reality inlieu of promoting mental illness fantasy as reality that results in sterilization and further ostracising of that individual.
5. I am talking about the new, "reverse" racism that is being promotes specifically against whites. I was proud of what had been achieved in the civil rights movement up to and including the Trump Era. But if you repetitively blame one specific group of individuals for another groups personal and moral failures and shortcomings, allowing or perpetuate violence against them, you are the source of that racism. The racism that existed before the civil rights movement wasn't right, neither is this new reverse racism that is being promoted. Individuals should be judged by the content of their character, not their skin color. End stop.
6. You don't have an intelligent answer here, because what they are doing is against what civilized societies use to maintain law and order. If there is no punishment or consequences enforced, there really are no laws per se. Any civilized society will break down under the circumstance, and that is the intended purpose here. Social anarchy. DAs and Judges that refuse to prosecute severe crimes or uphold the law and mandatory sentencing, are worthless and actually counterproductive to justice system. And it's just purely insanity that allows installation of judges who've never seen a single day in law school, which is another thing they are doing.
7. You obviously don't have a good foundation of what Judeo Christian values are. I feel sorry for you and I hope you find Jesus. Organized religion is part of the problem, not part of the solution when churches step out of their boundaries and insist on false interpretations of His word.
This government is the antithesis of what our founding founding fathers intended, and will destroy everything that made America wonderful and prosperous.
Wasn't trying to put you on the spot but with regards to your response- I will try to be truthful with you (lord knows there's a shortage of that, not just on the internet but in the world).

(1) not defending the ACA, frankly I hold the opinion that it was the single most detrimental piece of legislation ever passed by Congress with only the Patriot being a distant 2nd.
(2) I understand the remarks but yes- on the very last day of the mandate I succumbed and got the J&J shot (against my better judgement and personal beliefs) because my my wife was at the time unemployed due to this and while we prepared financially, we both would have been unemployed if I didn't swallow my pride. Take that as you will- I'm still angry about it but that's the truth of the matter and one of us needed to fall on the moral sword to keep the groceries coming in.
(3) You didn't mention as far as I can see.
(4) I don't disagree with you but would only state targeting children is part of the strategy. Remember Scruff McGruff or Mr. Yuck- same reasons.
(5) Ok- nothing on my end I want to argue against, I agree (5) You're 100% on point but I would suggest that Trump has little to do with it is all. I remember probably over 20 years ago when the news publicly stated that they'd stop showing mug shots of suspects because it promoted racism. I also remember the aftermath of Columbine and the same news stations promising to not cover such stories in unison because it perpetuated the fame that copy cat shooters may follow. Neither promised was worth the paper it was (presumably) printed on.
(6) I don't think (?) I argued with you on your comment for this point. Didn't I originally say, I don't have an intelligent or logical explanation for this topic?
(7) For arguments sake, how about we let Jesus sit this one out? If that's your thing, I honestly and truly mean this, but I'm happy for you and you won't see me attacking you for your Christian beliefs. As I mentioned previously, that was my upbringing as well (albeit under the Catholic umbrella) and it's ok. It just didn't "stick" with me and I'm not going to apologize for that anymore than I'm going to give you any crap for your own religious beliefs. I sincerely believe that faith likely makes you a more productive member of society than many of our citizens. If you want to pray, then rock on brother I'm not ever going to stop you.

So I think I addressed all of your comments, hopefully to your satisfaction, but if'd you'd permit me a question of my own- what is it about me that angers you so much when you get a thumbs up and fist bump from me on 95+% of everything you took the time to write down? I've got no quarrel with you even now- you do your thing and I'll do mine and that's as good to go as far as they come the way I can see things...?

Do your research. Biden campaign in 2020 on free down payments, (yes, provided down payments up to 20%), and guaranteed mortgages for first time homebuyers provided they come from certain ethnic backgrounds only. He tried to do the same thing with regards to benefits only for black farmers, and the supreme court shot it down, but we know he doesn't listen to the Supreme Court rulings. I suspect that his initial campaign promise from 2020 is actually being met subvertly,
Again, I'm not sure what I did or said to trigger you but whatever it's worth- I'm sorry if you took it personally. Look at my my posting history 80+% of it is dank meme's spreading the message of liberty... and yeah that includes you as well. Not sure what set you off against me but may I suggest taking a step back and re-evaluating your position?

We might never be friends, and that's ok. But we don't have to be adversaries here on the Hide either. But that's entirely your choice. Either way, I wish you the best (sincerely).