A few thoughts on DOGE here.
1) My usual suspects across the street are already bitching and moaning about Trump, 5 bullet points Musk, taking orders from X, the boss hates Trump, Elon, etc (keep in mind this person is a GS-13 or GS-14) and at least the 2 years they didn't leave house they were in yard doing yard stuff.
TBefore the go-to-the-office order there would be 45-60 min BS sessions with neighbors and whomever else would stop by. Was told by this person, that the boss (that hates Elon) told them do not answer the 5 bullet points they are "classified." Uhhh, not everything, even in classified environment is classified....like say...this week 1) I hooked up the new computer, 2) tested our software on the new computer, 3) found an error in our code thanks to the new computer....nothing classified there. I really question how this person is even allowed access to classified data; then again....look around at who had a clearance until recently.
2) Contrasting that is this one: Dear friend of mine's daughter got hired into civil service last year as an HR person and is coming off probation. Keep in mind there are several thousand employees to manage. She's super motivated, and likely a lot cheaper than the old coffee-drinking, chatty Cathy gossip girls in the office...but, she's going to lose her job most likely due to the cuts. I feel bad for her because she's a great worker and is probably running circles around the establishment....hence...she'll be laid off. Sadly, the lesson she's being taught is Trump bad. Not that "people abused this system for so long YOU have to pay their price too."
So DOGE ain't perfect....seems #1 should be on the list and #2 kept. And dispite my hatred towards #1's politics, they were actually the only people in the area to help me when I got my first batch of covid and to take me to doctor for a procedure shortly after I arrived in town.