Opt for Religious Exemption!
From an anonymous source but sounds legit. And I got it from Robert Barnes (lawyer) Channel on Locals.
Hi everybody,
I'm a supervisor of federal employees. Last week I posted that I was told by someone in HR that the religious exemption to the vaccine mandate would be a simple self-certification with no questions asked.
Today, I had a meeting that involved the chief of HR for our agency, and I learned three things.
1. Due to the anticipated volume of exemption requests, our agency is establishing a "centralized process" for dealing with religious exemptions. They are working with DOJ to standardize this across all federal agencies.
2. Supervisors have been offered training next week (Oct 5-7) to learn about this centralized process.
3. They will not be utilizing the standard progressive disciplinary process for people who do not get vaccinated.
Taken together, my expectation is that agencies will either basically blanket approve or blanket reject religious exemptions. Either everybody is getting fired or nobody is getting fired. Given that agencies lack resources to absorb the legal battles caused by blanket rejection or the turnover caused by mass firings, I think this entire federal employee mandate is just a big psyop to scare people into getting vaccinated. A few people will fall for the trap and His Fraudulency II will declare victory for having boosted vaccination numbers among federal employees. Hold the line.
P.S. We are not recording our meetings discussing this issue. This is highly unusual.