
wow,the deep staters are delusional. do they really think that a DEI drafted military in this country has a prayer against russia or china? or,iran,mexico,no. korea without going nuc? initiating a draft call up would get riots making the 1960s (and 1860s) pale in comparison. most military and LE would likely be involved in fighting resistance from the draft age. also,likely their parents and grand parents,one would hope.
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They going to go after Hunter for 'child' porn? It's rumored; that on his laptop has it.
If the laptop is entered as evidence; is everything on it, open to review?
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It really makes you wonder. Did this shooter have some type of FBI groomer and that is what needs to be concealed from the public?

IIRC the judge is a black female leftist. The mother is supposedly a pediatrician. At one time the cunt-judge put a gag order on the father because she didn't want the news to get out about what she was doing in her courtroom.
I think I would have been like......Hay bob you know what is going on with my son......yea you told me about that, what is going on with all that. Well the judge has put a gag order on me so I can't tell you anything about that. Well that is crap. (you push stop on the recording)

So Bob, as I can't say anything about it I have this huge favor to ask of you................
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Da Mayor of Baton Rouge:
View attachment 8432517
Shit hole for a City!
I am not saying there is something in common with all the "shit hole" cities. But I think if you went to pull pictures of the Mayor of all the major cities with crime issues you would find a minimum of two things in common with all of them. I think most here are smart enough to figure it out.
I have no doubt that he said that and presented it that way, and in his own twisted mind he may actually believe it. Thing is, reality is almost the exact opposite of the FBI's statements. The public would understand. It would not misconstrue them at all. It would expose the conspiracy, and prevent future shootings by exposing all the markers of a deranged individual.

In short, the FBI must do all it can to hide the truth, which it has been doing with greater and greater frequency. It is 100% a political weapon of the left now. We don't have an "FBI" anymore. They are now the DNC Secret Police headed by a commissar.
Truly a scary statement, that last bit.

If anyone has not read Gulag archipelago do it while you still can. There are several versions, the real one, big and thick. One for "American readers", this one leaves out some of the stories but still has the meat and potatoes, you loose out on some of the details, but you don't loose out on the bulk of the info. You loose the salad and green beans. The last I will call the "kiddy" version. Most of the details are there but many of the more.....hard hitting info is gone. This one is a quick read.

I read the "American" one first, and then the full version. The "American" version was edited by his son. I really did not gain much reading the second one. It is like a sunday with the cherry on top vs. one without the cherry. It added to it, but you already know all you need to know.

I have not read the very "abridged" version and only go by what I have read about that one.

I know I preach to the choir here, but really if you have not read this book. It will give you a very well grounded in history platform to base your thinking and talks with others that agree with your view or not.
Thank God my son turned 26 last Jan.
So, military aged males from terrorist countries all over the world flooding unchecked over our border into the US and now all military aged Americans will be flooding out across the border out.

Future historians will be astonished at the self destruction.
I am not saying there is something in common with all the "shit hole" cities. But I think if you went to pull pictures of the Mayor of all the major cities with crime issues you would find a minimum of two things in common with all of them. I think most here are smart enough to figure it out.
True. The "culture" in America has changed. Remember these people vote and those constituents continue to keep "their people" in office.
Voting is not for the good of the country. Voting is for the good of the "tribe".
For 20 years the tribe has kept re-electing this person to different elected official positions.

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couple of retards.

They can suck SCOTUS dick. They have no say on how the court conducts its business.

Don't worry these congressmen are the very paradigm of virtue and set the gold standard for ethics. It will be a safe bet that if the bill ever made it into law that it will be ruled unconstitutional.
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This is what the constituents want. Suburbs are breaking off and starting their own cities.
There will be more 'flight"....... From all races. Going tribal.... Birds of a feather...

This is very accurate, and here locally it is not just the suburbs, but other areas of the county are wanting to split off.

A little like the greater Idaho thing. They want no part of the failure that is the inner cities, and even to a greater extent, at least here don't want to pay for what they want.
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A woman with a rifle shops in a bakery, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel. REUTERS/Marko Djurica
View attachment 8432621

Years ago there was a "girls of the IDF" thread running on one of the forums I visited. I don't remember what one. It was basically hottie women in the IDF, and most just out in "the world" with an M4 carried just like this one. Most of the time no mag in the gun, but sometimes there was. I was told it was carried in a different location. If in their military uniforms in another pocket, but if they are in civilian clothing in their purse usually. It was quite interesting to see the different way of life, and also look at some pretty young girls. I asked a few questions the normal why's. and where's. A few ex citizens filled in the valid questions. IIRC the board had a no pink rule and some folk could not live by that rule and the thread got shut down.

The more I think about it, I don't think we are very far off from this. And that is truly sad.
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Truly a scary statement, that last bit.

If anyone has not read Gulag archipelago do it while you still can. There are several versions, the real one, big and thick. One for "American readers", this one leaves out some of the stories but still has the meat and potatoes, you loose out on some of the details, but you don't loose out on the bulk of the info. You loose the salad and green beans. The last I will call the "kiddy" version. Most of the details are there but many of the more.....hard hitting info is gone. This one is a quick read.

I read the "American" one first, and then the full version. The "American" version was edited by his son. I really did not gain much reading the second one. It is like a sunday with the cherry on top vs. one without the cherry. It added to it, but you already know all you need to know.

I have not read the very "abridged" version and only go by what I have read about that one.

I know I preach to the choir here, but really if you have not read this book. It will give you a very well grounded in history platform to base your thinking and talks with others that agree with your view or not.
I read the full two-volume version.

Lately, I read a "fiction" book called "The Attack" - that's a "what if" set of stories about our open borders and what could very likely happen as a result. Thought provoking and not very assuring at all.
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It might be hard to remember, but look back on this and it will be confirmed.

Back at the very start of Covid, the exact same thing as the photo above shows was going on in Hong Kong. It had gone on for months, and it was past all control.

My thoughts are that Covid was released by the chinese to bring the HK issue under control, they really did not care what happened after that. And the handlers in the west was all on board with all of this as well.

Look it up.
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Years ago there was a "girls of the IDF" thread running on one of the forums I visited. I don't remember what one. It was basically hottie women in the IDF, and most just out in "the world" with an M4 carried just like this one. Most of the time no mag in the gun, but sometimes there was. I was told it was carried in a different location. If in their military uniforms in another pocket, but if they are in civilian clothing in their purse usually. It was quite interesting to see the different way of life, and also look at some pretty young girls. I asked a few questions the normal why's. and where's. A few ex citizens filled in the valid questions. IIRC the board had a no pink rule and some folk could not live by that rule and the thread got shut down.

The more I think about it, I don't think we are very far off from this. And that is truly sad.
I saved one of those photos from long ago. It was of a school teacher on a field trip with small children. She was armed with a rifle and to everyone in the photo, it was "the norm". Reminded me of the Ma Ma Bear and some cubs. America is well down the path of "Survival of the Fittest". Daily we see situations where American's are not the fittest in a confrontation. Unfortunate.