This virus has been around for eons and will be around for many more, its not new. There's almost a guarantee that every adult has had the coronavirus sometime in their life and still are kicking. That horrible cold you had last year, the flu you had a few years back, chances are it was a strain of corona. Unless you're immune compromised or elderly with health conditions there' little reason to be concerned with the exception of idiots losing their damn minds on the street. It will most likely suck to experience if you get it, much like actually having the flu but with few exceptions you'll live. Let it run its course in 10 days to 2 weeks and go on with your life.
If the news media never made mention of this and went on their merry way no one would even notice any difference this year from last. Just stop watching the news and get a grip. The MSM doesn't care about you, they will continue to hype this as its a ratings bonanza. I still say the flu will kill more people in this country alone this year than the coronavirus will world wide. Considering the numbers between the two, the corona has a ridiculous amount of ground to gain to catch up.