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Price Gouging

I think retail is systemically hozing us. All of them.

Independant manufacturers that sell direct, not so much.

The difference is blatant.
Exactly. The retail mark up way exceeds the increase in cost of materials. Vendors know ammo brings most into the store. Offers more opportunity to buy other stuff. I can find ammo all day long. It’s the prices keeping it on the shelves and available for all. Well the standard calibers anyway.
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Stop complaining, the Free Market is at work.
I wish the government would socialize ammo production.
That way everyone would get their fair share every month.
And you wouldn't have to be bothered with planning ahead.

The John Galt Plan….will reconcile all conflicts. It will protect the property of the rich and give a greater share to the poor. It will cut down the burden of your taxes and provide you with more government benefits. It will lower price and raise wages. It will give more freedom to the individual and strengthen the bonds of collective obligations. It will combine the efficiency of free enterprise with the generosity of a planned economy. Atlas Shrugged
I only define "price gouging" as occurring in specific events. As an example we're blessed with hurricanes in Florida and an an abundance of loss of electricity after the storm. So when you see a pickup truck full of generators heading towards an impacted area, you can probably be sure they're not selling them for cost and gas money, lol. If you buy something up and nobody else can get it during an emergency, yeah that's kind of gouging. And I remember gas stations were pulling a fast one with their pumps due to Y2k.

This isn't an emergency. I think it's just going to be the life of the future.
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I only define "price gouging" as occurring in specific events. As an example we're blessed with hurricanes in Florida and an an abundance of loss of electricity after the storm. So when you see a pickup truck full of generators heading towards an impacted area, you can probably be sure they're not selling them for cost and gas money, lol. If you buy something up and nobody else can get it during an emergency, yeah that's kind of gouging. And I remember gas stations were pulling a fast one with their pumps due to Y2k.

This isn't an emergency. I think it's just going to be the life of the future.
Someone will be along shortly to tell you that your a pinko commie for not embracing free market enterprise during a natural disaster. I mean, who would sell generators if this guy didn’t buy everything at Lowe’s and the Home Depot?
Someone will be along shortly to tell you that your a pinko commie for not embracing free market enterprise during a natural disaster. I mean, who would sell generators if this guy didn’t buy everything at Lowe’s and the Home Depot?

Lmao, I know right. I forgot that what initially started the laws here in FL against that stuff was gas station operators deciding to raise prices immediately during a storm.

I certainly couldn't afford to stock up on everything I wanted before the plandemic. I got caught short on primers but at least you can get 10k at a time from Natchez as of last week. I think this is going to move primers to 40 -50 bucks per 1k permanently like when they jumped for going "green" 25-ish years ago. I've still got some stuff left from the Clinton years, I think I need to shoot more.
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Stuff is high but it looks like brass 556 is available in the 50 cents per round range. Taking into account inflation, I really don't think that is much higher than the 30 cents per round from a couple years ago.

While I think that there are people out there that take advantage of these types of situations, this is not our first rodeo and this is something that people should prepare for. People also need to understand that most of the premiums that we see people charging can be avoided in people are patient and just place an order and when it shows up it shows up. People are most impacted by high prices when they want stuff now.
Another thing, i am not exactly sure how much of the stuff being listed at a premium is actually selling, i just put together a LMT Shovel nose upper this week from instock parts for around 2 grand or so.

there are two listed on gun broker right now, one wants 3500, the other wants 2800.


Seems like the only stuff moving is decent stuff at around MSRP.
There is no such thing as "Price Gouging". There are only unprepared people who are WILLING to pay these prices. No one has a gun to their head. You can live without ammo. These people had as much chance to stock up as everyone else did. For whatever reason they chose not to. Now they are voluntarily paying these tremendously inflated prices. This has happened before, and it will happen again.

Just like there will ALWAYS be runs on plywood, drinking water, flashlight batteries, and gasoline right before a hurricane. No matter how many times they are given examples to prepare, they don't. They are simply victims of their own creation.
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COVID is the cause of all this gouging and the source of that is China. So why do we not tax the shit out of them? Free trade agreement. I know it has lapsed but Clinton has screwed us on so many levels and people still want to reinstate the free trade agreement.
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That should ring alarm bells, that ammo has been off the shelves in some areas for over a year and readily available in others at the same time. I don't believe for a second that the market can not catch up to demand in a year and a half.
Just because it's back on the shelves doesn't mean the retailers are buying it for cheap.
For example we have the lowest prices in town on ammo. Have keep the exact same price markups for 5 years. Our 9mm is still ~$25 a box, our 5.56 is still ~$12 a box, most hunting ammo is double what it was 2019.
So from my perspective, either the distributors and wholesalers are the ones uniformly gouging [which sounds fairly conspiratorial], manufactures have gotten together and agreed to uniformly charge more, or cost of goods, supplies, workers, demand, etc is at an unprecedented high....

I'll let you guys use your noodle on this one.
I wish the government would socialize ammo production.
That way everyone would get their fair share every month.
And you wouldn't have to be bothered with planning ahead.

It is a sad commentary on our times when free individuals would even consider my comment as anything but blatant sarcasm.

I'm socially depressed.

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I only define "price gouging" as occurring in specific events. As an example we're blessed with hurricanes in Florida and an an abundance of loss of electricity after the storm. So when you see a pickup truck full of generators heading towards an impacted area, you can probably be sure they're not selling them for cost and gas money, lol. If you buy something up and nobody else can get it during an emergency, yeah that's kind of gouging. And I remember gas stations were pulling a fast one with their pumps due to Y2k.

This isn't an emergency. I think it's just going to be the life of the future.
Yep. The Second Amendment has gotten more expensive. And they'll keep making it so.
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I only define "price gouging" as occurring in specific events. As an example we're blessed with hurricanes in Florida and an an abundance of loss of electricity after the storm. So when you see a pickup truck full of generators heading towards an impacted area, you can probably be sure they're not selling them for cost and gas money, lol.

Your example is EXACTLY a prime lesson in the stupidity of people that want the government to use goons with guns to force people to sell things to lazy ignorant fools for a some price they think they are owed.

Let's go over the facts for the stupids because this is something that keeps getting repeated and actually happened and the government goons with guns actually showed up to save everybody from "evil gouging" (in case you want to know the ending of that story, the government goons with guns made sure nobody got anything, so it was fair for everybody and the government got to add money to their slush fund.)

1. If you live in a place with lots of storms and an abundance of loss of electricity after storms and you don't already have a generator, you are stupid and stupid should hurt. Nobody should have to protect you from the consequences of being stupid.

2. as shown in this example, the person "gouging" for the generators was NOT buying them up locally or anywhere nearby, they were instead buying them at another place where they are plentiful and anybody could go buy them who wanted them. In fact the stupid greedy fools who were complaining to the government about "gouging" were welcome to go get in their cars and drive 10 hours and go buy one at "fair prices"

3. Somebody decides they might be able to make a good profit selling stuff idiots now want that they didn't stock up on when they could and might have panic bought out all around the area as far as the lazy asses would drive. So they spend their own money, buy up a bunch of generators where they are cheap and plentiful, then do all the work of loading them up and driving 10+ hours to get to where folks might want them, assuming all the risk of their capital, labour and time. They are not guaranteed any sales, so the risk is all on them, if nobody wants them they may be stuck with them and have lost all their time and effort.

4. So they show up and offer them for sale at a price that they feel they want to be paid for their risk, work and time. Nobody is forced to buy anything, no local resources have been depleted, instead the local resources are actually increased because if people need them bad enough, there are now previously not available options.

5. Stupid greedy bastard idiots go whining to the government that "evil man" is "gouging" them and the government needs to make it "fair".
Police Goons show up and proceed to be tyrants, and steal everything using "gouging" laws and the state enjoys getting a bit richer and guess what, now nobody can get a generator even if they did want to pay. But don't worry sit in your dark houses like a little sheep and one day the government will get around to dropping off a case of water and some crackers for you.

6. Why didn't the local government who was being all so "righteous" at their own cost send their employees to other far away places to get generators and then go give them out to the sheeple? Oh right because that would cost them a lot of money and the government isn't going to do that for no profit.

Now these "ammo shortages", this is not something that has never happened before. If you've been paying attention over the last 30 years, these market panics (almost always induced by a certain political party) come up regularly, and every time, guns and ammo go sky high (if you can find any), then a year or two later it usually comes back down.
If you don't want to stock up, well that's on you. Stop bitching about it.

And for those blathering all righteous about "people are being prevented from protecting their families", I'd say B.S. You need to protect your family and just decided it now after years of being told. Stupid costs, go buy 1 gun and find a box of 20 bullets and chances are you'll never even use the whole box to defend your family. You DON'T need a 1000 pack of cheap range ammo. Sorry if you wanted 1000 packs of ammo, no problem, you should have bought it when it was cheap and stores were trying to move it. Now either you pay up, or simply wait a year or two for the prices / availability to equalize once all the other idiots are done panic buying.

7. So the next time there is some "disaster" or more correctly, something that comes around pretty often that you should be prepared for but are not, somebody else might be watching the news and see stupid sheeple crying on TV about not having any power and not having any clean drinking water and start to think, well here's a good business opportunity, I could get off the couch, take my savings, buy the stuff, take all the risk, drive there, spend a lot of time and hard effort, and make good profit, which would be worth it. Then they remember what happened last time and decide "F..K all you greedy stupid sheeple, enjoy your misery, let the government deal with your stupid lot."
I set a threshold for how much ammo I want on hand as a minimum. Everything above that is free to shoot or have as surplus. Stacking guns and ammo is cool and all, but not shooting and losing proficiency means your hoarding was for nothing.

I also focus on being efficient with my drills at the range. When I used to burn 200-300 rounds in a range day is now down to sub 100. I buy a couple boxes of ammo here and there to basically replenish what I shoot.

I’ve only noticed certain firearms go up in price. A Sig MCX used to be had sub $2k all day long. Now they’re damn near $3k. However, something like an SR25 or LMT has remained the same price but just a lot harder to get. I’d argue that not much has changed for the “average” gun owner. They’re still cheap ARs on the shelves and plenty of 20rd ammo boxes. It’s those that seek niche’ guns and bulk ammo getting raked over the coals.

Both KAC and LMT raised their prices.
Just like there will ALWAYS be runs on plywood, drinking water, flashlight batteries, and gasoline right before a hurricane. No matter how many times they are given examples to prepare, they don't. They are simply victims of their own creation.

Then you get to fight past them when they have a line coming out the front door of Lowes or Home Depot returning it because they never even put it up.

No matter how many times the message is put out every May/June, there will always be a run on bottled water. The plandemic was a new one however, I didn't know people could clean out the entire supply of canned soup at multiple stores.
I bet all you who complain about “price gouging” wouldn’t and hasn’t hesitated to sell your home at above market value lately…

One. You are foolish not to take advantage of selling something that is in high demand that is providing a higher value than usual that isn’t required for you to live…

Two. You are a fool for not preparing prior…what we are seeing all over the world not just this industry has been coming for a long time….economist have been warning us since

Three. If you can’t afford it. Don’t come complain how the prices are high. Prices are what it is. Supply and demand. Does it suck. Yes. But you as the customer have direct effect on prices.

Some complain about China, Big Tech, Prices, Quality etc. if people truly wanted to change they would make lifestyle changes but you know what. So many people are weak and prefer comfort and cheap crap over what is truly good for America…and yourself…just look at what you eat…

Americans need to stop being so darn materialistic when they can’t afford it. Too many slap that plastic without having funds to cover it within 30 days…don’t forget buying those cars that they shouldn’t buy and taking it out for 72/84 months…I see people buying $50k+ cars and $20k+ boats on a $60k a year income…it’s pathetic…but I cAn MaKE mY pAyMent EverY MoNTH but I ComPlain I Have no Retitement aT 60…don’t be a dummy. Lean up your finances…it’s going to get much more expensive.
And I don't know about that free market quip, not with Jerk Biden banning the cheap russian stuff.

Yeah "Free Market" my ass.

I see people buying $50k+ cars and $20k+ boats on a $60k a year income…

Credit is the only thing that keeps our phony economy rolling. If we had a Carter type rate hike we'd be fucked.
Absolutely. Credit is why the America economy hasn’t crashed…but it’s really the people’s fault for not having control over their purchases…

Some listen some don’t … stop buying crap on credit cards without having funds to cover it within 30-45 days … buy a good used car with cash and put your payments into investments …

If you are living paycheck to paycheck … just wait until the next waive of price increases come in the next two years …

BUt I HaVe BeeR and FooTball on Tv…
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I only define "price gouging" as occurring in specific events. As an example we're blessed with hurricanes in Florida and an an abundance of loss of electricity after the storm. So when you see a pickup truck full of generators heading towards an impacted area, you can probably be sure they're not selling them for cost and gas money, lol. If you buy something up and nobody else can get it during an emergency, yeah that's kind of gouging. And I remember gas stations were pulling a fast one with their pumps due to Y2k.

This isn't an emergency. I think it's just going to be the life of the future.
Now if someone buys up a truckload of generators in North Georgia or Timbuctoo, drives for hours and hours to South Florida to resell them......

WHY ON EARTH WOULD they do it for cost and gas? Is their time, investment and road risk worth NOTHING?
Now if someone buys up a truckload of generators in North Georgia or Timbuctoo, drives for hours and hours to South Florida to resell them......

WHY ON EARTH WOULD they do it for cost and gas? Is their time, investment and road risk worth NOTHING?

OMG, I hope some are NOT emergency management directors. If someone is in an area hit by a storm in FL they will most likely be without electricity for some time. Since everyone's gramma and grampa have to retire here (law if they live east of the Mississippi apparently) they don't know shit about hurricanes. Local government will try and clear main arteries as soon as it is safe so that supplies can flow in.

Your grampa topped off the car but it only has so much of a range. And since there's no electricity, he can't buy gasoline locally. If you really think that it's just people coming from hours and miles away to sell shit, well I don't know what to tell you. You must think that the farther away you've driven to make a profit the more righteous you are. I'd probably suggest a career as divorce attorney to them as they have a real love of making a buck from someone's misery.

The utility contractors that have been staged to come in and restore your grampa's electricity hopefully won't be stuck on an interstate in a traffic jam because a few hundred or thousand free market entrepreneurs are making sure he can buy a generator or bottled water. It's a little more complicated than you think it is and there is no easy solution.

You can do whatever you want. But since LE is stretched thin I wouldn't be crying if you tried to enter a disaster area and get your truckload of humanitarian aid jacked.
The utility contractors that have been staged to come in and restore your grampa's electricity hopefully won't be stuck on an interstate in a traffic jam because a few hundred or thousand free market entrepreneurs are making sure he can buy a generator or bottled water. It's a little more complicated than you think it is and there is no easy solution.

If you there were hundreds or thousands of vendors coming down with goods, very quickly prices would crater and everybody would be happy.
So the problem is? Also how many folks actually are going to do the hard work, risk and put out the capital to bring stuff in when it's all on them and not getting paid a solid paycheck to do it?

You can do whatever you want. But since LE is stretched thin I wouldn't be crying if you tried to enter a disaster area and get your truckload of humanitarian aid jacked.

So you are saying they need to also budget into the end sales cost what it costs to hire private armed security to go in there then?
More costs passed on to the end user, that's life, but somehow the LE seem to get upset when somebody else does the job they refuse to do or can't do...

Or are you saying the LE guys will be the ones trying to do the jacking?
Never mind all that, how many generators did you sell?

I'm in the refuses to go risk things for sheeple who don't care and wouldn't appreciate it and would prefer somebody gets paid to rob me at gunpoint and give part of it to them for free, category.

Stuff I store is for myself, my family and my close friends.
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Another thing, i am not exactly sure how much of the stuff being listed at a premium is actually selling, i just put together a LMT Shovel nose upper this week from instock parts for around 2 grand or so.

there are two listed on gun broker right now, one wants 3500, the other wants 2800.


Seems like the only stuff moving is decent stuff at around MSRP.

Originally, LMT only sold about 50 complete uppers and the first one on Gunbroker sold for ~$3500, setting the market price.
If you there were hundreds or thousands of vendors coming down with goods, very quickly prices would crater and everybody would be happy.
So the problem is? Also how many folks actually are going to do the hard work, risk and put out the capital to bring stuff in when it's all on them and not getting paid a solid paycheck to do it?

So you are saying they need to also budget into the end sales cost what it costs to hire private armed security to go in there then?
More costs passed on to the end user, that's life, but somehow the LE seem to get upset when somebody else does the job they refuse to do or can't do...

Or are you saying the LE guys will be the ones trying to do the jacking?

At this point I'm saying I think your reading comprehension and common sense need a tune up.

I'm in the refuses to go risk things for sheeple who don't care and wouldn't appreciate it and would prefer somebody gets paid to rob me at gunpoint and give part of it to them for free, category.

Stuff I store is for myself, my family and my close friends.

Well, duh.
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We have Two (2) generators. Its what you have to do living in the Gulf South aka Hurricane Alley. (Honda, makes the best, and most expensive generators. Start easy, last forever) Getting one of those permanent, whole house backup generators. Good, but purchase a spare portable. A good friend’s permanent back-up generator broke a crankshaft during the Hurricane Ida blackouts).

One point I have not seen mentioned. Millions of new firearm owners needing ammunition for their new arms. Factories and loading what is in demand the most, taking time away from loading what we as PR shooters and AR shooters want and need.
1. If you live in a place with lots of storms and an abundance of loss of electricity after storms and you don't already have a generator, you are stupid and stupid should hurt. Nobody should have to protect you from the consequences of being stupid.
This reminded me of when hurricane Katrina flooded the below-sea-level parts of New Orleans. When the rescuers showed up in boats to rescue the people from the rooftops of their houses, many of them told the rescuers: "Just tell them to turn on the pumps!" Never mind that the electricity to run the pumps had been out for days.
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Unfortunately, this is where we are today thanks to politicians, but it's still the best place in the world to live. Now I need to buy some expensive primers, I know I am just part of the problem.
I found primers, in stock, in a brick and mortar store!!…! Large and small rifle, and large and small pistol. CCI and Remington. He only wanted $24.99 per 100. He had a ton of ammo on the shelves too. I don’t remember any prices, but they weren’t exactly steals, in any climate. Capitalism at work. Am I right?
Someone will be along shortly to tell you that your a pinko commie for not embracing free market enterprise during a natural disaster. I mean, who would sell generators if this guy didn’t buy everything at Lowe’s and the Home Depot?
You retards ensure scarcity.

why would I haul a tanker of gas or a load of generators from 1000 miles away if I can’t get paid well for my time fuel and risk ?

publci education smh

^ that and the teachers / administration is actual commies now. No wonder there is no economic or common sense
9mm have come down from .70 to .34 over the last couple months. Don't know if they will come down to much more. I picked up 10,000 SRP yesterday for $100 per 1000. They will disappear from my shelf in less than 5 days and i'll make a little money on them. That's why i'm in business.
During hard times “free market” is defined as “predatory”, devoid of any obligation of “Christian morality” or caring for fellow man. You are either the butcher or the beef, so suck it up. Those types of “ethical” considerations are merely for commoners(beef). Us businesses are immune from such expectations in the “free market”......🙄

Cavet emptor peasants!
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Your example is EXACTLY a prime lesson in the stupidity of people that want the government to use goons with guns to force people to sell things to lazy ignorant fools for a some price they think they are owed.

Let's go over the facts for the stupids because this is something that keeps getting repeated and actually happened and the government goons with guns actually showed up to save everybody from "evil gouging" (in case you want to know the ending of that story, the government goons with guns made sure nobody got anything, so it was fair for everybody and the government got to add money to their slush fund.)

1. If you live in a place with lots of storms and an abundance of loss of electricity after storms and you don't already have a generator, you are stupid and stupid should hurt. Nobody should have to protect you from the consequences of being stupid.

2. as shown in this example, the person "gouging" for the generators was NOT buying them up locally or anywhere nearby, they were instead buying them at another place where they are plentiful and anybody could go buy them who wanted them. In fact the stupid greedy fools who were complaining to the government about "gouging" were welcome to go get in their cars and drive 10 hours and go buy one at "fair prices"

3. Somebody decides they might be able to make a good profit selling stuff idiots now want that they didn't stock up on when they could and might have panic bought out all around the area as far as the lazy asses would drive. So they spend their own money, buy up a bunch of generators where they are cheap and plentiful, then do all the work of loading them up and driving 10+ hours to get to where folks might want them, assuming all the risk of their capital, labour and time. They are not guaranteed any sales, so the risk is all on them, if nobody wants them they may be stuck with them and have lost all their time and effort.

4. So they show up and offer them for sale at a price that they feel they want to be paid for their risk, work and time. Nobody is forced to buy anything, no local resources have been depleted, instead the local resources are actually increased because if people need them bad enough, there are now previously not available options.

5. Stupid greedy bastard idiots go whining to the government that "evil man" is "gouging" them and the government needs to make it "fair".
Police Goons show up and proceed to be tyrants, and steal everything using "gouging" laws and the state enjoys getting a bit richer and guess what, now nobody can get a generator even if they did want to pay. But don't worry sit in your dark houses like a little sheep and one day the government will get around to dropping off a case of water and some crackers for you.

6. Why didn't the local government who was being all so "righteous" at their own cost send their employees to other far away places to get generators and then go give them out to the sheeple? Oh right because that would cost them a lot of money and the government isn't going to do that for no profit.

Now these "ammo shortages", this is not something that has never happened before. If you've been paying attention over the last 30 years, these market panics (almost always induced by a certain political party) come up regularly, and every time, guns and ammo go sky high (if you can find any), then a year or two later it usually comes back down.
If you don't want to stock up, well that's on you. Stop bitching about it.

And for those blathering all righteous about "people are being prevented from protecting their families", I'd say B.S. You need to protect your family and just decided it now after years of being told. Stupid costs, go buy 1 gun and find a box of 20 bullets and chances are you'll never even use the whole box to defend your family. You DON'T need a 1000 pack of cheap range ammo. Sorry if you wanted 1000 packs of ammo, no problem, you should have bought it when it was cheap and stores were trying to move it. Now either you pay up, or simply wait a year or two for the prices / availability to equalize once all the other idiots are done panic buying.

7. So the next time there is some "disaster" or more correctly, something that comes around pretty often that you should be prepared for but are not, somebody else might be watching the news and see stupid sheeple crying on TV about not having any power and not having any clean drinking water and start to think, well here's a good business opportunity, I could get off the couch, take my savings, buy the stuff, take all the risk, drive there, spend a lot of time and hard effort, and make good profit, which would be worth it. Then they remember what happened last time and decide "F..K all you greedy stupid sheeple, enjoy your misery, let the government deal with your stupid lot."
Do you also believe that anti monopoly laws are commie bullshit? What about labor laws? Should a company be able to pay whatever it wants, in what ever real or company currency it wants?

I would be of the opinion that unregulated capitalism does not work well.
Do you also believe that anti monopoly laws are commie bullshit? What about labor laws? Should a company be able to pay whatever it wants, in what ever real or company currency it wants?

I would be of the opinion that unregulated capitalism does not work well.
Lol tell me more about unregulated capitalism

Tell me a little about freedom of association while you are at it.
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The “mon and pop” local businesses that are soooo popular on SH would never survive unregulated capitalism.
Lol you mean without .gov doing things like giving Amazon below cost usps rates, big companies giant tax breaks , shutting down small companies during the plandemic while letting amaxon and Walmart etc open? Etc x 1000