Hunting & Fishing Rabbit protection


Full Member
May 7, 2012
Uk. Somerset
Ok you are probably all thinking I have run off and joined the fairy group or been hired by some mafia rabbit and am currently being paid in carrots and grass cuttings ( I need to lay off the mushrooms ) unfortunately the mafia rabbit couldn't afford my services.

After dropping off some leaflets to local farms letting them know of the poachers and giving me a good in to chat to them about the other services we deliver so fingers crossed on that front it was time to head down to the shoot.

Tony and I had been laid for the best part of 3 hours observing the little bunnies playing and seen as these were still a little young and we are wishing to keep them safe till end of September so as our winter shoot will benefit from it.

Nothing came in till dark o clock and I was using the challenger in monical mode when I observed something small moving into where the kits were.

Quickly chucking the nv onto the rifle I picked up the target, a cub moving left to right stalking, I squeaked once and she stopped but silly knackers here hadn't forwarded the bolt so a quick re adjust and another squeak saw a perfect line up to the boiler room when the shot was released.

Range to target 125yds
Windage 0-1mph
POI just above the leading right leg straight through the heart


Number 11 down


I was using my remington 700 .223 loaded with hornady 55gr vmax (factory).

Is was a clean through and through with a 1-inch exit channel. The side the picture was taken was the entry point.


Always good to see supporters from the UK

Lol I'd support you guys to hell and back!! Some of the best combat action was seen whilst fighting alongside USMC in afghan 2009 Helmand province, still have the boonie I traded and the gerber tactical lock knife ;)

Would support even more if I could get some of the scopes you boys get to play with ;)