Rangefinder 1000+ yds


Full Member
Jan 24, 2010
Just came back from a PD shoot in South Dakota and got one of the little buggers at 943yds. Beyond that I was limited partly because had a Leica 1200, and my friend had the bino/rangefinder Leica 1600 and neither of these would range beyond about 8-900 yards. I knew where the 943 PD was because the farmer had placed an orange salt/vitamin cattle feeder at exactly 1000 from our gun setup, and the 1600 could range that.
I keep reading on this forum about the Vectronix PLRF-- but I can't find it available for purchase. Is it available to civilians like myself?
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1983067 a third of the way down, btw, they start at $3700 and easily double depending on options, my bushnell fusion bino 1600 lrf's can hit poles/flags to 1100, highway signs to 1500+ and brick houses to 1750+, the beam is bigger so smaller stuff might be hard but they work very well tested them on steel on a range to 1k with no problem, oh and they start at $750.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">get a swarovski -ranges a grand easy </div></div>

And then some.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

The farthest "in the field" range I've popped was 1681 METERS with the Bushnell Fushion 10x40's. Over a mile at the side of a non-reflective grassy hill side while looking at coyotes that just wouldn't come.

For a $700 unit that doubles as a pair of binocs...it's VERY hard to beat.

Hit some black cows at 1200m+ this spring, was hitting the tops of telephone poles (to avoid getting false readings from the ground behind them) at 1380m and decided to get cocky and was ranging black birds in flight at 200-300m.

Skinney and I got to take the Bushnell Fusion and Leica Geovid lrf/bino combo outside while at Cabelas one day to compare. The Bushnell was getting ranges at greater distances no doubt...but not surprisingly, the Leica has way better glass for all day viewing pleasure. I didn't feel the Leica were worth 3x the Bushnell though, especially since they couldn't range as far.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

I've owned the Bushnell Fusion 1600 10x42 for three days now. Real impressed with the ranging - trees to 1810 yards. And I like how it will display the closest (or furthest) object when you 'wave' it over an object. I just wish glass clarity was a little better.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rvander1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just came back from a PD shoot in South Dakota and got one of the little buggers at 943yds. Beyond that I was limited partly because had a Leica 1200, and my friend had the bino/rangefinder Leica 1600 and neither of these would range beyond about 8-900 yards. I knew where the 943 PD was because the farmer had placed an orange salt/vitamin cattle feeder at exactly 1000 from our gun setup, and the 1600 could range that.
I keep reading on this forum about the Vectronix PLRF-- but I can't find it available for purchase. Is it available to civilians like myself?
Thanks </div></div>

You are on the right track. Having owned 5 Swaro's, a few (3~4) leicas and spending a day with a Leica 1600 and a Zeiss I can tell you none of these will keep you happy on flat ground on small targets. The Zeiss has the largest Beam followed by the Swaro. The Leicas have a much smaller beam but lack the power in bright sun. The Swaro and the Zeiss don't have more power, like some people think, they just return more ranges due to the huge beams. Problem is, it is rarly a distance reading of what you want on flat ground as the beam pickes up what ever it hits first that reflects best. Now that I have my PLRF10 life is good, even well past 2500 yards.

Here is where you can purchase. You are able to buy but they may want to do a background check first. And you can not ship these out of the US.


Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: skinney</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ranged a moving semi @ 6K a couple weeks ago with some IV's. </div></div>

Thats pretty good, but.....laffin!
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds


Vectronix PLRF10 set on meters..

To go to the next level your looking at 3X the cost of one of these units.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

Been reading you guy's posts on the Vectronix...pretty cool what they will do. Definitely in a different league than what most of us are using.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

Seems like most guys responding (and THANKS for all the responses) are ranging things much bigger than a PD--phone poles silo, tree, cow, etc. I didn't realize bright sun reduced laser ranging-- was very bright, long days in SD last week- maybe that reduced the ability of my buddie's Leica 1600- but I'm going to try for PD's at 1000+ next June. Yes, a tall order, but I want to challenge myself. We thought about putting flags/steel out at various yardages beyond 900 yards, but where we shoot there are PD's long range for 180 degrees--so that would be VERY hard to do. It's all prairie, grass, rolling small hills, almost no trees. It's amazingly hard to tell if a PD is 900 or 1400 yards out.
Does anyone know if even a Vectronix PLRF will range a PD at 1000-1500 yards? I can get a Barr and Stroud for $350, any of you guys use that?
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rvander1</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Does anyone know if even a Vectronix PLRF will range a PD at 1000-1500 yards? </div></div>

Since all the RF's have a beam divergence larger than the Prarie dog at 1000 or 1500 I will say none of them will. But will the PLRF10 range the mound he is on? Yes. You will need to be resting the RF on sand bags or on a tripod to hold it steady enough to be accurate at those distances.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Here is where you can purchase.

You are able to buy but they may want to do a background check first. And you can not ship these out of the US.

Jeff do you have a contact name? I'm still looking to get mine.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Here is where you can purchase.

You are able to buy but they may want to do a background check first. And you can not ship these out of the US.

Jeff do you have a contact name? I'm still looking to get mine.

JeffVN </div></div>

Jeff, I just called and talked to the very friendly lady that answered the phone. It was a couple months ago. I asked about civilians purchasing and price and was given this info and a price of $3725 with 4 to 6 weeks lead time. I have been told recently that now they sometimes require a backgound check before giving quotes. But this was not the case when I called.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: c_bass16</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The farthest "in the field" range I've popped was 1681 METERS with the Bushnell Fushion 10x40's. Over a mile at the side of a non-reflective grassy hill side while looking at coyotes that just wouldn't come.

For a $700 unit that doubles as a pair of binocs...it's VERY hard to beat.

Hit some black cows at 1200m+ this spring, was hitting the tops of telephone poles (to avoid getting false readings from the ground behind them) at 1380m and decided to get cocky and was ranging black birds in flight at 200-300m.

Skinney and I got to take the Bushnell Fusion and Leica Geovid lrf/bino combo outside while at Cabelas one day to compare. The Bushnell was getting ranges at greater distances no doubt...but not surprisingly, the Leica has way better glass for all day viewing pleasure. I didn't feel the Leica were worth 3x the Bushnell though, especially since they couldn't range as far.</div></div>

+1 on the Bushnell. I've get out past 1K all the time. Have ranged cows at 1400 easy.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

I really doubt that you will find one of the usual range finders that will range a PD at a 1000...too small a target, too far away for their capabilities. The high end finders are in a whole different league and they cost accordingly.

Its all about target size, surface and quality. Most of the usual range finders will also have a difficult time ranging an antelope or deer at that distance if the conditions are not ideal. The farthest I've ever ranged a deer only with my Leica was 956 yds as he stood in a mowed hay field. Most of the times you will need a tree or hillside to help provide a larger background target.

The Swaro is better than the Leica and others have come into the market with good performing RF as well. Test some out at the store, see which one you like best. There are some good reviews posted on line (6mmbr)that rank field performance quite well.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: J.Myers</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why buy from Potomac group when you can buy from Vectronix directly? </div></div>

I have priced at both places. Potomic was almost $400 less. Unless ther has been a price drop I don't know about at Vectronix

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

As a Vector 21B owner, all I can say is go with Vectronix and don't look back!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broz</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rvander1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just came back from a PD shoot in South Dakota and got one of the little buggers at 943yds. Beyond that I was limited partly because had a Leica 1200, and my friend had the bino/rangefinder Leica 1600 and neither of these would range beyond about 8-900 yards. I knew where the 943 PD was because the farmer had placed an orange salt/vitamin cattle feeder at exactly 1000 from our gun setup, and the 1600 could range that.
I keep reading on this forum about the Vectronix PLRF-- but I can't find it available for purchase. Is it available to civilians like myself?
Thanks </div></div>

You are on the right track. Having owned 5 Swaro's, a few (3~4) leicas and spending a day with a Leica 1600 and a Zeiss I can tell you none of these will keep you happy on flat ground on small targets. The Zeiss has the largest Beam followed by the Swaro. The Leicas have a much smaller beam but lack the power in bright sun. The Swaro and the Zeiss don't have more power, like some people think, they just return more ranges due to the huge beams. Problem is, it is rarly a distance reading of what you want on flat ground as the beam pickes up what ever it hits first that reflects best. Now that I have my PLRF10 life is good, even well past 2500 yards.

Here is where you can purchase. You are able to buy but they may want to do a background check first. And you can not ship these out of the US.


Jeff </div></div>
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

If weight isn't an issue the old school coincidence rangefinders ( WIld Heerbrug) will give you a reading on that prairie dog at 1000yds every time. I see them on E-bay for about $300.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

+ 1...for the Leica 1600.
I have ranged targets, out past 1600yrds.
Its small, lite, and work extremely well.
and is about $800./
Can't go wrong, with the Leica 1600!

LOBO 151
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

Broz Thanks for the contact info. I made the call and am waiting on my "background check." Easy call to make and very friendly. Nice thing is they start out lower than factory direct, and then gave me a "former military" discount on top of the low price. Very nice.

Still trying to decide if I go PLRF-10 or PLRF-15... its only $$$ HA! Either way I'm getting the compass and incline indicators built in with data transfer.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Broz Thanks for the contact info. Still trying to decide if I go PLRF-10 or PLRF-15...
JeffVN </div></div>

Check to be sure but I think the PLRF10 has a smaller beam divergence than the 15. I would think you would benifit from a smaller beam shooting in a flat desert area like you sometimes do. I was at Shawn Carlocks last week and we both have PLRF10's We were ranging 1 moa rocks in mid day sun to past 2000 yards, no problem!!. Prepair to be amazed, and very happy. The next phase of PLRF10 ownership is, WTF didn't I do this years ago?


Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broz</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Broz Thanks for the contact info. Still trying to decide if I go PLRF-10 or PLRF-15...
JeffVN </div></div>

Check to be sure but I think the PLRF10 has a smaller beam divergence than the 15. I would think you would benifit from a smaller beam shooting in a flat desert area like you sometimes do. I was at Shawn Carlocks last week and we both have PLRF10's We were ranging 1 moa rocks in mid day sun to past 2000 yards, no problem!!. Prepair to be amazed, and very happy. The next phase of PLRF10 ownership is, <span style="color: #FFFF00">WTF didn't I do this years ago


+1 these things are unbelieveable, still don't regret getting my ones even though with the $ the way it is now & having a dealer here I can get them way cheaper now

It is very hard to use a "normal" range finder after useing the PLRF10
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds


I pulled the trigger so to speak and just ordered the PLRF10. They gave me a decent discount (former military) and the build is in process. Now the waiting begins.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeff

I pulled the trigger so to speak and just ordered the PLRF10. They gave me a decent discount (former military) and the build is in process. Now the waiting begins.

Jeff </div></div>

I remember we talked on the phone a long time ago and I also remember some pics you posted of where you shoot. I am thinking you will be very amazed and pleased with this new piece of equipment.

Congrats on "pulling the trigger"

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds


You are correct on both items. One of these days you are going to come down and and we can use these little devices to hammer some steel at long range. If it works only 1/2 as good as advertised I'm going to love it.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeff

You are correct on both items. One of these days you are going to come down and and we can use these little devices to hammer some steel at long range. If it works only 1/2 as good as advertised I'm going to love it.

Jeffvn </div></div>

I would really enjoy that. A trip to Vegas with shooting too!! Life is good!! LOL

Actually it will work 100% as advertised. I think they say 2500 meters and min will do about 200 beyond that regularly. Or 2990's in yards.

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeff

I pulled the trigger so to speak and just ordered the PLRF10. They gave me a decent discount (former military) and the build is in process. Now the waiting begins.

Jeff </div></div>

if you don't mind, can you give the link to where you ordered it from? I am looking for one also. Appreciate your help.
Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DesertHK</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jeffvn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeff

I pulled the trigger so to speak and just ordered the PLRF10. They gave me a decent discount (former military) and the build is in process. Now the waiting begins.

Jeff </div></div>

if you don't mind, can you give the link to where you ordered it from? I am looking for one also. Appreciate your help. </div></div>

Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

yep that is the spot; if you want, ask for Alina...that is who I dealt with. She was very helpful.

She will also tell you that regardless what you have heard, the PLRF-05 is not going to be offered to anyone until roughly SHOT 2012....


Re: Rangefinder 1000+ yds

How does the glass clarity compare between the Leica 1200/1600 and the Bushnell Fusion 10x40? How about accuracy? I would mostly be ranging steel and PDs (occasionally other game animals as well).