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It serves no real purpose. People can see the hypocrisy and how it was used to control and keep people ignorant for millennia.

The catholic church is a great example. Amas great swaths of wealth, was against its peasants learning to read. Only Priests can read and we need to do mass in Latin. Why do you think most of our known history from the time was written by Monks? Other than the ultra rich and some merchants, they were the only ones who could read and write. The printing press changed everything.

Societies were based around religion so if you wanted to be a sucsesful person you had to play along, even if you know it was bullshit. Its only until recently we don't have to pretend anymore.

We saw in the last 50 years how godly the church is as it hid and shuffled child molesters around until the damn finally broke. The richest institution on the planet yet there is still worldwide suffering and poverty. Cardinals live like kings. Almost none of that wealth goes to helping the people who are supposed to give their body and soul to the same church? Get fucking real.

Or we could talk about the Church of England which was created so the Kind could kick his current wife to the curb and marry/fuck the newer model. Use of the church to eliminate all enemies of the Head of state while keeping the peasants in line.

After the enlightenment there is no need for the Church or religion. People have the ability to think for themselves and understand natural law.

There are many things we do not and may not ever understand. We don't need religion to rationalize what we cannot rationalize or understand.

A whole lot of people in here want to dictate how other lives and want to dictate choices that do not effect them. How about y'all just mind your own fucking business and worry about your own fucked up selves. That should keep you more than busy enough.

If you believe in someones freedom of religion you should believe in their lack of religion. If they don't believe exactly what you believe they must be wrong anyway right? So how is it different to believe in something wrong or atheism?

No one wants to stop you from believing in whatever you want. They do want to stop you from using that religion and its morals to dictate to others how they should live.
God wants you to use condoms? He wants you to to have sex but not procreate? Hrm.

Yes, we should kill unborn babies out of convenience. Now where that cut off is, I honestly couldn't tell you and is what makes this a hard discussion. It becomes a battle of definitions. At the end of the day the woman has to bear the responsibility of childbirth and rasing it (Although tits are fun to play with, its not why women have them). At the same time and off topic, if a man wants to abort the kid and the women doesn't, he should be absolved of all financial responsibility for said kid.

Have had plenty of abortions and I love my kid more than anything. Waiting till you are responsible and financially secure results in a much better quality of life for everyone, and the chance of success is greater.

14-25 year old Kids, and Yes they are kids becuase their brain has not fully developed and they do not have the wisdom of experience to understand what most of us here do, should not have to live with a mistake if there is an easy solution.

Is it ok to abort or kill the kid if the mother will die? Who gets to make that decision? What if she was raped? You going to force her to go through pregnancy and have that constant reminder , assuming she doesn't kill herself and the baby?

So if you answer yes to either of these, then its ok to kill the unborn baby, as long as there is a reason you are ok with. That just makes you hypocrite. . A life is a life. Which one is worth more? Why do YOU get to decide.

What a mother does with her unborn child is no concern of yours. Its her decision and as far as I am concerned, she is the one who has to live with that decision so let her make it. She may regret it later but it was her decision and not one forced on her by a bunch of hypocrites who want others to live by a set of morals they don't.
Women lay down with dirt bags then get praise for having abortions or putting dead beats back on the streets. It’s not the killed children after the abortion that did wrong it was a moral less mother that laid down with garbage. That’s not anyones fault but her own. Coming from a man that got a woman pregnant, begged her to not have an abortion, even went to the lengths to let her walk away afterwards with no strings attached she still did it and thought I was funny for wanting my unborn child to have a chance at life. Those children didn’t try to push morals on their mothers but they were killed!
Women lay down with dirt bags then get praise for having abortions or putting dead beats back on the streets. It’s not the killed children after the abortion that did wrong it was a moral less mother that laid down with garbage. That’s not anyones fault but her own. Coming from a man that got a woman pregnant, begged her to not have an abortion, even went to the lengths to let her walk away afterwards with no strings attached she still did it and thought I was funny for wanting my unborn child to have a chance at life. Those children didn’t try to push morals on their mothers but they were killed!
Wasn't there a court case where a man sued the woman he impregnated when she got an abortion? Surely somebody on here would be able to search for something like that. I wouldn't know where to look to find actual court cases that have the results as well.

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Oh cry me a river. Some of you live in fantasy land.

Which god(s) are you talking about? The Christian one? Jewish? Muslim? Hindu? Greek Gods? Norse gods? Santa?

Non sentient reality spawned a sentient being like yourself with not much power to control reality other than to maybe eat what you’re provided and then wipe the byproduct you have no control over off your ass.

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Wasn't there a court case where a man sued the woman he impregnated when she got an abortion? Surely somebody on here would be able to search for something like that. I wouldn't know where to look to find actual court cases that have the results as well.

Here is one...
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The political spectrum is more like a clock. People at 3 oclock are on the right....people at 9 o'clock are on the left.

You mean they don't fit neatly into one of the little label boxes we use today?

Right and left, progressive and conservative, Dem and Republican, liberal and libertarian, and all the ists under the sun are man’s creation. The definitions are muddied because they are subject to the needs of the moment. It is no problem to move those boundaries- they are shifting shadows. Of course men argue over the separation of one from the other, the purpose of the man-made boundaries, from inception, was to gain control.

Right and wrong, good and evil, and darkness and light those are God’s words and they have definitions which do not vary. These are foundation stones placed by His wisdom and held fast by the power of His hand.

Abortion is wrong, evil, dark, and lawless.
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You have it entirely backwards. Actually it was the Nazis who openly admired the American Progressive movement, and Hitler lamented in early letters that he wished that Germany could be as Progressive as Alabama with their sterilization laws.

Why do you think the word "progressive" was eliminated from the American lexicon till Hillary Clinton brought it back? It was synonymous with Nazi from the late 1930s on.

The only element where these "Progressives" differ from their ideological brethren in Germany is their equal distain for "The Right Kind" of babies to be born. You see no push for more procreation of desirables, because for the left it's all a zero sum game, and the less people means the more natural resources for themselves. Doesn't matter how much this has been disproven, these are totally immoral mental midgets we are discussing here.
Actually, I am correct. The Nazis were considered right-wing, because they promoted extreme German heritage, values and culture, making them, by definition, right-wing. Like I said, in another post, don't look at history through the lens of current politics.
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Nazism, socialism, and communism are all collectivist, completely opposite of the right wing where individual freedom and autonomy are highly prized.
Hitler was a failed liberal arts student (painter) who blamed all the country's problems on the rich. He supported gun control, universal healthcare, and said a segment of the population didn't really count as people, so it was legal to kill them.
Sounds exactly like a modern leftist.
It has nothing to do with Nazis. Once again, don't look at history through the lens of current politics. You'll fail the history and political science exams every time.
Nope, you fail in understanding that what you have been fed as extreme edges of the social/political spectrum (communism v fascism), are actually kissing cousins that occupy the same place of the circular sociopolitical paradigm.
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Actually, I am correct. The Nazis were considered right-wing, because they promoted extreme German heritage, values and culture, making them, by definition, right-wing. Like I said, in another post, don't look at history through the lens of current politics.
Actually, no. Only leftists say it was a "right wing" organization. The Nazis themselves declare themselves to be progressives.
Read their 25 point plan. Their Teutonic centrism is a side show to what they actually stood for, which is collectivism and is virtually indistinguishable from communism if you take out the Germanic part.
Hitler was a a Christian. One of the tools used to kill Jew’s was their denial of Christ as a the son of god.

Curious what you bible thumpers have to say about that?
This bible thumper would point out that God gives definitions to His words- Hitler wasn’t a Christian. You don’t just get to move or adopt those definitions.
It has nothing to do with Nazis. Once again, don't look at history through the lens of current politics. You'll fail the history and political science exams every time.
Antebellum democrats used government to force people to pick their crops and said slaves didn't really count as people, so it was legal to kill them.
Modern democrats use government to force people to pay for their health-care, welfare, and other freebies and say babies don't really count as people so it's legal to kill them.
Nothing has changed democrats have ALWAYS lived at the expense of others.
Saying it's a state issue harkens back to the civil war when some (oddly enough frim the same party) said blacks didn't really count as people, and could be killed w/o repecussions.

Due process is a federal purview enshrined in the Constitution.

No jurisdiction offers the death penalty for incest, and only the UCMJ offers the death penalty for rape. That punishment hasn't been used since WWII, and likely wouldn't survive a modern constitutional challenge.

So we don't kill the people who actually commit those crimes, but we kill innocent third parties to the crime?
Well said.
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You must live a life of virtue that is a model all others should aspire to.

Here is a news flash. We live in a Secular society and not everyone believes in your deity or any at all. No one gives a fuck about your beliefs or morals other than you have the right to live by them. We don't.

The solution is to ignore 2 millions years of evolutionary programing which is one of our strongest instincts to fuck each other. The solution is just don't? Bolt Strategy cotton, lets see if it works out.
“The solution is to ignore 2 millions years of evolutionary programing which is one of our strongest instincts to fuck each other.”

No…it should read

The solution is to ignore 2 millions years of evolutionary programing which is one of our strongest instincts to KILL each other.
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Antebellum democrats used government to force people to pick their crops and said slaves didn't really count as people, so it was legal to kill them.
Modern democrats use government to force people to pay for their health-care, welfare, and other freebies and say babies don't really count as people so it's legal to kill them.
Nothing has changed democrats have ALWAYS lived at the expense of others.
It seems as if y'all are thinking left-wing=evil and right-wing=good. This is a false assumption. Both can be good and both can be evil. For example, pro democracy dissidents in China would be considered left-wing, as they are opposed to the status quo. Pro communist hardliners would be considered right-wing, as they are for more of the established system. Get it?
Actually, no. Only leftists say it was a "right wing" organization. The Nazis themselves declare themselves to be progressives.
Read their 25 point plan. Their Teutonic centrism is a side show to what they actually stood for, which is collectivism and is virtually indistinguishable from communism if you take out the Germanic part.
Per my post, in reply to quietmike:
It seems as if y'all are thinking left-wing=evil and right-wing=good. This is a false assumption. Both can be good and both can be evil. For example, pro democracy dissidents in China would be considered left-wing, as they are opposed to the status quo. Pro communist hardliners would be considered right-wing, as they are for more of the established system. Get it?
It seems as if y'all are thinking left-wing=evil and right-wing=good. This is a false assumption. Both can be good and both can be evil. For example, pro democracy dissidents in China would be considered left-wing, as they are opposed to the status quo. Pro communist hardliners would be considered right-wing, as they are for more of the established system. Get it?

Leftism is about government control. Right wing is about individual freedom and responsibility.

You made a post about us assuming left wing=evil in a thread about how leftys are outraged they might not be able to legally kill their own children much longer?

You really did that?
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“The solution is to ignore 2 millions years of evolutionary programing which is one of our strongest instincts to fuck each other.”

No…it should read

The solution is to ignore 2 millions years of evolutionary programing which is one of our strongest instincts to KILL each other.
Killing and Fucking.

The two most fun things there are in life.

"Conan, what is best in life?”
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”
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Hitler used the church.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits.
I love the immediate denial that Hitler held Christian beliefs.

Regardless of what you want to believe, Hitler was a Christian and he use this belief to commit genocide.

He was not of Christ. And I can provide hundreds of scriptures (hint: that’s where you can find God’s definitions to His terms) that outline the definitions of the faith that reveal that Hitler was outside the faith.
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Leftism is about government control. Right wing is about individual freedom and responsibility.

You made a post about us assuming left wing=evil in a thread about how leftys are outraged they might not be able to legally kill their own children much longer?

You really did that?
One more time. You're speaking from a current, USA political context. I'm not. Leftists in the USA, today are freaking evil. Did you know that most of what we call conservative, in the present, is really "classical liberalism"? Research it for yourself.
Not only that, but what about all his occult bullshit and creation of a unique Teutonic religion that was more akin to a paganism?

Not saying he never went to church or prayed publicly, but calling him a "Christian" given what he preached is more than a stretch. It's a fundamental misunderstanding, and one he obviously used on his own people as well...
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I expect the lefties to storm the Supreme Court over this, and it will be deemed a 'mostly peaceful demonstration', nothing to see, nothing to worry about, right msm?
they understand that violence and civil disorder are A-ok if done by the left with the support of the government and the full spin of the media. But if a conservative lifts a sign, it's an "insurrection"

we are being scammed.
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No matter what anyone believes, this is only going to give the Left motivation to get out and vote for midterms. It was a stupid decision to overturn and is probably by design. Can't let too many people get redpilled or the whole charade ends.

The sooner the right stops using religion as an identiy, the sooner it can move on and win.
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Sanger did admire the Nazi's view on eugenics, but the Nazis were way, far, extreme, right-wing, hence their views on racial purity and Germans being the best example of that.
Racial Purity was a left wing agenda, still is or are Dems right wing and Repubs left wing? Of course that wouldn't be the case since conservatives values are of equality (for all), free market, limited government (as opposed to the Nazis that controlled everything like Dems aka lefties:unsure:), hard work, right to privacy, equality in justice, right to self defense, sanctity of the Constitution (unlike the Dems) and yes patriotism (remember limited government part and freedom, equality etc etc) .

Nazi Germany was country/government first above all else.
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Problem is there are idiots on both ends.

Having a early abortion isn’t fucking “baby murder” and more than me pulling out and shooting my would be “kids” in my chicks eye. Thankfully most sane people ain’t down with zero tolerance crap, including many right leaning people who have had any success/experience in life.

Now on the other side you have nutters who think you should be able to have a abortion damn near till the fucker the crowing. Thankfully most sane people ain’t down with this, including maybe left leaning types who have any success/experience in life.

Frankly this should be left to a gray area, the gov should stay out of medical all together, * NOW if it’s some fucked up shit, well obviously a jury of mainstream will agree beyond any reasonable doubt, try your case. Otherwise, Karen and Todd need to practice the sadly lost art of stay in their own fucking lane.
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The left is threatening violence. Happy to meet them in the field over murdering babies. I hope they go completely nuts ala 2020.
No matter what anyone believes, this is only going to give the Left motivation to get out and vote for midterms. It was a stupid decision to overturn and is probably by design. Can't let too many people get redpilled or the whole charade ends.

The sooner the right stops using religion as an identiy, the sooner it can move on and win.
The point of the leak WAS the Midterms.
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No matter what anyone believes, this is only going to give the Left motivation to get out and vote for midterms. It was a stupid decision to overturn and is probably by design. Can't let too many people get redpilled or the whole charade ends.

The sooner the right stops using religion as an identiy, the sooner it can move on and win.

^and that