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Ruger 10/22 Competition Rifle (Ruger Custom Shop)

^^This^^ I would add that there are times when the recreational value of tinkering, exploring, and building might exceed the lost opportunity of spending the same time working, but for me, last fall wasn't one of those times. Next weekend I hope to build a reverse osmosis unit to make maple syrup. It would for sure be less expensive to buy one, if I spent the time working, but I like tinkering and expect to have that time available to me.
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My local dealer has one for $640. I would so pick it up and trust me I really want to BUT!! Proof Research is about to release a 10/22 barrel and it makes me want to build a custom one. I may end up getting both.
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Today I shot a funny match with this rifle. While at a local gun club taking the required range orientation, the club was putting on a .22 benchrest competition, so I signed up. 100 yards. 3 standard NRA 100 Yard targets, 10 shots each. Scope limited to 10 power. Conditions were very cold - ~18 degrees, and blowing 15 gusts to 30, with a lot of swirl. Often a wind indicator at 25 yards would be pointing 180 degrees to one at 75 yards, e.g. (This is match number two with this rifle and I am getting tired of shooting on cold wind days!)

Results were promising for the conditions, but not indicative of what the rifle can do. First two targets were for 94 / 100 points. Third target I went to crap, largely screwing up because I was cold, and only shot to 87. On each of the first two targets I had at least two ragged hole groups of three. The serious guys were slightly but not significantly better, except first and second place, each of whom has held benchrest records. Short version - if I shoot, this rifle shoots. (Still shooting CCI SV).

Take aways - there is an advantage to the semi on crappy days because you can wait for a bit of a lull and rock off a number of shots quickly before the wind comes up; and, it was funny to see the serious guys with heavy wooden benchrest guns on very heavy sleds (and lots of knitwear) react to the dude with the 10/22 on a bipod using my medkit for a rear bag; and then again when there were not 30s delays between my shots; and, then again when I did ok.


What scope are you running on it? I purchased one last night from Bud’s and I was wondering what kind of glass to put on it. It’s mt first .22 since I was a kid and it was iron sights back then.

Looking for suggestions.
Good day at the range with this rifle. I walked my youngest step-son from his first ever shot to hitting the half-IPSC steel at 300 yards with most of his last magazine. Along the way I shot three pretty good groups for me, and finally remembered to take pictures.

Both photos are targets shot from a concrete bench in the club bench house. Temperature was about 38 degrees. 30.09 inHg and falling with the approaching storm. Fairly high humidity. Dead still air over fresh snow. The first picture was at 50 yards shooting CCI SV. (This was a rack I found of the amazingly good lot we started shooting last fall; a more recent lot doesn't group as tightly from this rifle.) The second picture was at 100 yards shooting Center-X.


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You may be correct. Somewhere above someone else commented that this was a rifle for someone who wanted to buy not build. I replied that I preferred to build than to buy, but did not have the time to spend that way last fall when I bought this rifle. I am not a fanboi. There are many better rifles than this one. I'm just trying to document my experience for those who might be interested in buying one for themselves.

That said, I could not build this rifle for less than I paid for it. I got it for about $650 delivered to my local FFL. I could not start with an empty bench and build this gun for that. If I factor in the cost of my time, its not close. I'm not saying you couldn't do it; but I for sure could not.


I built three of them from blank receivers for less than 650 each. Blank receiver at brownells, 89, trigger, bolt/charging handle pins and bolts on ebay 90, Stocky's has a titan stock/barrel combo for 260, looks like were at $440. For another 200 you could have the trigger tuned by Brimstone, http://brimstonegunsmithing.com/tier-3-basic-ruger-10-22-trigger-work/, put a rail on it and upgrade to a JWH bolt and charging handle and still be under that price. It's easy to put them together. I'd love to build another with a feddersen receiver, https://fjfeddersen.com/product-category/receivers/, but there's already 5 10/22's in the safe. :)
Ok, it can be done. Kudos to you for figuring out how to do it, and accomplishing it repeatedly. If I need another, I might hit you up for links. That acknowledged, I didn't do it because at the time I bought it I didn't have the time to invest that way, and I'm really happy with what I got for my money. Since this is a thread about a particular make and model of rifle, and not about building a clone, could we return to our regularly scheduled programming?

Anyone else who bought one have a report?
I've built and modded multiple 10/22's and this one still interests me. Thanks for the feedback so far. Even though I enjoy tinkering, I also appreciate turnkey.
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Let's see some groups, I'll start this off with 50 yard KIDD shot targets. The two smaller groups are SK rifle match at 5 shot groups.
Let's see some groups, I'll start this off with 50 yard KIDD shot targets. The two smaller groups are SK rifle match at 5 shot groups.

I posted some groups above. I don't have calipers so I didn't measure them, but you can see what they were. The reactive targets are three inches across. (The streaking is because I managed to stick that sheet to the back of the larger 50 yard target when I went to recover them, and had to pull them apart.) I'm not going to begin to pretend that all of my groups look like these - they don't - but I did shoot these with this rifle, and one after another. I just got good conditions; happy ammo; and, a good mindset, all at the same time.

I have a 200 yard comp on Saturday. I will try to remember to take photos of my targets before I pull them down. I will be shooting Lapua Polar Biathalon if its cold, and Center-X or Midas + if its warmer, depending on which is shooting better that morning.
The attached photo is a five shot group after zeroing the scopes at 25 yards on the rifles I built for my nephews. Each one got the "test" target in the case with their rifle as a Christmas gift. Rifles were built from blank receivers, JWH bolts with their initials, GM barrels, I cleaned up the triggers, raptor stocks, 4-16 ffp scopes. I also added pillars and a rear anchor that indexes with the cleaning hole in the back of the receiver.

Hi all, I have been lurking for a while, and decided to join you. I have been interested in the subject rifle, and was looking for field reports. Two weeks ago, my wife caught me looking at the Ruger website and said just get it.........what more reason should I need, right? I topped it with a Leupold 3x9-40 VX Freedom Rimfire with Warne QD rings and went to work using the free LGS range time. Granted, 25 yard indoor results are not ideal, but I am impressed anyway. I have been working to zero the scope, and test function with varied ammo. The gun hates all things Winchester, runs well with Federal and loves CCI, even the bulk stuff. Perhaps when the weather permits I will have 50 yard bench results to share. For now, these are 10 shot groups shot from a poor crossbar rest and a sandbag.
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Winchester (not-so) super-x would not chamber at all..... It’s not the bulk stuff, and can’t remember which trays I used, but I know I’ve used it in other rifles with no issues. I had two CCI standard velocity fail to fire (they worked on subsequent attempts) and one not quite chamber fully (bolt needed a nudge to close), but the groups were about the same as the Mini-Mags. The high velocity Mini-Mags fed, chambered and fired without a single hitch, and their accuracy seemed good. All the above was done on day one, with a Leupold Rifleman 3-9x40 that I had available. I ran several rounds, then pulled a bore snake through-I’m not a big barrel break-in nazi, but thought it deserved more care. It became clear on day one that the rifle was capable of more than the 150 yard parallax adjusted scope was going to give.
I considered stealing a VX2 4-12x40AO from my #1V, but decided to get the Rimfire scope w/BDC reticle instead. With it’s 60 yard parallax setting, I could definitely see improvement on target during day two work. I have a set of older Warne mounts on an M77mk2 target, and love their return to zero after being removed and replaced on the rifle. That is why I used a new set of them here. Below, RTZ labeled groups-return to zero after removal, allowed rifle to cool, and reinstalled scope and fired 10 round groups.
In addition to the fodder listed earlier, I also tried CCI Quiet suppressor rounds, and they failed to extract on three rounds..... Their group did not give reason to try any more. The Federal 45 grain subsonic Suppressor rounds functioned well with good groups, so if my desire to get a can comes true that is what I will start with.
Sorry for the winded reply, but I really enjoyed my range time! I have one more free range day where I bought the rifle, so hopefully I will have more to post soon.........
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Ya know, I’ve been geeking about groups, and forgot to mention that the gun attracted a lot of lookers at the range..... The stock alone triggered quite a few questions and comments. Have I mentioned that I’m really happy with it???
Retired E6 FE, thanks for posting and sharing. How has function been? Pretty reliable or any issues?

Not Ret. E6, but I have a lot of rounds through mine now, and its pretty reliable. I cleaned and lubricated it new, and haven't had any change in performance or accuracy since, and so I haven't cleaned it again. I would estimate that I have 1000 plus rounds through it. I have absolutely no issues with CCI SV, Lapua Biathlon, Center-X, Midas +, SK Rifle match, and some Wolf (forget which). One friend had a failure to fire on one round of CCI SV. I think he blocked the bolt as it closed, and it didn't get all the way home. I had to pry the case out of the bore with a tool.

All sorts of issues with Winchester Super-X, too. That's two of us. Not sure what it means.
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The best thing that I ever did to a 10/22 was a Brimstone trigger job.
Changed the gun dramatically.
Couldn't agree more.

My 10/22 was $175 back in 2000. Adds:

Brimstone Tier 2 - $75
Green Mountain Barrel - $120
Bolt Buffer - $5
Mag release extension - $20
Boyds At-One Stock - $170
VQ extractor - $30

So I'm in this thing somewhere around $600 and it shoots absolutely lights out. For a factory gun at $650, I think it makes a lot of sense, depending on how it shoots. Makes less sense at $800.
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Ruger did well and made a rifle packed with features. I thought the 30 moa rail was a little aggressive and 20 would have been better. Other than that I thought all the features they added are right on the money.
Ruger did well and made a rifle packed with features. I thought the 30 moa rail was a little aggressive and 20 would have been better. Other than that I thought all the features they added are right on the money.

I think you're right about this - I have had to dial out 10 moa with offset rings to make the adjustment range of my scope make sense for the distances I shoot (25 - 300 yards).
It finally quit snowing so I couldn't wait to get my brand new Ruger 10/22 Competition with the Nikon scope to the range. After forty minutes, I had fired five rounds. one at a time, after clearing a failure to extract/failure to eject problem after each shot. I might add that I had to use a small screw driver to depress the base of the magazine to over ride the spring pressure to get the first two rounds into the brand new/with rifle stock magazine. so back to place of purchase. Not a clue what the hell happened. CCI Standard Velocity ammo was used since there was no requirement to use higher powered stuff.
It finally quit snowing so I couldn't wait to get my brand new Ruger 10/22 Competition with the Nikon scope to the range. After forty minutes, I had fired five rounds. one at a time, after clearing a failure to extract/failure to eject problem after each shot. I might add that I had to use a small screw driver to depress the base of the magazine to over ride the spring pressure to get the first two rounds into the brand new/with rifle stock magazine. so back to place of purchase. Not a clue what the hell happened. CCI Standard Velocity ammo was used since there was no requirement to use higher powered stuff.
That sucks.

If they're going to charge >$500 for a 22LR, it better be awesome.

Maybe Ruger could buy a bunch of VQ parts for their "custom" model...
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It finally quit snowing so I couldn't wait to get my brand new Ruger 10/22 Competition with the Nikon scope to the range. After forty minutes, I had fired five rounds. one at a time, after clearing a failure to extract/failure to eject problem after each shot. I might add that I had to use a small screw driver to depress the base of the magazine to over ride the spring pressure to get the first two rounds into the brand new/with rifle stock magazine. so back to place of purchase. Not a clue what the hell happened. CCI Standard Velocity ammo was used since there was no requirement to use higher powered stuff.

May be a dumb question, but did you clean it before heading to the range? The last couple of Ruger firearms I've purchased have been coated in preservative. The RPRimfire was pretty heavily coated in the bore and chamber and took a while to get clean. The chamber was coated enough that it would have probably had some major issues with FTE had I not cleaned it first.

Either way, in my experience Ruger has always been quick to help and have a quick turn around time if you end up having to send them a gun. Hope you get it sorted and that the place you bought it is able to help you get it sorted quickly.
It finally quit snowing so I couldn't wait to get my brand new Ruger 10/22 Competition with the Nikon scope to the range. After forty minutes, I had fired five rounds. one at a time, after clearing a failure to extract/failure to eject problem after each shot. I might add that I had to use a small screw driver to depress the base of the magazine to over ride the spring pressure to get the first two rounds into the brand new/with rifle stock magazine. so back to place of purchase. Not a clue what the hell happened. CCI Standard Velocity ammo was used since there was no requirement to use higher powered stuff.

I had some issues with the STD velocity too....... Try cleaning it and run some Mini-Mags.....they ran very well in my rifle.
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May be a dumb question, but did you clean it before heading to the range? The last couple of Ruger firearms I've purchased have been coated in preservative. The RPRimfire was pretty heavily coated in the bore and chamber and took a while to get clean. The chamber was coated enough that it would have probably had some major issues with FTE had I not cleaned it first.

Either way, in my experience Ruger has always been quick to help and have a quick turn around time if you end up having to send them a gun. Hope you get it sorted and that the place you bought it is able to help you get it sorted quickly.
May be a dumb question, but did you clean it before heading to the range? The last couple of Ruger firearms I've purchased have been coated in preservative. The RPRimfire was pretty heavily coated in the bore and chamber and took a while to get clean. The chamber was coated enough that it would have probably had some major issues with FTE had I not cleaned it first.

Either way, in my experience Ruger has always been quick to help and have a quick turn around time if you end up having to send them a gun. Hope you get it sorted and that the place you bought it is able to help you get it sorted quickly.
Not a dumb question. In fact, I did not clean the rifle. Since it is back at the shop where I bought it, I will tell them about this possibility. That would surely be the best fix I could have. Thank you.
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Keep us posted on that @Nimrod14. Hoping that's all it is to it, but yeah, Ruger is pretty good about making things right.
Good news. The folks at Columbia Gun Rack, Kennewick, Washington took my brand new and not working Ruger 10/22 Competition apart, cleaned it and ran 50 rounds of standard velocity ammo through it as fast as they could change magazines. The rifle was flawless. So - it seems Tx_Aggie was correct in his assumption. The weapon should be cleaned before the first round goes in the chamber. We're good to go.
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Burned up my last freebie at the gun shop indoor range today. Had multiple fail to fire with CCI standard velocity, and they always fired on the second strike. For giggles, I ran the remainder of that box through my MK2 pistol, and they ran fine. It seems my rifle just won’t run them reliably.
I also shot Mini-Mags and Federal bulk, all chambered, fired, and extracted flawlessly, ten-round results below. Hopefully soon I will have 50 yard results to share from a good bench.
I have not removed the barrel, with the cleaning hole in the back of the receiver I see little need. The barrel has a notch at the top which a screw head catches where it threads into the receiver’s top. It is cleanly concealed by the forward extended rail. The rear tang is a block screwed into the receiver bottom, removal allows access to the cleaning hole, and with it off the barreled action will (supposedly) fit in any 10/22 heavy-barrel compatable stock. Pics below, some are hard to see because everything is black. The rifle’s receiver is fully milled inside. The bolt is entirely different, nicely milled with the firing pin retained with a transverse roll pin instead of the usual top peening. Even the bolt handle and recoil spring are different from the usual 10/22. The departure from the typical construction was a big attraction for me.

Keep us posted on that @Nimrod14. Hoping that's all it is to it, but yeah, Ruger is pretty good about making things right.
To recap, I got the Ruger 10/22 and added a Nikon 3-9 X40 scope. First firing got me five total, single shots with five fail to extract rounds. The gun shop cleaned it and fired 50 rounds and gave it back to me. Having never set up a scope before, I read a ton and then went to the range. I totally blew that exercise. Back to the books. I reset the scope at the house with a laser. At the range today, I took some shots, documented my actions with scope adjustments and the photo tells the rest. I am very happy with the rifle and I feel good about working through my problems to get to a whole set of targets that look almost just like this one. I used Mini Mags at 50 Yards.


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To recap, I got the Ruger 10/22 and added a Nikon 3-9 X40 scope. First firing got me five total, single shots with five fail to extract rounds. The gun shop cleaned it and fired 50 rounds and gave it back to me. Having never set up a scope before, I read a ton and then went to the range. I totally blew that exercise. Back to the books. I reset the scope at the house with a laser. At the range today, I took some shots, documented my actions with scope adjustments and the photo tells the rest. I am very happy with the rifle and I feel good about working through my problems to get to a whole set of targets that look almost just like this one. I used Mini Mags at 50 Yards.
Good deal. It's encouraging to hear that the problems abated with a cleaning. I'd highly recommend obtaining some high quality match grade ammo and seeing how well things tighten up.
Thanks for the response.