I've been closely following firearms bag manufacturer, Savior Equipment, and they seem to be releasing very sleek and intuitively designed firearms bags. Most recently, they released their "long range precision" bag with a bunch of features that I've seen separately, but not all together in one bag. This includes a muzzle guard, slot of cleaning rod, pockets for tripod and spotting scope, and also includes scope cover. Image appears to show a quality product that's quite modular and at a very reasonable price point at $150.
Thoughts and experiences with this and other Savior product lines? I'm considering their 36" specialist bag for my AIAT folder.
Thoughts and experiences with this and other Savior product lines? I'm considering their 36" specialist bag for my AIAT folder.
Specialist 51
This line of our Specialist bags are thoroughly designed and tested specifically for the type of shooter that will appreciate the detail and thought put into it. Features on this long range precision (LRP) bag are tailored to hold everything required to make it a successful outing. Main Features...
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