I've read /saw somewhere that old methods were to mount your scope as low to barrel as possible and today that's not necessarily so.
I was a a long range match yesterday and one of the top dogs was trying to help a young lady out after we shot the last stage. Looking at her gun fit/etc.
He mentioned that her scope could be a good bit lower to the barrel. Then he said why, his reason was the higher the scope the amount of cant is magnified.
I thought hmm , thats interesting, I never thought of that. We shoot out to 1000 yards there. thoughts?
I was a a long range match yesterday and one of the top dogs was trying to help a young lady out after we shot the last stage. Looking at her gun fit/etc.
He mentioned that her scope could be a good bit lower to the barrel. Then he said why, his reason was the higher the scope the amount of cant is magnified.
I thought hmm , thats interesting, I never thought of that. We shoot out to 1000 yards there. thoughts?