Hey all. New member here and sorta new to long range shooting. Been lurking here for quite some time and have gleamed some excellent help just by reading thru post history. I've come up on something I was hoping for input on. Been looking for a soft rifle case and have narrowed it down to two: Savior Specialist LRP 51" or SERT PRB 53". Savior OOS everywhere and after speaking with them on the phone, they indicated an updated version expected out later this spring. The PRB from SERT looks really nice and Ive read several positive reviews. However, it looks like the only place you can order the PRB is from mfg website and their website gives me the impression that it hasn't been maintained. I've emailed SERT with questions but no responses. Does anyone know if they still in business? Has anyone ordered recently? The most recent reference I've seen anyone post regarding a purchase is a couple years old. Would like to proceed with SERT if they still good to go. If not, will likely wait for Savior to release the LRP. Thanks in advance!

PRB, Precision Rifle Bag, 53”
PRB, Precision Rifle Bag, 53” NOTE: 53" is the internal length, external length is 54" The PRB is SERT's latest offering! As with our tactical carbine/rifle cases (TCCs), our new PRBs are also produced with no regards to expense. Unlike your traditional precision rifle bags (drag bags) with long...

Specialist LRP Rifle Case - 47"/51"/55"
Just to raise the bar on how a precision rifle case should function, we made a few quality of life improvements that are tailored for the long range precision shooter, including the all-new scope +muzzle cover and new removable CORE8x4 pouches.