Shots Fired At President Trump's Butler PA Rally!

It isn't his yard.

Those aren't his signs.

It isn't his gun.

He still lived at home with his parents.

His dad is a Republican.

The yard, the signs, the gun all belonged to his dad.

The $15 the shooter donated to some democratic PAC was his though.

There is no evidence of mental health treatment, institutionalization, medication or anything else.

Other than that, for somebody who isn't following the thread, you nailed ... something.

I'll alert the press you cracked it.


I believe the whackadoodle shooters parents are social workers, IIRC.

Anyone ever heard of conservative social workers? Suppose there could be a in less than 1% of all social workers. Everywhere.

Possible they were playing at some type of social experiment with their yard display/signage? Could be, because social workers are nutter butter bars IMO.

Possible they are communists? Could be. Most social workers being so far left leaning.

Their kid? Just another social experiment...

No you can't, Mike Johnson, but it was your vote that gave them authority to dismantle our fourth amendment and gave them billions of dollars to do it!
Anyone ever heard of conservative social workers?

Government employed? Can't say that I have.

Growing up I was in scouting and we regularly worked with the local churches to feed, paint houses, clean up yards and such for families in poverty or elderly. Maybe not the same kind of social work.
so much conflicting data coming from every possible source making it impossible to lay out an accurate time line. what i think is that the schutzstaffel was complicit in several ways. first,deliberate incompetence and under performance by incompetent actors. second,trump was left open after some of the shots and never should have taken the stage to start with. third,no way to know when trump went down that it was a wound not a lethal hit. fourth,they played the role of jack ruby per plan. crooks was given no escape path like LHO had.
third,no way to know when trump went down that it was a wound not a lethal hit

If I had to bet (no way we will ever know), Crooks thought he got a lethal shot. He pulls the trigger, he sees Trump go down, and he thinks he has killed him.

Then he starts firing kind of wildly.

Thankfully he did not take his time and provide an anchoring shot to the man down on the stage.
If I had to bet (no way we will ever know), Crooks thought he got a lethal shot. He pulls the trigger, he sees Trump go down, and he thinks he has killed him.

Then he starts firing kind of wildly.

Thankfully he did not take his time and provide an anchoring shot to the man down on the stage.
Shitbag shot, sees Trump wipe his ear then drop.

Shitbag new he missed & rapid fires anyway. Murdering 1 & wounding 2 others.

i recall the original pics of the 2 schutzstaffel snipers on the roof with the tripods when 1st seen show them behind some tree and not able to have a view of where crooks was. now the tree seems gone or cropped out. adding either to my paranoia or confusion or both
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now the tree seems gone or cropped out

Haven't seen that in either video or images taken at the time of the rally.

People fucking around on gaggle earth or street view and 3D this or 3D that or mapquest are looking at images that are months old at a minimum or, more likely, years old ... entire buildings can be different from present day.
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67 pages of typing for an event that not a single person here attended. All the detective work from from your phone/computer, based on some released video. LOL.
Yeah, we should all just wait for the official report.

Yup I agree.....too much time on their hands and not getting back to work.
Those wetback debit cards aren't going to fill themselves.
I wasn't in My on 9/11, but I watched the second plane impact live. I was about to go out on that day and was watching the rally live when he was shot. I witnessed it live, but I wasn't there. I am pretty sure I got more perspective than if I was in the crowd. Since then we've had a dozen or more phone shot videos for different perspectives. So, I reject roundly your supposition that you had to be there to have an opinion.
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Shitbag shot, sees Trump wipe his ear then drop.

Shitbag new he missed & rapid fires anyway. Murdering 1 & wounding 2 others.

hard to say which yours or mallum has it right on crook's perception. either could be exactly right. never will know. same applies to any poss 2nd shooter. tend to doubt a 2nd,not deny,trump was exposed again after he was hit.
tx. will read it. didn't know it was released. i do recall there were some questions about it's legitimacy and authenticity. based on zapruder film motion of kennedy's head. also,i believe lack of non gov docs being denied the work and access at the time. will have to check the sources on that as well.

I believe the controversy was that this came from the Naval Academy docs. They wanted him to have an autopsy done by the Parkland doctors/coroners - I believe there was some discrepancy with the bullet wound pattern.
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also,seem to remember that the parkland guy was a big time national pathology stud. think everyone was kept out of the suite except their controlled staff and that the xrays were suppressed. need to look that up.
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very timely. maybe why crooks missed and then dumped 7 rounds? this is beginning to look like the deep state,DNC,fbi (?) got trump's protection dropped down to the totally incompetent level and screwed the comm action and work with the locals. turn a prev groomed lefty loose and see what happens? crooks taken out-correct action by schutzstaffel or just a part of the plan?
Bodycam video from the local who was boosted onto the roof and interrupted Crooks. Audio enabled about 90 seconds in.

...and the locals told the USSS someone needed to be stationed on that roof.

Another article with audio transcribed.

The FBI told Donald Trump last week that Thomas Matthew Crooks may have been much smarter than many initially thought.

The FBI reached that conclusion in part because Crooks scored higher than 1500 on his SAT pre-college exam—a score that would put him in the running for universities like Harvard, where an admitted student’s average score is 1520.

Federal agents sat down with Trump on Aug. 1 to inform him of new information they’d uncovered about his would-be assassin, sources told ABC News.

The FBI said in the meeting that they believe Crooks was “strikingly intelligent” but likely suffered from an undiagnosed disorder. Citing loved ones and ex-classmates, the FBI said Crooks “would routinely sway back and forth while standing at the bus stop.”

Why do I believe they knew that before the assassination attempt?
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Witness said( and recorded) older guy in truck was trying to get spectators to leave area near AGR one hour before Trump motorcade arrived. I think this is the guy who showed up in the suit and took pictures of Crook's body?
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Crooks went to gun range 43 times!

edit: good video here by Jessie Waters, but I couldn't access it from YouTube.
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surprise! yet more bungling,lying and collusion by every leo involved. at this point in america,i can not understand how anyone can have anything but animosity towards all gov employees,leo,bureacrats and about 98% of politicians.