Philosophically I don’t have a problem with women in these positions if all things are equal.
The problem is to fill these DEI quota they are pulling from an extremely small pool of females who want to do this job as opposed to males which come from a MUCH larger pool.
Then they are basically fast-tracked with requirements being lowered and physical requirements being lowered to fill these quotes. they don’t go through the same riggers of training, though they pretend that they do. They are also told continuously that they shit rainbows

and fart butterflies.
The men around them, help them fill in the gaps for them and Simp for them because I know if they don’t, they will lose their job and be disgraced.
Furthermore, we all know that “philosophically” goes right out the window when the bullets start flying. A very small amount of women handle the stress of combat the way men do and again you’re pulling these women from an exponentially smaller pool of candidates. The math right there tells you you’re going have a problem.
I watched a young lady biologist show up here in town. She was my neighbor. She had only once fired to 22 rifle in her life, and I watched her go on the fast-track and become a warden in a little over a year. She went from not knowing which end of a firearm was which, to being Warden in charge of a vast sector/area here in Wyoming. It was shocking. One day I’m helping her jump her car and giving her free Wi-Fi and the next thing I know she’s a Warden who’s become an obnoxious neighbor.
I’m 61 years old and this girl is in her young 20s. I am arguably in the worst shape of my life. I’m blind in one eye with a bad back. She is very athletic and arguably in the peak of her physical condition. On her best day this lady could not get me in cuffs if I didn’t want her to without escalating to deadly force. She does carry OC. I have been OCed before, it might work but I have my doubts.