Should Howie Post 5 More BS Threads Today?

Should Howie inundate us with more BS Threads?

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I'm so glad the election is over. This stuff is way better than arguing about overpaid stool pushing child molesters that want to disarm you and make you afraid to disagree with the notion that there are more than two genders.

Feels like the old 'Hide again, but with better software.

Im headed past Quincy and Kipling in a bit.
want me to flip Jared the Pedo the bird for ya? 🤣
I went Jimmy Johns today, I like their delivery guy, he is super nice and always appreciates me

Simms and Colfax. (not wads, duh) Combat Sandy, but they deliver, figured they might recruit a hooker from Colfax but nope
there is no point in voting. dominion will just change my vote anyway. instead, i will wait for qanon or whoever the fuck it is to keep telling me about how TOMORROW is THE day we find out what it is exactly Howie should do, and what kind of 3d chess @1J04 is really playing.

trust the plan. or not.

p.s.... will sell my vote for primers.
PS, do me a large and lemme know when "it" PM's you crying. Again. 😂:ROFLMAO:
Man, @lowlight never delivers on that. I've been asking for years for that, and it just never materializes in any meaningful way. He does occasionally post some stuff, but think of how hilarious itd be to know what the limp wristed Nancy boy cry bullies in our midst are sensitive about, and who they are. Fucking gold right there. I'd give an extra Hamilton just to read the reported posts. No end to the laughs!

Also, when I say "never ask again" about the notifications, he apparently thinks that means "ask again in a few days".