Member Link Up SHWW Group

Re: SHWW Group

Wow, had a blast yesterday, got to meet a bunch of new shooters and re-acquaint with old ones. I got to stretch the legs of my newest project and got new info on killing the fte monster that's been haunting the 06. Most of all, every time I go to one of our outings, I learn truck loads---you guys are great.
Many thanks to Diggler for doing the cat herding and everybody else for doing their part.
still bummed about missing out on the 208's to ranger tho---that's what I get for being slow
Re: SHWW Group

JC.... weather was perfect... bit cool... nil on the wind.

Adam... missed ya' out there. The steel held up fine... there was one disc however, at 450, that everyone and their brother seemed to enjoy shooting.... looked like a pie pan by the end of the day
Re: SHWW Group

I had a great time, and thanks to those of you that let me try your rifles, (shit, now I have more to put on my wish list), and a big thanks to Scott for spear heading this, although it looks like we need to chip in to get him a good compass. LOL
It was kinda late when we loaded up last night but I wanted to share with everyone just how much fun we had.
This target was set up at over 400 yards, it is 3/8 steel plate with 55,000 min yield, and I'm not trying to blame anyone, but I think someone might have shot it with a Magnum. LOL




Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diggler44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">had an awesome time today, good to see some old faces and some new ones. sorry about the confusion this morning boys. </div></div>


You are indeed The Man! You did a great job and all of us had a blast. (pun "not" intended?)
Thanks to you, the shoot was outstanding!

That was a helluva great event and I'm very thankful that I could join in the fun. It was great to see everybody and meet new friends. I hope we can get together more often. The "Shooter's Bash" really stoked me and I definately want to contribute some steel and a good "hike up them hills" target stand. If anyone has a line on very good target stands for steep hills, let me know.

Thanks again Diggler44, you are The Man!
Re: SHWW Group

Good morning guys,

I just wanted to add my thanks for the great day! Thanks much to Scott for getting it all organized.

I really enjoyed meeting all you guys and I'm looking foward to doing it again.

Now I'm just trying to keeps names, faces and screen names straight so hopefully next time around I'll remember everybody correctly.

Thanks Again, Mike
Re: SHWW Group

Hey guys-

I know I'm preachin to the choir here but thought I'd let you know about my experience with Benchmark Barrels. I have a Remington 700P MLR (338LM) that had a f*cked up chamber that was screwing up my brass. Brought it to Benchmark to see what they could do about it and they said they could go ahead and rechamber it by setting the barrel back a couple threads; I also had them true the action while they were in there. They stated that turnaround time would be 3-5 weeks, which I thought was pretty quick considering they had dozens upon dozens of custom rifles in their shop along with a backlog of custom barrels, etc.

That was last Saturday, today (Tuesday....2 business days later) they call me and say it's done. WOW! What a great outfit, I am so happy to have gone through them. I'm excited to see how the gun will behave now that they've gone through it, and they have earned a lifetime customer. When the budget allows I'd love to have them put a custom 308 together for me.

A great outfit, run by some great guys.
Re: SHWW Group

I've been planning on contacting them for the same work accept was waiting til I could afford one of their barrles since the old one is comming off anyway.. Maybe I'll just have them do the same thing ya did.. That there would probably get me by for a bit or atleast clean up the freebore!!! J.
Re: SHWW Group

if your going to spend the money on barrel work you might as well get a new custom barrel at least then if it doesn't shoot well they will replace it. however i find it highly unlikely that will be the case though since i have had over 10 benchmark barrels and they all shot 1/2moa or better which is really good with my dumbass pulling the trigger.

Next on the list 338 lapua improved 9.5 twist. Ron if your out there reading this order the reamer it will be worth it.

Re: SHWW Group

That's why I see no reason (except me being tight on funds) to have em cut my stocker back since the actions commin off to be trued up anyway, why put a factory barrel back on?? (I got into that debate at Wa. Creek range a month ago) I just gotta find the xtra funds and run it up there!! I am startin to get myself excited here..
Re: SHWW Group

Just wanted to let you guys know I'm trying to get ready for another shoot.

After packing steel up and down the hills I decide there might be a better way. I found an ALICE pack frame at a local sporting good store and I'm going to see about building a shelf I can mount on the bottom of the frame to stack plates on and them just bungee them on. Those firehose loops work great for hanging the steel but are rough on the hands.
Re: SHWW Group

As much as I'd like to go sooner, after the holidays is probably best for me too. Oldest is coming home from college for Thanksgiving, then again about 2 weeks later for Christmas and the whole family is going home to Alaska to visit for the holiday. Any weekend after the first of the year should be fine for me.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: akmike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">As the resident newbie a full blown match feels a little intimidating, but I'm game for just about anything.</div></div>

everybody has a first match its no biggie. I will design course of fire based on who is coming. so if alot of newbies i will make the times easier and less mag changes/position changes. match shooting gets the blood flowing more than just practicing, plus you really learn what equipment you "need".
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: akmike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sounds cool, looking foward to it and now I know I'll "need" to get an extra mag or two!

I wish AXEMAN would get his whole savage DBM project going.</div></div>

don't hold your breath it probably won't happen. just get a few extra 4rd mags they will work fine.

How does January 16th sound for everybody?
Re: SHWW Group

I'm not, should have order a couple 9 rounder's from SSS when I bought my rifle a little over a year ago, might have them by now and I think they were $15 cheaper.

I'll plan on the 16th, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Re: SHWW Group

I'd be up for it, but if this is a vote, Saturday would be my vote. I'd like to be able to make the drive back home Sat evening and recover for the work week on Sunday,... if that's not too much trouble.

Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diggler44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I can possibly do the 15th however i can't take the friday off to setup so i would have to setup in the morning. plus the 17th is MLK day which should is a holiday for most of us. </div></div>

What's MLK day? I'm in the car business, we're lucky to get Christmas off!
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rotortuner</div><div class="ubbcode-body">martin luther king day.


Whoa!.... a Rotor sighting! You been busy working on that loading bench or what?
Re: SHWW Group

Always on top of it, Scott! What better way to celebrate a holiday commemorating a peaceful black leader than a bunch of white guys getting together to shoot guns! I like it!

Re: SHWW Group

I heard some talk about bringing some target stands so I'll be ready to go.. Started making some new target stands today, preview below. I need to wrap up the steel sawhorse for the gong I started last year, shot it a few times already. Here's a couple pics cause we all like pics!!! Shop's a disaster, pardon the mess. J.



Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mjh</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Scott, if you need cash up front to purchase/construct targets just let us know. </div></div>

Yeah, there should be a modest entry fee to cover the cost of the targets/stands - you know they're gonna get shot to hell (see target pic posted above).

Re: SHWW Group

I will plan on the Janyary shoot as well.

I have gone almost waist deep in the Jeep but mainly have been out doing what we practice for....instead of practicing different field conditions I have been going through different locations and taking the F'd up shot. Lonesome dove is hard to spot hits/misses in wet ground though!!!!

I think that we should have another match at Nate's. I can put it together and we can do it in Febuary? Test testicle retraction and all that jazz.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diggler44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">tribe i am glad you have a accuracy internatail artic warfare because its going to be the artic when we shoot in middle of jan in ellensburg. bring your snow gear your probably going to need it.</div></div>

Never leave home without it.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dontstrokeme</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I will plan on the Janyary shoot as well.

I have gone almost waist deep in the Jeep but mainly have been out doing what we practice for....instead of practicing different field conditions I have been going through different locations and taking the F'd up shot. Lonesome dove is hard to spot hits/misses in wet ground though!!!!

I think that we should have another match at Nate's. I can put it together and we can do it in Febuary? Test testicle retraction and all that jazz.
