I picked up a new sig mk25 yesterday after wantin one fer a bit. This thing fits my dick beaters like a glove. I gotta say I'm in love just a little bit. I took it to the range to break it in and check accuracy and its a hammer at 25, though I am a beast with a pistol anywhos. I am curious as to this unicorn turd razzle dazzle coating that is supposed to protect it from salt water for all the super ninja seals that use them so last night I poured a shot ton of salt in me toilet and have been soaking the gun since, even dropped a Duce on it, will post coating trials results later.
Any advice on a good holster fer it? Oh and droplegs are fer homos so no GHEY droplegs
Any advice on a good holster fer it? Oh and droplegs are fer homos so no GHEY droplegs