Skunkworks or GAP?

Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tom Olson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I know for me, it wont be GAP, called twice and e-mailed twice about a build and no response. </div></div>

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they are gunsmiths and good ones. They spend their time building first class rifles, not surfing the net.

Good luck

Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

That may well be true, but after two trys 3-4 months ago I also gave up. They built 2 sticks for me a few years back but,....
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gunfighter14e2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That may well be true, but after two trys 3-4 months ago I also gave up. They built 2 sticks for me a few years back but,.... </div></div>

I really dont see this possible as, There are two full time employe's answering the phones M-F 8:00 CST to 4:30 CST. The lines are often full but messages should be left and calls will be returned. Anyone not getting service should be asking to complain to me, and I am not getting these complaints. The option to talk to me through leaving a voicemail is and has always been there as well and I make 2-3, 1 hour sessions a day to call back everyone that left a message. I can tell you that I wish I could personally talk to everyone on the phone but I still build rifles fulltime everyday and unless I give that up to talk on the phone all day thats an Imposibility. Im working on an on-line complete orderform that guys can work up and submit that will give pricing and even turn-arround times but this code is complicated and will take some time to work out. Untill that time we will continue to do the best we can.

My Personal Email is : [email protected]
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

We, as top precision rifle connoisseurs. have to remember that builders that we are going to are tops in the business and they have lots of people to satisfy. I understand it is frustrating not getting a hold of someone on the phone or email but perseverance is key sometimes. These guys are busy for a good reason. I don't expect to get instant satisfaction and have spent days and sometimes a week waiting on a return email but when I needed an answer I pushed to get one. And, then I get to wait on the rifle itself which can be maddening too but once you get it you remember why you paid the "big bucks."
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

I was in the market for a 22-250 and talked with several smiths. After talking with Mike at Skunkworks several times. I pulled the trigger and ordered a 22-250 Recon. It should be here the end of January. I will be doing a full write up on the Recon when I get it.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

Not as persistent as years ago, thought if your that busy I could get it done somewhere else, and let a newbee, drink.
No harm no foul, growing pains are just that.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

I don't own any of the rifles mentioned, so I'm not qualified to weigh in on the subject of which is the "best" rifle. But I would like to add something that I think is relevant.
After piecing together about 4 rifles with decent (?) results, I have been mulling around the idea of having one of the "perfect" rifles I read about here built to my exact specs.
I chose GAP to contact first.
I left voicemails for Karey on Wednesday and Thursday, and he returned my calls both days. He answered every single question I asked him about getting a .260 built. He talked to me like I was one of their best customers, even though he didn't know me from the man in the moon, and I've never spent a single dime with GAP.
In my opinion, Gap shows the same attention to detail in the customer relations area as they obviously do in the gun shop.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

I've been eyeballing UGSW for a while now, and finally pulled the trigger after talking with Mike.

Infidel in 338 Lapua.

I'm pumped!

Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Their knumb nuts just trying to bust his balls. As far as I know their on their dads computer and only shooting pellet guns which aren't high end! </div></div>

Please tell me you are not talking about Gunfighter14e2. Because if you are, then you could not be more wrong. He shoots and shoots A LOT so if that is the case, stand down.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

I've contacted Karey several times over the last two months as I was sorting out a custom build. He ALWAYS returned my voice mails. I went to their shop in North KC and Karey toured me and a couple of friends. These guys are busy but they are professionals and take are of their clients.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

You know all these great smiths have busniess and are very busy people. Plus they come on here and answer all our dumb questions. Saying I tried to get threw once and no one got back so I'm going else where??? If you give up that easy I don't see how you made it this far in life? Plus all mentioned smith, you could of Pm directly, plus email??? They bend over backwards to help people who don't even have there rigs... Maybe if you left a voice mail talk into the reciever? It could of been that easy to miss your #. No I don't have a gap, but am getting a APA built now. I just hate people who don't understand what a PAIN in the ass doing customer service is for a living. Once you get threw then make you decision... If you can't try other means to get threw. Have alittel respect for these people and give them a break. Even George posted they have two full time people returning calls?? Sometimes people willing not to just try again and assumming that is how it is just suck. I mean this like a parnet, and not a ball buster but come on... did you really want to get ahold of them in the first place or what?
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

I clicked on this thread not knowing what to expect (Mudslinging, arbitrary bickering, etc, who knows). I couldn't be more pleased with the discussion I've found, the mark of a true professional is the ability to recognize good work in their competition. Stay classy gents.

Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: monteboy84</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I clicked on this thread not knowing what to expect (Mudslinging, arbitrary bickering, etc, who knows). I couldn't be more pleased with the discussion I've found, the mark of a true professional is the ability to recognize good work in their competition. Stay classy gents.


HA! You spoke too soon!
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Their knumb nuts just trying to bust his balls. As far as I know their on their dads computer and only shooting pellet guns which aren't high end! </div></div>

Please tell me you are not talking about Gunfighter14e2. Because if you are, then you could not be more wrong. He shoots and shoots A LOT so if that is the case, stand down. </div></div>

I just let it roll off, as he does not even know why I was calling, or anything about me. I have learned a lot about him and I was not even fishing this time,...LOL
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Their knumb nuts just trying to bust his balls. As far as I know their on their dads computer and only shooting pellet guns which aren't high end! </div></div>
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

Tom come on, what really is coming on here and acting like this mean about any smith we couldn't get ahold of? It says more about our actions and not theres? Plus the fact no (real) effert was put into getting ahold of them? Don't you think post like "I couldn't get ahold of you so I"m going else where" should of been in a Pm??? Really?
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

Damn, this thread was going good, then Tom dropped the F-bomb. +1 on GAP, because that's what I have and it is outstanding. If I had the change, I would have one from APA, and Roscoe as well. But....not a rich man.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Tom come on, what really is coming on here and acting like this mean about any smith we couldn't get ahold of? It says more about our actions and not theres? Plus the fact no (real) effert was put into getting ahold of them? Don't you think post like "I couldn't get ahold of you so I"m going else where" should of been in a Pm??? Really? </div></div>
Maybe,maybe not on the PM, read my post,,, 2 phone messages and 2 e-mails. thats more than my wife gets. or maybe my 14 yr old girlfriend cause Im only 15 right? fact of the matter is GAP and all the rest of the upper smiths are in the RETAIL business and need to remember who writes the check at the end of the day, you and I the consumer. Im sure my little deal just slipped through the cracks
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

You are right we are the consumer!! But sometime things, orders, calls, emails, don't alway go smooth or get handles with the best attention to detail. But that is human nature for that to happen some times? But in (most) cases everyone who has delt with named smiths has nothing but high praises. I think that most all smiths on this fourm would love to hear from you or any of us. If once we talk to them it goes bad or work suffers, then we need to yell form the roof tops to each other. Hey you said your wife doesnt' get 2 emails or 2 phone calls... Yeah but you still married her!
I'm just sayin if it take alittle more effert on our part to get ahold of these guys we need to cut them alittle slack. Smiths like these aren't on every coner? The militray uses them and for good reason, same as we do cause there work is top notch!
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You know all these great smiths have busniess and are very busy people. Plus they come on here and answer all our dumb questions. Saying I tried to get threw once and no one got back so I'm going else where??? If you give up that easy I don't see how you made it this far in life? Plus all mentioned smith, you could of Pm directly, plus email??? They bend over backwards to help people who don't even have there rigs... Maybe if you left a voice mail talk into the reciever? It could of been that easy to miss your #. No I don't have a gap, but am getting a APA built now. I just hate people who don't understand what a PAIN in the ass doing customer service is for a living. Once you get threw then make you decision... If you can't try other means to get threw. Have alittel respect for these people and give them a break. Even George posted they have two full time people returning calls?? Sometimes people willing not to just try again and assumming that is how it is just suck. I mean this like a parnet, and not a ball buster but come on... did you really want to get ahold of them in the first place or what? </div></div>

Not directed at any particular builders, but pain in the ass or not, Customer service is a huge & necessary part of any business. We all have customers, that is how we make our money and Gunsmiths are no different than any other business, we all have pressures on our time. Sometimes customers are demanding, sometimes difficult, sometimes uninformed, they need to deal with it like any other business owner. Businesses that forget their customers will eventually loose their backlog. Exactly how many times should a current or potential customer try to contact a business?

Just my $.02, and yes I apply and expect the above sentiment to ALL of our client and vendor contacts.
Re: Skunkworks or GAP?

OK a few things:

Email sucks. I get guys all the time tell me I did not answer an email to only find it in spam, or if too much time hasgone by it has fallen out of spam folder. The problem is when you travel or get too busy it may never get to you. I try and check my emails but when off shore sometimes it takes along time to look at even one email so spam can not get looked at. Not saying in this case but give the guy a break on email as I see shit get lost in email all the time.

OP asked about Gap and Skunk Works so I think it is only fair to leave it to the two mentioned, plus both are fantastic builders.

GAP has built me many good rifles and have won more things with GAP than all other brands combined. My main F TR rifle needs a new bbl and it leaves today for GAP. This was after talking with many many smiths and deciding on GAP because they have a wealth of knowledge on many different weapon systems ( nothing like telling a smith you have a Banard to rebarrel and they answer "What is that?", plus having won the 600 yard stages at the National Matches and a couple of medals in Worlds with a GAP speaks alot of how they perform. If I can win with one the rifle needs to be perfect and me lucky. LOL

Mike of Skunkworks has just completed my teaching shotgun and has built many fine rifles I have played with. He can build just about anything and a spectactular rig as well. If he started business long before George did and I had met him before George he would probably be getting the lions share. His work is great also. He just came long after George.

In short all this means talk to both and see who fits you. In the end either will build a rifle better than you, I or anyone can shoot.