Yeah I'm pretty disappointed about this. It's making him no friends yet he's losing a lot from this.
Under Obama, even after 8 years of blowhard bullshit, nothing happened. Now we get a guy who literally said that our 8 years of assault on the 2nd Amendment are over, bans a firearm device and does absolutely NOTHING as of yet to either dis-embolden the dumb fuck gun grabbing liberals nor strengthen the 2nd Amendment at all. Things like SCOTUS appointments for judges that are 2nd Amendment leaning are luck at this point; not 'he selected them because of their 2nd Amendment stance'.
We have had a Republican president, house and senate for 2 years and we have reinforced the 2nd Amendment less than under Obama.
Now, I don't have a bumpstock. Personally I thought they were retarded. However, someone may think a 30 round mag or an adjustable butt stock is retarded so we can never go off of feelings or what some people think. Never. Yet now, this weird firearm device has them trying to update and change the definition of a machine gun and trigger pull; think about that. Without any representation from elected officials and no debate, an agency has basically tried to re-write an existing rule so that it will conform to their new rulings. It's basically make shit up as you go at this point.
This is EXACTLY the reason why you don't try and reason with liberals. This is why you don't have a 'common sense conversation' about gun rights. This is why the answer is always fuck NO. Because otherwise, you end up where gun owners are; on the high road getting fucked from below an inch at a time, only to realize that we've lost miles of ground.
Don't turn shit in. Buy more ammo. Completely reorganize the fucking wolf in sheeps clothing that is the NRA. Read the Gulag Archipelago if you think you 'can't do anything' or there's 'no way to beat them' or the government is 'too big'.