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Hunting & Fishing Some hate mail for you killers...

Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Tlong... that pic was f'n great!!! Listen fellows, I live in the peoples republic of new jersey.. I hunt, fish and shoot!! yes I own weapons in this communist state!! being LE helps but they even break our balls too!! These people just suck!! They have money and they feel that because they think that they're a part of this world that their opinions matter!! So make it easy for yourselfs... Look them right in the face... Tell them to go fucks themseves sideways... And walk away laughing!! That will piss them off!! They thrive on altercation where they can voice their opinion and their bullshit superior self importance!!

As for "v" she proberly graduated from Harvard... And at a party would have to wait to the ugliest guy would have to be stone shit faced just so she could get some cock!!! Just thinking quick here??
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fwNvIM2W9Aw"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fwNvIM2W9Aw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Based off her lame argument, factless accusations, piss-poor grammar and spelling I have a hard time figuring Vicky out.

Her signature line brags of being unattractive and aged, yet she writes at a lower level than intelligent 6th graders. Most self-righteous people who view themselves as paragons of society usually do a better job of educating themselves so they can more easily look down their nose at the rest of society.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

dear vicki,please forward me your adress at home or buisness so that i can use UPS to send you a spoon so that you can eat my ass.thank you for your time.
monty long
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Dear Vicki,

Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Haha, that hate mail is hilarious. What world does she live in? Even if hunting is morally deplorable to someone, aren't there much larger issues to tackle if you're that sensitive? Genocide? Poverty? Starvation? Disease? The lady's got misplaced priorities if you ask me.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

I can see how her world has been improved by her expression of hatred toward others of her own species. Humans, or apparenty some humans, are on her short sh*t list. I guess she's turned a blind eye to some aspects of her own humanity. Some day she'll probably learn she's built of the same stuff. I'd hate to be her when she recognizes hereself in a clearer mirror. I'd reciprocate, but I think that would be insensitive and inappropriate. For now, she's welcome to the moral high ground.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Been hunting most of my life, and for the most part, would only shoot what went into the freezer. It could be said that some of the photo's posted might be considered a little harsh to even some long time hunters here and maybe some of the captions stated, a little tasteless, but to each there own.
Vicki, I can only guess you have never seen the damage a coyote, pigs, or other nuisance animals can do to farms or private property left unchecked. While the taking of these animals may seem harsh to you or others, head shots are probably the most humane vs snares, traps, gut shooting etc.
As others have stated, other than bitching and complaining what have you done to make wildlife a better place. Almost every hunter here who has posted is directly responsible for the area he hunts, in the purchasing of licensing which directly effects those areas and the care and maintenance of wild life. They perform a needed service of reducing nuisance animals and allowing the population to be kept to acceptable levels. For some, food on the table, and food to supplement what would be spent in the market where you and others shop. A lot of hunters will donate the game to people in the area who would do without or can't afford what is gladly donated by these "monsters".
A lot of the people here have served the community and greater good so that you have the right to disagree with what you read. Suggest you find another place to bitch. We come here to chat with people we have something in common with in one way or another. And while you're rant is amusing, it probably cost several critters their lives in your name!
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

I'd venture to say that this "V" person does not have the intelligence to comprehend the vast majority of sentiments described here. Nor does she have the morality to actually look at varying tangents of these scenarios depicted.

In short, everyone, remember these adages (from here):

Stupidity should be painful!

You can't fix Stupid!


If Ignorance is Bliss, then She must be Ecstatic!
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

well, i guess im going to have to get in on this...here viki

and 3 little piggies shot at 10 yards with a .45acp while in the trap
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Damn it, where is that picture with my truck bed full of management deer we killed a few years back with legs sticking up out of the bed everywhere when I need it? Did I mention they were all shot with bows and arrows? Bows, arrows, spears, pistols, rifles, sticks, rocks or bare hands; I'm going to continue to kill shit and eat it and make clothes and utensils out of it because I know where I came from and how to get back there. You don't need canine teeth to eat a damn salad and I know without a doubt I'm an omnivore with heavy carnivore tendencies. Oh well here's a picture of some bow kills to keep it going, and yes "V", they're sticking their tongues out at you, LOL.

Here's the end result, tenderloin, nom,nom,nom,nom.

Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

She must be a vegetarian then because from her standpoint and beliefs I'm sure she has never eaten a thick juicy steak or a plump hamburger before. She must repent them. It's how the food chain works, get over it.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PatrickChewing</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey Corey,

You got any of that tasty 'loin left?

PC </div></div>

I doubt it, that stuff is usually the first to go. My wife loves tenderloin and we usually eat that up first.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

So a couple of years ago I was sitting in my man cave beating off to a episode of peta live (some of those whacky chicks are hot). All the sudden I was hungry and decided I ought to do the caveman thing and go git some dinner. I had just walked out of my cave and noticed this little delight hiding out behind a bush about 15 yards from me. Since my club was only about 3 feet long I decided I needed something a little longer. I stepped off 100 yards and got a club in the 6mm variety and let her fly. Was able to feed my cave people a couple decent meals off this before having to get another one....

Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">But Vicki writes:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So the idea that you are teaching a 10 year old child how to use a rifle that is meant only to kill from a distance sickens me beyond description.~V~</div></div></div></div>

Oh dear god so the fact I got my son behind a rifle first when he was three must sicken you fatally. That my experience growing up in Africa/SE Asia as a kid leads me to conclude it is not the lions one has to watch out for but the people and their "bare hands". Lets talk about being sickened beyond description, but I suppose that is out of your scope of imagination. But please let me allow you and your kind to "heal" meanwhile I will be paddling the banks of the river Styx for you sweetie.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Dear Vicki, Just for you I let the piglet that was sucking it's mom's tit go before I blew the intestines out of her ass. Don't mention it, maybe someday I'll find it when it's all grown up and make bacon outta it too.

Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

To Vicky,

I am sorry but it is so hard to get rail cars into the hunting areas that we are forced into using trucks that are sadly lacking in carrying capacity.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

What gets me about the anti-hunting movement is that they're typically the same folks that pay double at the grocery store for free-range meat or eggs laid by cage-free chickens. An animal harvested by a licensed hunter for consumption has led a happier life than any critter who now resides in a for-sale cooler at a grocer.

Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: locked&loaded</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Acts 10:13
God has spoken. </div></div>

I love it. </div></div>

Genesis 1:26

He put us at the top of the food chain from the beginning.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have no words to express the revulsion and nausea your site and  the pictures it contains caused me.  In a world were the humans and the wild animals need to survive together to make it all work, you take some sick joy in killing mass quantities of animals not just one or two.  In the world I live in people like you become serial killers or worse. So the idea that you are teaching a 10 year old child how to use a rifle that is meant only to kill from a distance sickens me beyond description.
In your frenzy to kill I wonder how you would fare with an animal like an African lion, a bobcat or a wolf with your bare hands or if that scares you then a bow and arrow...how horrible to use a high powered rifle with an expensive site much like the ones used against 
Americans in several wars. to kill truck loads of animals.  what sport it there in that?  YOU and your kind are a cancerous growth on all humanity and like the growth all measures necessary should be used to make you disappear and let us heal.
"Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved"

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #000099"><span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'"><span style="font-size: 14pt">Holy Sheep Shit! This is definitely a bitch on fire. We're nothing but a bunch of sick basterds ...... Ha! I love it. </span></span></span></span>
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

This site has in many ways helped me become a better hunter and a safer hunter! There is so much information available for anyone that would like to learn. I would just like to say thanks Lowlight and snipershide!

P.S I love high powered rifles and expensive scopes!
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

I wonder if Vicki is kin to Jim Taggart cause she definitely ain't in Dagney's side of the family.

Vicki it seems to be that you aren't stupid but perhaps ignorant, which to say uneducated or lacking in knowledge of a subject. Being that we neanderthals are lacking frontal lobes I will not educate you in the methods of my rearing on the farm and the schematics of living but I have an alternative concession that I feel would not only bring you into an educated mindset, it might even allow you to see for the first time through someones elses eyes.

Vicki I have this very close friend,more like a brother than my own that currently resides in New Mexico. He affectionately goes by the name ElkHuntingGuide here in our demented little world of serial killers. He not only is enlightened and a superior specimen as he is not only multi lingual but multi nationality. He is quite educated and very knowledgeable and I feel could assist you in developing a hypothesis as to why we act as we do.

I would sincerely like to sponsor you to spend a week in some of God's most gorgeous country observing animals in their native habitat with him. He can show you animal to the liking you have never witnessed. Please feel free to PM me as I would gladly arrange for you too enjoy some time with such an enlightened individual to aid you in understanding your fellow man.


Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Hey Teppo-ka,
I think all you hunters of animals are the worst blight on the world we live in and should burn in hell for the cruelty your hunting does to God's little creatures.

However, my opinion could be swayed if perchance I too could be sponsored for a trip with Elkhuntinguide.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

LOL funny fucker aint ya! Trust me you wouldn't like what he would do to you when you sleep! My eye is just regaining sight after the last hunt.
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CS223</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Vicki has contacted the media, we're done for now:


You mean steaks don't grow in styrofoam containers?
Re: Some hate mail for you killers...

Yummy!! Elk it's what's for dinner. Nothing like putting a good stalk on a big critter, in heavy timber and coming out on top.
