Something kicking off in Israel

Looks like people need to take their city back. The people around here will NEVER let that happen, not ever.


10 years ago


A few minutes later, she pointed to a large, vacant building down the street that she said had once housed a popular department store. It was purchased by a Yemeni immigrant and has sat empty for two years, she said.

Probably a munitions depot. :rolleyes:


this seems strange,if you compare things,to the '68 chicago dim convention riots. back then it would seem that protests were by the left against the right. now it seems like they are by the hard left against the hard left. also,hard to get why the dim mainstream is acting in opposition to their obvious soul mates. something not seen going on? i know israel has a whole lot of input and control in our gov,both parties. just hard to see that much control making obiden/harris not do what their base is demanding.
this seems strange,if you compare things,to the '68 chicago dim convention riots. back then it would seem that protests were by the left against the right. now it seems like they are by the hard left against the hard left. also,hard to get why the dim mainstream is acting in opposition to their obvious soul mates. something not seen going on? i know israel has a whole lot of input and control in our gov,both parties. just hard to see that much control making obiden/harris not do what their base is demanding.
I think if we pull up 100,000 feet and look at the overall trends and apply it where both parties are supporting the same things (while ignoring what they are saying to get votes) we have the answer to your musings.
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if iran wanted to throw the dice in a big way,that is a target rich environment. doubt they would but seems a risky deployment to my uneducated view.
9/11 was a symbolic attack that undermined the idea that we (Americans) are safe at “home”. The wuflu didn’t have the symbolic value even though the 3D Corona CAD images were widely circulated and masks were mandated to try and make us not feel safe around our family, friends and neighbors.

No one has the military bandwidth or distribution capability to move on the U.S. military and succeed in a direct confrontation. Full stop. So all adversarial objectives have to achieve symbolic wins that undermine the psychological will to 1) support the U.S. military 2) deter service 3) cutoff financial sustainment of the U.S. military and adjacent production and R&D complex.

I don’t think anyone is sinking a CVN, but I’m sure the BRICS faction wants to. To this end, they’d have to try a distributed attack to get some payloads through the defense systems. I think the reason so much hardware has been brought to the theater is because 1) that’s what the hardware exists for 2) deep layers of defense stacked 3) immediate counter battery on any originating sources that light up. So f-15 probably running missile intercepts, supplementing the naval based AEGIS assets, while the f-22 and f-35 go to work on forward targets.

The risk for the U.S. is that we don’t stack enough, allow something damaging through, and immediately destroy everything hostile with extreme prejudice. If we rise to the challenge again, it will psychologically deter a lot of future problems. There will likely be organic coups, with minimal support costs to help succeed, in the wake of a successful outcome as well.

China is still watching and wants to tune its Taiwan, Japan, SK and Philippines operation, but it would be something if they all went at the same time. They are all in bed together.
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9/11 was a symbolic attack that undermined the idea that we (Americans) are safe at “home”. The wuflu didn’t have the symbolic value even though the 3D Corona CAD images were widely circulated and masks were mandated to try and make us not feel safe around our family, friends and neighbors.

No one has the military bandwidth or distribution capability to move on the U.S. military and succeed in a direct confrontation. Full stop. So all adversarial objectives have to achieve symbolic wins that undermine the psychological will to 1) support the U.S. military 2) deter service 3) cutoff financial sustainment of the U.S. military and adjacent production and R&D complex.

I don’t think anyone is sinking a CVN, but I’m sure the BRICS faction wants to. To this end, they’d have to try a distributed attack to get some payloads through the defense systems. I think the reason so much hardware has been brought to the theater is because 1) that’s what the hardware exists for 2) deep layers of defense stacked 3) immediate counter battery on any originating sources that light up. So f-15 probably running missile intercepts, supplementing the naval based AEGIS assets, while the f-22 and f-35 go to work on forward targets.

The risk for the U.S. is that we don’t stack enough, allow something damaging through, and immediately destroy everything hostile with extreme prejudice. If we rise to the challenge again, it will psychologically deter a lot of future problems. There will likely be organic coups, with minimal support costs to help succeed, in the wake of a successful outcome as well.

China is still watching and wants to tune its Taiwan, Japan, SK and Philippines operation, but it would be something if they all went at the same time. They are all in bed together.
interesting take. could be right. there are ways to attack battle groups anonymously. am thinking disguised drone or suicide boats/subs maybe. the question is,how much damage would cause a pull back thru public opinion? took 2-4 yrs in VN. ME war protests went nowhere,mostly because most people bought the WMD fairy tale. i think the risk is not worth it. escalation not a good option. you think the risk is manageable,i don't. you could very well be right,me wrong.
my fear is some sort of tonkin gulf like deal sacrificing a carrier to inflame the public into supporting a war with iran which the deep state has wanted for long time. that could well bring in russia or china. or could let china take their shot at taiwan,so china sea. guess we will see.
i do look for some move by NWO prior to nov if they are sure trump will get in by some hook or crook.
interesting take. could be right. there are ways to attack battle groups anonymously. am thinking disguised drone or suicide boats/subs maybe. the question is,how much damage would cause a pull back thru public opinion? took 2-4 yrs in VN. ME war protests went nowhere,mostly because most people bought the WMD fairy tale. i think the risk is not worth it. escalation not a good option. you think the risk is manageable,i don't. you could very well be right,me wrong.
my fear is some sort of tonkin gulf like deal sacrificing a carrier to inflame the public into supporting a war with iran which the deep state has wanted for long time. that could well bring in russia or china. or could let china take their shot at taiwan,so china sea. guess we will see.
i do look for some move by NWO prior to nov if they are sure trump will get in by some hook or crook.
I guess it depends on your definition of WMDs and your sources. Nukes? No. Other WMDs, yes, also uranium.

My most recent source being Chris Kyle in his book, "American Sniper." I'm not going back thru it to find the chapter, verse, & page number, but that's what he said. I've heard the same thing from others thru the years, one of them being Rush Limbaugh.
My most recent source being Chris Kyle in his book, "American Sniper." I'm not going back thru it to find the chapter, verse, & page number, but that's what he said.
He also claimed he killed 30 civilian looters from the roof of the Super Dome in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Lied about punching Jesse Ventura (his estate lost the civil suit against Ventura after his death, though he had insurance through the publishing company). Exaggerated his medal count in his book, though that's minor.. He was not a source of truth.
He also claimed he killed 30 civilian looters from the roof of the Super Dome in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Lied about punching Jesse Ventura (his estate lost the civil suit against Ventura after his death, though he had insurance through the publishing company). Exaggerated his medal count in his book, though that's minor.. He was not a source of truth.
I guess Rush Limbaugh was a liar too, huh?
I guess Rush Limbaugh was a liar too, huh?
Yes. Limbaugh was an entertainer. His relationship with the truth was casual at best. Both Limbaugh and Chris Kyle (at the time of making the WMD claims) were in the entertainment business and prone to exaggerate/lie if it pumped numbers up. For Kyle it was for book sales and for Limbaugh it was people tuning in to listen. They were selling a product.
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Yes. Limbaugh was an entertainer. His relationship with the truth was casual at best. Both Limbaugh and Chris Kyle (at the time of making the WMD claims) were in the entertainment business and prone to exaggerate/lie if it pumped numbers up. For Kyle it was for book sales and for Limbaugh it was people tuning in to listen. They were selling a product.
another question. who do ya'll think set this up and ordered it? not biden,harris or austin. they re all ignorant of military handling. not supposed to be,but...if any of them did,who told them to do it?

The CEO of a corp works for the board and the board works for the controlling shareholder(s). The controlling shareholders of the U.S. are the major treasury bond investors. If I had to pick just one entity, it would be CSIS today.
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another question. who do ya'll think set this up and ordered it? not biden,harris or austin. they re all ignorant of military handling. not supposed to be,but...if any of them did,who told them to do it?

My gut reaction:

Ordered It: Austin, as an extension of our current security cooperative with Israel.
Coordinating actual on ground/on sea movements: EUCOM/CENTCOM
Who influenced it: Israel's constant lobbying and persistent position of getting US and Iran entangled.
I guess Rush Limbaugh was a liar too, huh?

Rush Limbaugh understood his audience.

So of all the countries in the ME, which was closest to a bomb? Was it Iraq with its "aluminum tubes"? Or was it Syria that built a reactor that we let Israel destroy in 2007? Was it Iran with its reactor and uranium mines and enrichment program? Or was it Pakistan that actually built a fucking bomb as we were engaging in our other misadventures?

We enacted bad policy based upon some combination of faulty intelligence and downright lies. I don't care which radio talking head backed this mistake (which, for the record, was all of them - and they were joined by much of the leftist mainstream media).
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Rush Limbaugh understood his audience.

So of all the countries in the ME, which was closest to a bomb? Was it Iraq with its "aluminum tubes"? Or was it Syria that built a reactor that we let Israel destroy in 2007? Was it Iran with its reactor and uranium mines and enrichment program? Or was it Pakistan that actually built a fucking bomb as we were engaging in our other misadventures?

We enacted bad policy based upon some combination of faulty intelligence and downright lies. I don't care which radio talking head backed this mistake (which, for the record, was all of them - and they were joined by much of the leftist mainstream media).
Let's not forget Saddam Hussein himself.
So of all the countries in the ME, which was closest to a bomb? Was it Iraq with its "aluminum tubes"?
On the topic of Iraq...

Or was it Pakistan that actually built a fucking bomb as we were engaging in our other misadventures?
But hey it's not like they were hiding Osama Bin Laden next to their equivalent of West Point.
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Rush Limbaugh understood his audience.

So of all the countries in the ME, which was closest to a bomb? Was it Iraq with its "aluminum tubes"? Or was it Syria that built a reactor that we let Israel destroy in 2007? Was it Iran with its reactor and uranium mines and enrichment program? Or was it Pakistan that actually built a fucking bomb as we were engaging in our other misadventures?

We enacted bad policy based upon some combination of faulty intelligence and downright lies. I don't care which radio talking head backed this mistake (which, for the record, was all of them - and they were joined by much of the leftist mainstream media).
we sent billions for "humanitarian" aid to pakistan and india, they built missiles and bombs.
9/11 was a symbolic attack that undermined the idea that we (Americans) are safe at “home”. The wuflu didn’t have the symbolic value even though the 3D Corona CAD images were widely circulated and masks were mandated to try and make us not feel safe around our family, friends and neighbors.

No one has the military bandwidth or distribution capability to move on the U.S. military and succeed in a direct confrontation. Full stop. So all adversarial objectives have to achieve symbolic wins that undermine the psychological will to 1) support the U.S. military 2) deter service 3) cutoff financial sustainment of the U.S. military and adjacent production and R&D complex.

I don’t think anyone is sinking a CVN, but I’m sure the BRICS faction wants to. To this end, they’d have to try a distributed attack to get some payloads through the defense systems. I think the reason so much hardware has been brought to the theater is because 1) that’s what the hardware exists for 2) deep layers of defense stacked 3) immediate counter battery on any originating sources that light up. So f-15 probably running missile intercepts, supplementing the naval based AEGIS assets, while the f-22 and f-35 go to work on forward targets.

The risk for the U.S. is that we don’t stack enough, allow something damaging through, and immediately destroy everything hostile with extreme prejudice. If we rise to the challenge again, it will psychologically deter a lot of future problems. There will likely be organic coups, with minimal support costs to help succeed, in the wake of a successful outcome as well.

China is still watching and wants to tune its Taiwan, Japan, SK and Philippines operation, but it would be something if they all went at the same time. They are all in bed together.
Hypersonic missiles & TBMs could likely sink a CVM, or render it useless for its primary role. Pretty much the driving force for the CHICOMS developing & fielding them & other A2AD items.