I know you already know this but I'm going to type a bunch of words because. . Coffee. . . . .The dark day started in 1948 when you stole the land. Blame yourselves.
When I was a good bit younger, I was sympathetic to anyone getting their land stolen. I slowly realized how our world actually works and have grudgingly accepted it. The human species has been “stealing” land and territory since the beginning. We are territorial just like many other animals.
Native American Indians had been stealing land from other tribes a thousand years before Whypeeple stumbled onto the scene. Just like in the animal world, whoever is better equipped, has the numbers and WANTS IT BAD ENOUGH gets to occupy the land until the next tribe wants it bad enough to take it.
The Israelis took their current land in 1948 because they were committed to the cause and because they gathered the resources to do it. We took this land in the U.S. the same way. I don’t care what “deed” I have for my property or what lines a country has for its borders; we are just renting this shit in the big scheme of things.
They stopped making more land quite some time ago but humans are difficult to placate as our populations increase.
Religions certainly seem to span longer time lines than any generation of humans with those religions and cultures being the consistent catalyst to conquering geography. Sometimes conquering happens just so a people can continue to exist.
Every day, I am taking in all of the Ukraine/Russia war and now also the Isreali/Arab war but my brain knows our own fight for existence is coming. My big question is will we want it bad enough.
We will need to ratchet up the brutality into a take no prisoners berserker level fighting if we are to persevere because that is the only thing our enemies will understand.
They are already well versed and practiced in that mindset while happily embracing its methods.
Ours will not be a Gentleman’s war.
We better want to keep it pretty damned bad.
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