Something kicking off in Israel

Old Testament says multiple times God told the Israelites to go to a particular area, them let all men, women, and children of that village fall by the sword, then brn the village with fire.

Even though I have no skin in this game, one part of me wants Old Testament level bullshit going on.
it also seems that most fighting has been day fighting as there is a marked absence of night video and only some thermal video from the side of the shitheads.
yes the initial assault went down in broad daylight and not even at dawn . And the flip flop crew was mostly on foot till the jacked cars from outposts and bases

But now hunting down remaining Hamas inside Israel is happening at night
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As you can imagine IDF are not taking prisoners

Complete with staging the bodies ,firearms and walkie talkies 🤡


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Lol…. And you thinking I’m a weak little boy is your misunderstanding…

Also for someone who claims to be so religious, your siding with the Palestinians???

There’s scripture everywhere in the Bible that says you best stand with Israel…. Otherwise be cursed.
I'm not 'Siding' with anyone, just attempting to look at the situation with out a one sided prism. It wouldnt be a hair off my head if they annihilated each other.

Lets face it, they are both entirely capable of being animals. So are most of the rest of us, when cornered and or threatened.
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And your a weak little boy who cannot think.

Can you not understand that they were using the only concepts available to them?

If you called God 'Coca Cola' do you think it would really care as long as you did as It instructed. Worshiped it in Spirit and Truth and treated your neighbor as you wish to be treated.

Christ spoke of you and your type. Those who mull over texts and debate about a dot over an I while you miss the real message. I believe he called them scribes and Pharisees.
Lol, the chronic is deep in you today pothead....
Hope yer not around any careful out there!!!
It was posted on the Israeli defense forces’ telegram page. So it is likely true. Unless they are doing the propaganda thing as well.
Looks like the sides are being solidified and they've decided its time to eliminate Israel. This could get interesting and very ugly.
Lol…. And you thinking I’m a weak little boy is your misunderstanding…

Also for someone who claims to be so religious, your siding with the Palestinians???

There’s scripture everywhere in the Bible that says you best stand with Israel…. Otherwise be cursed.
Thats purely Old Testament written by old Jewish guys.

Jesus said "god can make Jews out of rocks."

I stand with the 'spiritual' Israel, the one to be revealed to all his children after his return. The current 'Nation of Israel' is an abomination.
Many such videos soldiers on the litt up streets shooting into the darkness while probably getting shot at.

Can give you some of the longer footage of Hamas storming IDF base , in looks like there are about as many IDF as there are Hamas and they absolutely get owned by the spray and pray crowd with DJI drone airsupport

Whatever this was it will take some explaining............

Warning some gore

talk about flying under the Radar . @ 45 sec. into Vid. clips , pretty fucking Ballsey , ( a Paraglidier ) , Spotting ?.. Dropping ordnance ?
Anyone looking at Israelis in firefights with Hamas , it looks like absolute amateur hour.

Israeli soldiers stand under lit street lights shooting at opponents that hide in the dark , what does the self-proclaimed world's best military not have NV optics? They are literaly illuminated while their opponents are not.

This might not be soldiers but other security services , but such videos wih similar setup soldiers on lit up streets abound .

Outside of some of their higher end SOF, the Israeli military and police forces are a joke. 3rd world shitholes with terrible training and almost exclusively conscripts. They do not have real professional soldiers, or at least enough of them. They rely on a militia system for ground combat and most of the brains is in the air force.

A fresh infantryman out of SOI/OSUT would run circles around them from a training, mentality and basic soldering perspective.

They have more in common with the muzzies they fight than they do with the rest of the western 1st world.
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Mr.BR has made a very good point. could blaming iran be a reason to start a war with them like linking sadam with 9/11? worth considering the sadam link with WMD bullshit gave the neocons an excuse to invade iraq. that was a part of their ongoing agenda. could be same here? i do think iran was involved but keeping up with who allies to whom in mideast is way over my pay grade. the neocons seem to want a war with iran. if they get one,they will totally fuck it up just like iraq and afganistan. not the troops but our "leadership". but,the troops now are different from what was sent 20 years ago. anyway,the truth iran in,out or how much will NEVER be know by us prols.
That link to Iran has been there since the founding of Hamas.

This is not a new thing.
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Not sure if posted.

Second carrier group in route to the Mediterranean.

That overkill for just Hamas…

Ex-mil can chime in on that.
from the videos it looks like most military bases were almost ghost towns when the shitheads hit them.
It was during Yom Kippur. Alot of people were probably on leave.

You would think, the Izzies would have understood it was the 50th year anniversary, and instead of getting caught with their pants down like 50 years ago, would stand up forces every Yom so it could never happen again. So not only was it the anniversary of their biggest war, it was the 50th.

They should have known better and this failure is on Israeli leadership all the way around.

They need a standing proffesional army, Standing professional boarder guards, CWIS systems to blow any drone out of the sky, A professional police force who can augment the boarder and army. They got attacked but they sure as fuck arent doing them selves any favors. They did not have a way to get armor and supporting weapons into the fight fast enough.

This should have been like the Tet Offensive, an absolute bloodbath that brought the enemy to the brink of surrender. Kill 10 to 20 for everyone of you. All civilians in the area should be armed and have to carry a fighting load with them at all times. Then go on the counter and destroy everything.

But they won't. Its almost like the Israelis like being the perpetual victim.
It was during Yom Kippur. Alot of people were probably on leave.

You would think, the Izzies would have understood it was the 50th year anniversary, and instead of getting caught with their pants down like 50 years ago, would stand up forces every Yom so it could never happen again. So not only was it the anniversary of their biggest war, it was the 50th.

They should have known better and this failure is on Israeli leadership all the way around.

They need a standing proffesional army, Standing professional boarder guards, CWIS systems to blow any drone out of the sky, A professional police force who can augment the boarder and army. They got attacked but they sure as fuck arent doing them selves any favors. They did not have a way to get armor and supporting weapons into the fight fast enough.

This should have been like the Tet Offensive, an absolute bloodbath that brought the enemy to the brink of surrender. Kill 10 to 20 for everyone of you. All civilians in the area should be armed and have to carry a fighting load with them at all times. Then go on the counter and destroy everything.

But they won't. Its almost like the Israelis like being the perpetual victim.

Yep. Every adult should have a modern rifle and a full combat load issued to them as part of citizenship.

You want to be free?

Earn it.
Gen 1:27 ?


Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” once a refugee fleeing to Egypt. Altogether, a worldview anchored in creation can handle some of the world's most difficult conversations with truth, grace, and peace through the hope of the Gospel.

Male and Female.

Obviously he didnt create them in his 'physical' image (Or maybe he did) so which is it, male or female. Or is that just the terminology used to explain things that are unexplainable to our finite minds? Could it be that Spirit is non gendered.
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No, your just feel like you have all the answers and need to be in control, a little fellow who 'has to be right'. And call others liars over the discussion of a word.
Pot calling the kettle black.
I never called you a liar, I said speaking something other than the truth is a lie.

Thinks of what a spirit is. Team spirit, for instance. Is that male or female? Spirit is spirit. The ones who wrote the original scripts were all male so naturally they referred to it as male. But its neutral. They wrote it in concepts they could understand.
How do you know what concepts they wrote in? Were you there? Were you one of those inspired by God to write the books of the Bible?
Honestly, I feel kind of sad for those of you who cannot think beyond your small experience.
I'll take my small experience based on Truth any day over a large one based on a lie.

Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” once a refugee fleeing to Egypt. Altogether, a worldview anchored in creation can handle some of the world's most difficult conversations with truth, grace, and peace through the hope of the Gospel.

Male and Female.

Obviously he didnt create them in his 'physical' image (Or maybe he did) so which is it, male or female. Or is that just the terminology used to explain things that are unexplainable to our finite minds? Could it be that Spirit is non gendered.
I thought most translations took that to mean that he created Man in His own image. (punctuation, then summing it up) He created male and female.

Separate statements with most all transl. alluding to God creating Man in His own image (period) Separately, God did create man and woman (male and female, etc.)

Adam being first in His own image then boom!, the rib trick for Eve as a logical extension of Man.

Perhaps I am assuming too many connections with so many translations trying to bring original Latin into modern wordings. My true understandings of technical scripture is about as clouded and confused as my own family tree.

I will stop derailing this thread by bantering about something we may not even be able to fathom or comprehend the literal meaning of. Good debate and possibly worthy of its own thread.

Back to direct action videos and best guesses of how this will shake out.

You do realize that the jews here and abroad including in Israel (which this thread is about) don’t believe in the virgin birth either. I just don’t take second and third hand information and here say from unknown sources as factual information or evidence for anything. I’m assuming you know that Mark, John, Luke, and Mathew aren’t the authors of the gospels. If not, you have some learning to do.

We are distracting from the thread anyhow. Post your rebuttal if you want so we are one for one and we can leave it out of this thread.
Wade, you mental midget just knock it off.
You ain't nowhere near as smart as everybody says you say you think you are.
Pot calling the kettle black.
I never called you a liar, I said speaking something other than the truth is a lie.

How do you know what concepts they wrote in? Were you there? Were you one of those inspired by God to write the books of the Bible?

I'll take my small experience based on Truth any day over a large one based on a lie.
There you go abain, calling me a liar, and because you dont have the basic intelligence to understand ideas out side your immediate experience.
I thought most translations took that to mean that he created Man in His own image. (punctuation, then summing it up) He created male and female.

Separate statements with most all transl. alluding to God creating Man in His own image (period) Separately, God did create man and woman (male and female, etc.)

Adam being first in His own image then boom!, the rib trick for Eve as a logical extension of Man.

Perhaps I am assuming too many connections with so many translations trying to bring original Latin into modern wordings. My true understandings of technical scripture is about as clouded and confused as my own family tree.

I will stop derailing this thread by bantering about something we may not even be able to fathom or comprehend the literal meaning of. Good debate and possibly worthy of its own thread.

Back to direct action videos and best guesses of how this will shake out.

My take was that he created 'Mankind' in his own image, male and female.

But youre correct, most of this stuff has been translated from various (ancient) texts aand languages and many of the words have changed in their meaning. We likely will not have full understanding while in this world.

Here's an example.

"Judge not lest you be judged."---The closest I've been able to get to this is that what was meant was 'Condemn" not (lest you be condemned). If God reserves final judgement for himself, than that makes perfect sense.

So I take it to mean, we need to judge for ourselves. If Billy and Bobby are going to rob the store, I need to judge for myself that its not right. I might even condemn their actions, and the courts certainly will, but its not for me to pass judgement on them.

Thats reserved for a higher pay grade than I hold.

We need to be very careful as we read and interpret these things. I've found it best to approach everything with an open mind. I've found I've learned some of my greatest lessons from some of the least expected places.
The first person I heard spewing this line of shit was Owen Benjamin:

And since certain members of the "alt-right" echo chamber soak up this stuff in the same way that dogs will eat each other's puke, he gets amplified until this becomes a commandment of sorts among a particular cohort.

Historians should have fun unpacking some of this stuff in the future, assuming there's any evidence of it remaining.

I want to hear all about the "alt right".

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Old Testament says multiple times God told the Israelites to go to a particular area, them let all men, women, and children of that village fall by the sword, then brn the village with fire.

Even though I have no skin in this game, one part of me wants Old Testament level bullshit going on.
It’ll happen, I have no doubt.
Have not heard that. That’s interesting, have a link?
All include "Considering" in their headlines.
All are MSM, so consider the source.
If our ICBMs were as accurate as MSM propaganda, our CEP would suck so bad we couldn't target Asia without missing.

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All include "Considering" in their headlines.
All are MSM, so consider the source.
If our ICBMs were as accurate as MSM propaganda, our CEP would suck so bad we couldn't target Asia without missing.

Damn. And to the Mediterranean no less, I thought they’d be sending capability near Hormuz

“According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, America is deploying an additional Carrier Strike Group to Israel, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower; the USS Gerald R. Ford was previously deployed.”


WSJ seems to be more accurate lately. I’m not really sure what that’s worth though.

But if true that’s a shit load of fire power.
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The Righteous versus Evil war will continue long after we are gone. After all how long has it been going on?
Like was said in the beginning... "It will be a long war".
Seems like 90% of the world population is paying no attention to the Middle East or Ukraine.
Life goes on.
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The Righteous versus Evil war will continue long after we are gone. After all how long has it been going on?
Like was said in the beginning... "It will be a long war".
Seems like 90% of the world population is paying no attention to the Middle East or Ukraine.
Life goes on.
We're just trying to survive and deal with the life these morons have fucked up for us.

Just want to be left alone.