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Something kicking off in Israel

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman: US likely unable to assist Israel in war with Hezbollah​

"Joint Chiefs of Staff head Charles Q. Brown warned on Monday that the US may not be able to help defend Israel against an all-out war with Hezbollah in the same way that it stepped in during the Iran drone attack in April.

Brown, a US Air Force general, also said that Iran “would be more inclined to support Hezbollah."

While the Islamic Republic supports Hamas, General Brown said that Tehran would stand more firmly behind Hezbollah, “particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.”
he should be forced to retire for being a fking appeasing pussy
Its because the Elites aren't practicing Jews (they do not have faith in God they worship Other), and hence don't care about destruction of the synagogues of those of actual Jewish Faith.

That's like been the case forever.
But what's interesting is for quite some time the orthodox Jews and Israel were the folks you were not allowed to speak against.
Now there is some new page in the script which is interesting to see and sudden some groups are allowed to do that here.
Of course "conservatives" still must toe the obedience to Israel line.
Two recent takes, one from IDF General (#rip to his career, that level dissent probably going to be tolerated) and from US based analyst:

Pace's take:

IDF Gen. take:

Two recent takes, one from IDF General (#rip to his career, that level dissent probably going to be tolerated) and from US based analyst:

Pace's take:

IDF Gen. take:

View attachment 8446446

Hamas is just a convenient pretext for Israel to wage war on Gaza and Palestine. It gives Israel an excuse to completely disregard any potential of a 2 state solution. I don't think they have any intention of actually ridding Palestine of Hamas. Even if they did, I agree with that spokesperson - that's an impossible task.

This is why Netanyahus government has propped up Hamas for years. Hamas doesn't exist without Israel and Netanyahu.
Two recent takes, one from IDF General (#rip to his career, that level dissent probably going to be tolerated) and from US based analyst:

Pace's take:

IDF Gen. take:

View attachment 8446446
guy has a brain and balls. guess he is not down with a bunch of casualties for no gain. around the web,it is said that IDF has 70K casualties,KIA unknown. who knows the truth? in israel benni is not CIC of iDF. different system there. if it was in US,he would likely be suicidal or have kiddi porn found on his comp.
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Hamas is just a convenient pretext for Israel to wage war on Gaza and Palestine. It gives Israel an excuse to completely disregard any potential of a 2 state solution. I don't think they have any intention of actually ridding Palestine of Hamas. Even if they did, I agree with that spokesperson - that's an impossible task.

This is why Netanyahus government has propped up Hamas for years. Hamas doesn't exist without Israel and Netanyahu.

Agreed across the board. Seems like it is sporadically covered in the media here in the states is covering what is going on in the west bank currently, i.e. the real prize of annexation they are signaling they want, as they push more settlers further and further into the area with the backing of gov force.

A recent quote:

"As well as serving as finance minister, Smotrich serves as a minister at Israel’s defence ministry, including with responsibility for the Civil Administration, which oversees Israel’s occupation of the West Bank.

As the Guardian revealed last week, the Israeli military recently quietly handed over significant legal powers in the occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants working for Smotrich.'

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Turkey wanting to enter BRICS and now this.

RT Erdogan: "Netanyahu is mentally ill" - "Deplorable" Western support for Israel​

"Turkey stands in solidarity with Lebanon"​

"Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said today that Turkey stands in solidarity with Lebanon in the wake of rising tensions with Israel and called on regional countries to support Beirut.

Speaking to his party's caucus in the Turkish parliament, Erdogan said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was planning to spread the war in Gaza to the region and that this would be "disastrous" and described the West's support for Israel as "deplorable".

"It seems that Israel, which destroyed Gaza, is now turning its sights on Lebanon. We see that Western powers are supporting Israel behind the scenes ," the Turkish president said before his party's deputies in parliament."

UN funded Oct. 7?

I thought a lot of that UNRWA stuff was debunked. Israel put out hit pieces blaming UNRWA to deflect and obfuscate from their own failures (and possible purposeful neglect) in October 7th.
I thought a lot of that UNRWA stuff was debunked. Israel put out hit pieces blaming UNRWA to deflect and obfuscate from their own failures (and possible purposeful neglect) in October 7th.

"Israeli authorities have not provided "any supporting evidence" to back up allegations that United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees employees are members of groups that attacked Israel on 7 October, a review led by the former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna has said.

The Colonna report, which was commissioned by the UN to look at Unrwa's operations and policies in the wake of Israel's allegations and released on Monday, said Israeli authorities have not responded to letters from Unrwa in March and April requesting names and evidence in order to open an investigation."

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Two recent takes, one from IDF General (#rip to his career, that level dissent probably going to be tolerated) and from US based analyst:

Pace's take:

IDF Gen. take:

View attachment 8446446
channeling smedly butler seems like
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