My personal experience with all 03a4 replicas is this, and I know you were asking specifically about Creedmore, but I will give you my experience.
I've seen and shot each of the major 03a4 builders (Creedmore, JRA, Gibbs) and each one seems to be a hit or miss. I have owned a JRA, and was pretty happy with it, and of all 03a4's that came from those three companies it was my favorite, and was very accurate, but now from what I understand JRA and Gibbs are the same, so I do not know how that has helped or hurt each other. The Creedmore's (I've seen two, and shot one) that I have had interaction with were almost night and day from each other, one was very accurate and a solid looking rifle, the other was alright in terms of looks and could hit a bowling pin, but only if it was setup a foot in front of the barrel. From what I understand Creedmore has stepped up their game since the CMP has started to throw their name around, and even have a link to their website on the CMP website.
Now onto what I currently own. I have a Remington 03a4 replica that was built by a gunsmith who is very well known in older battle rifle community. I did have to make some slight adjustments to the rifle after receiving it, but they were minimal. This rifle did not come from a recovered drill rifle (not against those rifles, but it was important for this one not to be, for me at least), and has all GI parts, some NIW. I did pay more for this rifle than other 03a4 replicas out there, but when sitting side by side, next to the JRA I owned, this one did look better, not sure why, but I think it may have to do with the "consistent" finish.
As for the optics, well a 2.5 power scope is not much at all. I recommend having small orange dots for your bullseye, this way the crosshairs do not get lost in the target, but as a whole it is kind of fun and in itself a challenge. With surplus M2 ball I can get about 2 inch groups, with the occasional flyer. Hand loads with a heavier bullet (168gr+) I can get it to about a 1 inch group. I am currently just sticking with the M2 for now, but after I get more fire formed brass I will work up a specific load for this rifle, so hopefully I can get sub MOA with it. The Weaver (M73) scope that comes on the Creedmore is difficult to get proper eye relief,or at least that was my experience. I am currently using a Weaver K2.5, which is still CMP "legal" and correct, but much easier to see thru. As for putting other optics on it and seeing what it can really do, I have thought about it, but it is a 70+ year old design, so that is working against you, but guys are doing pretty good with them out to 600 yards at the CMP matches.
I personally would suggest maybe keeping an eye open for a 03a4 replica on the CMP forums (that is were I sold my JRA for a lot less than I paid for it). I see them for sale pretty often, and the benefit is you know what you are getting rather than mail ordering and crossing your fingers. The other benefit is there are pretty good deals that will save you some money, and you can possibly get the scope of your choice (Lyman Alaskan, Weaver K2.5, M73, M82 or M84). Also maybe keep an eye open at the gun shows, but be careful, I have seen some absolute train wrecks being sold at gun shows.
PS- Oh yeah, and congratulations on the promotion. I pin my advancement on this fall, and have been thinking about what I should get myself as a present to myself.