Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Saito</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What model thumlers tumbler are your guys "rollin" with? </div></div>

Most everyone are using the Thumlers Tumbler model "B".

However, any rotary tumbler with atleast a 15lb capacity will get the job done.

I recommend Thumlers however, just because of their track record.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Never used ultrasonic so I didn't vote. But I won't use anything other than stainless steel media now. It gets everything clean- inside, outside and primer pocket.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

This all sounds good, but I have two concerns:

1) How much does it booger up the case mouths? Just looking at the mouth on that case in the first photos near the beginning of the thread, it looks like they need trim/chamfer/deburred... again. Is that a relic of the original prep process, or an artifact from tumbling in SS media? I've found out the hard way that tumbling (way) too long in ceramic media had some adverse effects on the case mouths (developed a burr so severe I had to trim the case length back, a deburring tool wouldn't handle it).

2) How long does the media last before you need new stuff? I realize it isn't going to 'load up' or turn to dust like corn cob, and I imagine it will outlast any batch of brass... but I also imagine there is a little loss here, a little loss there... eventually I'd expect a person to need a little more - or if they just decide to process bigger batches. No offense, but anything where the only available supply is from one person selling out of their garage makes me a tad nervous. Is there anywhere else that people can buy a similar mix (even if the cost is higher) in small quantities suitable for reloading use? When/if I go this route I'll probably give Terry a holler, but I like having a backup at hand also.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

The longest I have let a batch tumble was 12hrs! I did not notice any burrs on the neck.

I got a few years (Almost 3.5yrs) on a batch of media. It still weighs out close to the original 5lbs I started with. I expect that if you are careful this media could last many years with no problem.

I never tried ceramic but have heard that it can be to aggressive for brass!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

As long as you don't lose the media, it should last for an indefinite amount of time. i haven't seen any deformations on my case mouths at all.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I apologize if this got covered elsewhere earlier... but any problems with the stuff getting packed inside the case or wedged in the flash holes or primer pockets? (more headaches from the ceramic media)
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Have't had any of that either. The diameter of the rods are smaller than the flash holes, and all the rods are the same.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I've cleaned around 10,000 pieces of 9mm brass. About 5 pieces had 2 pieces of media stuck in the flash holes. Not that big of deal and easy to spot and take care.

Then I've done several thousand pieces of .223 brass. 2 pieces came out with a piece of media wedged across the mouth preventing the rest of the media from coming out of the case. Again, pretty easy to spot. The first one surprised me, the second one was picked up by running a magnet over the entire lot.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nwsnowbum</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...the second one was picked up by running a magnet over the entire lot. </div></div>
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Yes the stainless media. I use a magnet to pick up any media that I spill or sneaks by me. This time one of the pieces of brass was full of media and the magnet picked it up.

I'm guessing most of the people that use this method of cleaning have a magnet handy to pick up strays.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I typically shake them out under water in a tub and they all drop out! The only time I have had them stick in a case is when the media got wedged in the primer anvil. However, I always deprime now prior to cleaing and that issue has resovled.

I have had several people say that they cannot be stainless steel if the are magnetic. NOT TRUE. Not all forms of stainless steel are non-magnetic! To prove this take a spoon, fork, or knife that says stainless on it. I bet you your magnet sticks to it. Has it rusted? No?? Then what material do you think it is!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I just did my first 100 .308 cases Saturday with the stainless media. I have been reloading for 37 years and these cases look new. Have 200 .223 cases going now and hope they are the same.

Randy P.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I had excellent results with the stainless media. I had some .223 cases that were tumbled in corncob for about 8 hours with Dillon polish. They looked pretty good and didn't think the SS media would make them much better. I was wrong, the water that came out was black and the cases that came out look like gold. They look better than brand new cases. I put some Dawn and lemishine and let them tumble for about 4-5 hours.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Poll Results for those who cannot see them as of 2/10/2010:


Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Ok enough talk about this stuff, people want to see pics right? I just got in some .308 brass today and let them tumble for 4 hours in the SS media with a few squirts of regular blue dawn and a few dashes of lemishine. Oh an there's no camera trickery both were taken with the same settings. I had twice as much brass as is shown in the towel tumble at one time.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hummer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What kind of soap did you use? How close was water to top of tumbler? </div></div>

Regular blue Dawn, two squirts, 2 dashes of Lemishine powder, and the water was warm and about 1 inch from the top. I fill the tumbler about 1/2 to 5/8 full with brass.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

5lbs of Stainless media, 1 Gallon of warm water + Plus dish soap (Optional addition of Lemishine or Teaspoon of Citranox), and brass.

Model "B" is rated for 15lbs:

1) Media = 5lbs
2) Water = 8lbs (approx)
3) Brass = 2lbs
This puts you at the 15lb capacity.

Every once and awhile I toss my drum when its loaded on my 50lb rated digital scale to make sure I am at or under that rating.

Thumlers Tumblers are tanks! They last for ever, but I recommend not to overload the drum.

308 brass = .4oz > 80 cases approx 2lbs
223 brass = .2oz > 160 cases
45 brass = .2oz > 160 cases
40 S&W = .15oz > 212 cases
9mm = .14oz > 228 cases

Above is a guide line for qty's based on 5lbs media and 8lbs (1 gallon of water).

I just put exactly 1 gallon of water in my empty drum. The water level was 1 1/4" below the top of the rubber inner liner.
So, with the 5lbs of media in with the water I would say the 7lbs of water would leave a safe level to add brass without over flow.

Based on that you can figure:

3 lbs of brass into the drum!

Refigure from above 16oz = 1lb

16 / .4 = 40 x 3 = 120case of 308's
16 / .2 = 80 x 3 = 240case of 223's & 45's
16 / .15 = 106 x 3 = 318cases of 40S&W
16 / .14 = 114 x 3 = 342cases of 9mm

All the above case weights was taken on a DI-MXX123 so they are pretty close.

This is a guideline only. Because I know that I typically clean 200 308's per batch!

Just be mindful that the rated capacity is 15lbs! If its anything like calculating steel beams for loads I am sure that they have a safety factor in that load rating!

Just play it smart! I have found if you can tumble in small batches it cleans better and takes less time! I try to keep close to what I have figured above.

Hope it helps!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does this stuff clean so well because its so abrasive? It almost seems too good to be true. Is there a down side to this? </div></div>

Evertyhing you tumble in is abrasive. However, I have been using this method for several years and have not noticed it any more aggresive than walnut, or corn cob. I do however notice that I cleans 100% better than those stated methods.

I am sure that others that have switched will chime on this!

Please do!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does this stuff clean so well because its so abrasive? It almost seems too good to be true. Is there a down side to this? </div></div>

The media itself isn't abrasive at all, it's made up of small smooth sided metal cylinders. The action is has when combined with water and soap is what makes it clean so well. It's kind of like a thousand little fingers rubbing the case. The only downside is you have to buy a Thumlers type rotary tumbler if you don't have one.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I went to get some media from the guy that has it and apparently the new batch is slightly smaller than it should be so I am now on hold on this experiment. That is, unless someone has the right size stuff and has some for sale. hint...hint.... :)

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dan46n2</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does this stuff clean so well because its so abrasive? It almost seems too good to be true. Is there a down side to this? </div></div>

The media itself isn't abrasive at all, it's made up of small smooth sided metal cylinders. The action is has when combined with water and soap is what makes it clean so well. It's kind of like a thousand little fingers rubbing the case. The only downside is you have to buy a Thumlers type rotary tumbler if you don't have one.</div></div>

The cylinders have edges which act as tiny scrapers. It does have an abrasive quality to it, or else it wouldn't work
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: palmik</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dan46n2</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does this stuff clean so well because its so abrasive? It almost seems too good to be true. Is there a down side to this? </div></div>

The media itself isn't abrasive at all, it's made up of small smooth sided metal cylinders. The action is has when combined with water and soap is what makes it clean so well. It's kind of like a thousand little fingers rubbing the case. The only downside is you have to buy a Thumlers type rotary tumbler if you don't have one.</div></div>

The cylinders have edges which act as tiny scrapers. It does have an abrasive quality to it, or else it wouldn't work </div></div>

Not necessarily, it does not have to be abrasive to work, just the soap itself will remove a lot of grime being swished around in there. The cylinders do have a 90 degree edge but the larger surface area is on the body of the cylinders which contact more of the brass than the edges. Either way this stuff works.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

What is ratio of brass to stainless steel pins lets say .308 brass how much can 5 of 10 LB process. How critical is drum volume, what I am thinking for a drum is about like a 5 gal painters bucket
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

With the thumlers 'b' you are limited to 5 lbs of media, so amount of brass is limited to the 15 lb capacity of the motor. I tumble about 100 .308 cases at a time, but there is room for more. If you have a bigger tumbler, just work it out according to the ratio based on the thumlers.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rammer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where can you buy this stainless steel media? </div></div>

Shoot suasponte a PM and he'll give you the info.

I can't wait to try this out. I'm going to have the blingest of the bling bling cases out there!

^ I'm sure I'm going to catch shit for that comment
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hesco</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> does this method work harden the brass? </div></div>

No, it will not work harden brass. Just cleans!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hesco</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> does this method work harden the brass? </div></div>

Nope, there are no hammers pounding on the brass changing it's structure to harden the metal. This stuff is just like corn cob or any other media scrubbing the brass, it just works much better.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: orkan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So do you get the same amount of reloading cycles using this method? </div></div>

I don't know to what extent this is true but it might increase the number of times you can reload the brass. Most other methods don't clean the inside of the case, they're usually black inside. That buildup decreases case capacity and increases pressure. The SS media cleans the inside very well and removes all that burnt powder buildup.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

the cases are tumbling in a pile of steel pins and water. there is no hard impact in the tumbler at all.