Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ptaylor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">suasponte, your PM box is full. Can someone please send me info on this. </div></div>

Yeah, I just noticed that and cleaned it out! Sorry! PM Sent!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BgBmBoo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Here are some places I found the "pin" style of SS media:

SS media HERE

Take care,Stan </div></div>

There are lots of suppliers of the media, but they are all rather $$$! Also, the media sizes are not at what we found to work well! The "Media for Tumbling" thread page 5 has a good explanation of this.

Fisrt supplier is at $14/0.5lb (250grams). That is $28/lb x 5lbs for the Tumbler capacity puts you at $140 and that does not include S&H from China! Also, the length is too short 5mm = .197" long. That is a nominal length also! That length would likely get stuck in primer pockets sideways and maybe even 223 case mouths. LG rilfe primers .210 dia and Sm Rifles are .175 dia. If they run a little long then they could get stuck sideways in the LG Rifle primer pockets.

The other supplier is at $35.25/0.5lbs. $352.50 for 5lbs + S&H!

Search the "Media for Tumbling". Not saying you can't get it there its just pricy and may not work as well. Do your research before you spend a bunch of money on something.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Kick-Ass</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ok, so are you the seller? If so what is the price? </div></div>

No, I'm not the seller. The price is at $47 per 5lbs shipped.

I have PM'd you the contact info!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Kick-Ass</div><div class="ubbcode-body">cool, I sent him an email..

So do you have to dry the media out too to keep it from corroding? </div></div>

I pour out as much water as I can but the media is still wet. There are absolutely no signs of corrosion after more than a month of the media sitting in the tumbler wet.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I think it is a friend of suasponte that has the media made? Anyway I just got off the phone with his friend Mark. One of the best conversations I've had in a while. Seems like a great guy. He is a talker. I can't wait to get the media and try it out. I'll post a response once I have tested it.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Got my tumbler in and sent off the $$ for the SS media 2 days ago. I'm looking forward to tumbling some brass to see what happens. I have some nasty .223 I'll post up when I'm done.

Looking forward to it!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Also, the length is too short 5mm = .197" long. That is a nominal length also! That length would likely get stuck in primer pockets sideways and maybe even 223 case mouths. LG rifle primers .210 dia and Sm Rifles are .175 dia. If they run a little long then they could get stuck sideways in the LG Rifle primer pockets.

The media I got (from your supplier) get stuck in large rifle (.308 Win) primer pockets pretty regularly - between 10-20 per 100, and occasionally (2-5/100) in .223 Rem case necks. A pair of needle nose pliers is standard equipment whilst separating media from the cases.

Still a whole lot less of a PITA than the ceramic was... those got *STUCK*; these pop out with minimal work.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Couple of questions. For those of you who think it cleans better than ultrasonic, why? (I dont have either yet). Also, how do you separate the media from the cases when you are done tumbling?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Smokin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Couple of questions. For those of you who think it cleans better than ultrasonic, why? (I dont have either yet). Also, how do you separate the media from the cases when you are done tumbling? </div></div>

Read this thread "Media For Tumbling"
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

New poll results as of 2/27/2010 @ 5:00est.


Looks like three more of you like it!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Hot Damn!!

I got my Thumbler in this week from Cabela's. I mailed your source some $$ on Monday and my media came on Saturday. Quick turn around time and your source is a helluva nice guy. He's like a walking encyclopedia and just a real cool guy. I must've talked to him for 3-4 hours about shooting and all. It was like I had known him for years.

Anyhow...This stuff is awesome. Terry my friend, you and your buddy have a friend in me forever. This stuff is awesome! I'm speechless. I took some of the nastiest, junked up brass I could find (thinking if it jacked it up no loss) and holy shit this stuff looks brand new!

Guys, I know ~ $175 is a good chunk of change to spend on a tumbler, but wow. This stuff works awesome! I've been using corn cob and walnut and this is so much better it's not even funny.

I don't have to spend any time cleaning primer pockets or cleaning inside the case. It's just awesome. The brass literally looks brand new.

I will admit that the thumbler tumbler feels like a cheap machine. It's built out of some flimsy metal but damn if it didn't tumble some brass like a champ tonight.

I just tumbled a couple hundred .45 Auto and now I'm going to give it this 1x LC .223. I can see why guys go on 1 week tumbling spree!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dvdt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hot Damn!!

I got my Thumbler in this week from Cabela's. I mailed your source some $$ on Monday and my media came on Saturday. Quick turn around time and your source is a helluva nice guy. He's like a walking encyclopedia and just a real cool guy. I must've talked to him for 3-4 hours about shooting and all. It was like I had known him for years.

Anyhow...This stuff is awesome. Terry my friend, you and your buddy have a friend in me forever. This stuff is awesome! I'm speechless. I took some of the nastiest, junked up brass I could find (thinking if it jacked it up no loss) and holy shit this stuff looks brand new!

Guys, I know ~ $175 is a good chunk of change to spend on a tumbler, but wow. This stuff works awesome! I've been using corn cob and walnut and this is so much better it's not even funny.

I don't have to spend any time cleaning primer pockets or cleaning inside the case. It's just awesome. The brass literally looks brand new.

I will admit that the thumbler tumbler feels like a cheap machine. It's built out of some flimsy metal but damn if it didn't tumble some brass like a champ tonight.

I just tumbled a couple hundred .45 Auto and now I'm going to give it this 1x LC .223. I can see why guys go on 1 week tumbling spree! </div></div>


The Thumlers Tumblers I have both have 10yr plus on them and going strong. The only thing done to them was drive belts and generally taking care of my equipment. However, I do not know of anyone that has had a Vibratory tumbler last that long. I have been thru three of the small ones from Harbor Freight in the last two years. Thank God for the replacement contract I got on them! Take the dead one in and get a new one. They don't like me too much at HF.
I use the Vibratory with corn cob just to tumble off case lube after sizing.

Yeah, my contact is one hell of a good guy!
I have learned a shit load over the years just bull shitting on the phone for hours at a time while playing in the MAN room. If he don't know the answer he has contacts that do.

Welcome to the club!

PS: Yes it's late! Little boy is sick! Fun fun!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Terry,

Just unpackaged by second Thumber. This one is a 1500 RPM motor as opposed ot the 3000 on the other one....

have you messed with the two different speeds? </div></div>


I have both speeds! They both get the job done!
If you wnat the faster motor call Thumlers. I think they are in the $50 range shipped and keep the slower for a backup! I purschased a older Model "B" at a Gun show for $75. I needed so TLC so I put a new motor on it, drive axle and back axle for about $80 at the time! Then I stripped the paint of the old unit and had a buddy powder coat it. New rubber liner cause the old one was dry rotted and its like new! 3 yrs on it and going strong.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

This is probably a silly question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but does the media ever wear out? Also, has anyone tried using this method to polish and/or remove moly from bullets?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Balkandom</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> This is probably a silly question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but does the media ever wear out? Also, has anyone tried using this method to polish and/or remove moly from bullets? </div></div>

I have been running the same media for 3 year plus now! I don't forsee it ever going bad. As long as you don't loose them they should last you many years.

Not sure if anyone has cleaned moly off bullets with it!

I typically toss them in corn cod with mineral spirits and tumble for a few hours! This will get the moly off!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Just got off phone with suasponte contact, interesting guy! Ordered some media from him and a Tumbler Mod. B from Buffalo Arms. Can't wait!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I'm excited about it too...I even managed to sell it on my wife, she does projects with beading, so she can us it to polis her stones and baubles when I'm not polishing brass. :)
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Terry, I met Mark yesterday and picked up a bunch of media. I have to say, I'm more than jealous of his setup for shooting. If I had 6-900y out back of the house I'd be broke buying reloading components.

Just an FYI to guys thinking about this stuff, if you get some from him, it's a labor intensive process to weigh out the media, bag it and ship it, and Mark makes next to nothing on the deal. Enough to cover his weekly trip to the post office. He's definitely one of the best guys around, I'm certainly thankful of his dedication to helping us all out with this stuff.

He also has about 100 lbs of media that's a little short so occasionally some pieces will stick in a sloppy 223 case neck. He's doing us a huge favor with trying to keep the prices low, if you can handle throwing out a couple pieces of media once in a while then let's try to take the excess off his hands. If the little business that's cutting it for him goes under, there's no real supply of this stuff within reach.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Wow, he actually let the yankee get away! LOL

So you found the place without getting lost in the back woods of SC.

I'm sure Mark appreciates the kinds words!

Post your results when you get to tumbling!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Yeah, it was pretty easy to find with a GPS and he made sure to call me a few times once he knew I had gotten off 26W and was driving through Orangeburg. One look into the back of my car with rifle cases piled from the seat to the ceiling and he just chuckled and wished me well on my trip home to PA.

I can't wait to get tumbling, I have several thousand pistol cases that are going through the process first
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
He also has about 100 lbs of media that's a little short so occasionally some pieces will stick in a sloppy 223 case neck. He's doing us a huge favor with trying to keep the prices low, if you can handle throwing out a couple pieces of media once in a while then let's try to take the excess off his hands. If the little business that's cutting it for him goes under, there's no real supply of this stuff within reach. </div></div>

I bought the shorter stuff from Mark. It worked absolutely great with .45, .223 and .308 this weekend. I think out of 300+ pieces of brass I tumbled I had maybe 20 that had brass stuck. It's really easy to shake 'em out or just use some needle nose pliers to pull them out.

When I load, which is mostly .308 right now, I look at every case. It's not been a problem at all.

I wouldn't be scared to run the short stuff in the cartridges I mentioned above.

I really can't say enough about this stuff. I mean, no more cleaning primer pockets and no more using a brush to get the crap out of the inside of the case. I'm stupid happy with it. I just wish I had more brass to tumble!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

First - I want to thank Terry for bringing this method to my attention. This is a great way to clean your brass.

Second - I want to thank Mark for making this media possible at reasonable prices. I bought some of the shorter stuff from him. I have tumbled about 200 pieces of .308 so far with the shorter stuff and have had exactly ten pieces get caught in primer pockets. Removing the stuck media was easy, small needle nose pliers is the way to go. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that those stuck pieces do not need to go back in with the rest. Mark is selling that short stuff really cheap, needs to move it, and we should support him.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I sent a check to Mark on Thursday and the media was at my door today when I got home. Cant say enough about this guy. Anyway, I started the new tumbler up with the media and some .45 cases. Couldn't wait so I checked it after only 30 minutes. Wow. Started the tumbler back up and left for about a hour or so, when I got back the tumbler started chewing up the rubber sleeves that the tumbler itself sits on. Has anybody else had this problem, and where can I get parts for this thing? I moved the rubber sleeve back into place but as soon as I turn it back on it slides back down the shaft. Any ideas?

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 260aics</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I sent a check to Mark on Thursday and the media was at my door today when I got home. Cant say enough about this guy. Anyway, I started the new tumbler up with the media and some .45 cases. Couldn't wait so I checked it after only 30 minutes. Wow. Started the tumbler back up and left for about a hour or so, when I got back the tumbler started chewing up the rubber sleeves that the tumbler itself sits on. Has anybody else had this problem, and where can I get parts for this thing? I moved the rubber sleeve back into place but as soon as I turn it back on it slides back down the shaft. Any ideas?

Thanks </div></div>

Call Thumlers and tell them, they'll send you new shafts with star washers on the sleeves for free. I did this about 2 weeks ago.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Actually when I spoke to Mr.Thumler a few weeks ago about the sleeve problem he said they would start making the new tumblers with the star washers in place on the front and rear axles. I'm wondering if you got old stock or they never did what they said. Apparently they have to assemble the rear axle by hand if they use star washers on the sleeves. Either way I know they will fix you up, they didn't even ask to send in the old axle.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I found a pretty easy method of adding the right amount of brass.

I add 5 lbs media to the drum.

I add 1 gall water

I then add brass until the water gets to within about 1 inch of the top or sometimes all the way to the top.

add soap and spin it.


Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Spoke to them today. They said that they were going to start putting the star washers on. He wants to send me a few different shafts to tryout, then call him back and let him know what I think.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I wish I took a before pic of this 45 ACP brass, it was dirty and tarnished. There are plenty of pics on how well the SS media cleans the outside, here's what the inside of the cases look like.

45 ACP

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Yeah Dan that's how they look!

50 cal can full of cleaned 45's!


Primer pockets of cleaned brass!


It still amazes me every time I take the lid off the tumbler after several years.


Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


You should be getting an email from some more folks here in Washington (state). I took a few cleaned empties with me in my ammo box to a match a couple weeks back. When I showed them the cases and told 'em that was 4x fired brass, they wanted to know more...

I still like my 'drying method', since I am currently using this on my match-prepped and sorted long-range brass... I have some of the big red MTM loading blocks that I drilled drain holes in the bottom of each cartridge hole. Stick two blocks full of cases (100 total) in the oven on 'Pure Convection' @ 135°F for a couple hours and they are nice n dry

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


I have some 15x fired Hornady Match brass that still looks new! Anneal every 3x fire and clean in SS media. I shoot them till the primer pockets go limp. Also, have some LC brass that has 25x loads on them. They keep getting better and better with each load.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


With the necks being 'so clean', have you noticed any need to start lubricating the necks when seating bullets (if you didn't already)?

With the ultrasonic process, I recall some folks found with the necks being 'squeaky clean' they actually needed some lube to keep the drag down. I had started experimenting with some dry moly lube applied via steel balls (from NECO), but it's a bit messy even so. My thoughts were that some of the reason for the 'friction' in the neck was from the almost 'etching' that took place from the US process, vs. the more 'burnished' effect I seem to be seeing with the stainless steel media tumbling.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I usually run a brass brush wrapped with #0000 Steel wool in and out of the cases. No lube.

I plan on trying HBN on bullets and in the case necks this summer.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Hmmm... I had tried that one - #0000 steel wool on a bore brush mounted on one of the spindles my RCBS Case Prep center - shined up the inside of the neck of an ultra-sonic treated case like gold. Kind of a PITA keeping the right amount of steel wool on there, though.

Makes me wish I had a Load Force meter from RSI for to test things like this..
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

What is the approx. volume of 5lbs. of this SS media. I'm planning on building a larger tumbler to tumble larger amounts of brass usually 1000 rds. pistol and rifle. If you guys can give me an idea if 5lbs. will fit in a ____ oz. coffee can, that will be greatly appreciated. I'll post some pics as I get all my parts ordered for the build. Thanks