Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Axial Fan On Ebay

This is the fan I used! It was already setup with a plug. All I did was cut the cord put the fan in the box and pull the cord thru. Then spliced the cord back together and heat shrink wrapped over the splice.

Just saw the 6ft power cord with the thumb wheel on off switch! Just ordered one! My on/off is plugging it in and unpluuging it! High tech! It works!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

No water problems. The 67 watt bulb keeps me in the 140f range with the fan going.

I let it run over night and the next morning they are dry.

75watt would problay get you a little hotter! Maybe I will run a test and takes some temps on the different watt bulbs.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

With the fan drawing air thru the box instead of circulating it a higher wattage or more heat will be required to dry the brass, maybe a dampner in the bottom to control the cool inlet air, some egg head engineer could calculate it for us but that wouldn't be any fun now would it.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Call me lazy, but I've just dried the brass with an old towel. I just put it in the center of a towel, wrap it up and shake it a little (much like shake and bake) and then place them on a paper towel. There's a little bit of water inside the cases but, I just let it sit on my counter over night.

Some water marks on the inside of the case isn't going to hurt my feelings

I'm just stoked I don't have to clean primer pockets or inside the necks anymore!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Those types of fans used to be available at Radio Shack for a lot less than $20. Don't know about now, but worth a look. I used to use them for extra cooling on stereo amps.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Everyone talking about the BLACK WATER that comes out!

Here is the original video I posted about a year ago for those that have not seen it! You will see what they are talking about. Pure carbon down the drain!

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Tried some Bar Keepers Friend, just to try something different. Brass came out clean, interior of brass and pockets clean. Brass is clean and reloadable, just no shine. Going to try some Cascade next. Lots of 30-06 Garand shot brass to clean.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Everyone talking about the BLACK WATER that comes out!</div></div>

What would happen if you just tossed the black water out on your lawn? Would it kill the grass, make it grow, or nothing?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: FoxtrotBravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Everyone talking about the BLACK WATER that comes out!</div></div>

What would happen if you just tossed the black water out on your lawn? Would it kill the grass, make it grow, or nothing? </div></div>

I have been bottling it to sell to AL Gore! LOL.

Don't know? It always goes down the laundry tub! Maybe I could bottle it and sell it! We are carbon based life forms! Call it Life water or some shit like that!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Wow, Im glad I found this when I did. I was just looking into buying something to polish brass with and BAM here it is. Nice.

After reading this entire post, and several other treads on the matter, this is the method I'm going for. Sounds solid and worth the little bit of extra money for the media.

Terry, can you PM me your contacts info?

Thank you
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now I need a faster way to deprime the brass.... </div></div>

Lee Decapping Die
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: deadly0311</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now I need a faster way to deprime the brass.... </div></div>

Lee Decapping Die

Already in my T7....
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">with two of them rolling I produce a significant amount of dark water.


Sounds like the morning after mexican and beer...

I have a universal decap die that I run everything through before tumbling.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">with two of them rolling I produce a significant amount of dark water.


Sounds like the morning after mexican and beer...

I have a universal decap die that I run everything through before tumbling. </div></div>

Exactly what I am doing.....just want it faster.....
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I have a buddy that pneumatically decapps brass! He has several holes drilled into a piece of wood in which the base of the brass just fits! Then in the middle of that hole is another hole that is just larger than the primer. He uses a conical style head with a little duct tape on it for a seal. Place the case into the wood block put the nozzle into the case and hit it with the air pressure. This method does not work too well with crimped primers.

I know this works! I watched him slam thru 100 case in about 2 minutes!

If I get a chance I will video or take some pictures of his setup!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Welp, I'm officially out of dirty brass! Took a couple of weeks but I'm out. Cleanest and shiniest brass I've ever seen. Absolutely amazing at what it did with some 1x LC stuff. Outstanding!

Chiller - I've been considering getting a Dillon 650. I thought I'd just dump buckets of whatever in the case feeder with appropriate feeder conversion and flat deprime some brass in the future.

Basically just pull the handle a few hundred times. It'd be faster than a single stage since you don't have to touch the cases. I mean, if you pay $1k for a 650, what's another $70 to quickly deprime small/large rifle/pistol right?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

dvdt- I use my LNL AP as an auto ejecting decapping tool, it's pretty nice. I have thousands of pieces of crimped 223 brass that I've been moving through, and I decap it with the universal die and then put it through the RCBS prep center.

Usually I run about 500 cases into the press (takes about 30 mins) and then I sit and watch movies while I prep the case, everything gets done too. Flashhole, case mouth, primer crimp and primer pocket.

Now that I have some SS media I'm going to skip the primer pocket cleaning, but still, it's a pretty nice setup for it, especially for range pick ups that are filthy.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

WHen you guys are decapping range brass, especially .223 and 9mm, make absolutely certain that you don't inadvertently throw any berdan primed brass in the mix. I had a couple dozen 9mm russian fuckers sneak into my brass box last session and caught it before i pulled the handle hard.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Prairie Wolf</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'd like to get some stainless media. How's the best way to do it. </div></div>

Check your PM's PW!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Since no one answered when I asked it the first time. Im going to try this again.

Is there any concern that the stainless media since its harder then the cases actually wears/thins out your brass quicker?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Check other posts on this, I stated there that on my test case, a 7-08 has been in (and is tumbling right now) for over 30 hours and has not lost a .1 of a grain yet.
I throw it in with all the loads I do and so far so good.
I'll admit I was skeptical at first but can't believe how good the brass looks, just a little more work working with a liquid.
I just use a little dish soap and a squirt of lemon juice. Keep some on hand for my Hacker-Pschorr Weisse.

The only problem has been my wife is wondering what is taking so long, since I'm cleaning up so much brass (getting ready for silhouette season). I guess she thinks you only need a couple of hundred rounds
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: flounderv2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Since no one answered when I asked it the first time. Im going to try this again.

Is there any concern that the stainless media since its harder then the cases actually wears/thins out your brass quicker? </div></div>

No, I ran a single 308 case with every load for 6 months and there was no noticable difference in the case weight.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bacarrat</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think it was 100 cases or so. </div></div>

150 to 200 cases.


New Poll results as of 3/24/2010:

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

When I ran across the topic on "which media" and read about the stainless steel media, I thought this sounded pretty good. I am just starting out with reloading and was skeptical of the vibratory tumbling due to the dust I expect it must generate. Tumbling with metal seemed like the way to go. The only thing was... that Thumbler Tumbler was just too expensive, and the other rock tumblers did not seem to hold up unless you paid even more money for one. I had read about some folks using an old ice cream maker to do their tumbling with walnut and corn cob media and thought that might be worth a try.

So, off to ebay and found a machine for about $12. Here it is in action:


I have run three loads of .223 cases through this at the time of this writing.

The canister for the machine is not water tight since it is supposed to run in an upright position. I had originally planned to not lean machine so far over, but at maybe a 45 degree angle. The above photo shows it the first time I ran it. Since then, I have propped up the bottom a little to more of a horizontal position. After I received it, I found that one of these larger plastic Folgers coffee cans fits snugly into the canister. I expect that the finger holds molded into the coffee can will help the contents tumble as it turns.


What I have been doing so far is putting a squirt of Dawn in the coffee can followed by about a third full of hot water and about 120-150 .223 cases. I let this soak about 30 minutes and then add about 4 lbs. of the stainless steel media. I then put the lid on the coffee can and gently slide the whole thing into the ice cream canister so that the lid does not come off and spill soapy water everywhere. I put the canister lid on and set it in the main bucket and put the motor on. I lean it over and let it run for four hours.

After that, I use a plastic colander and a metal strainer to sift out the brass and then the media. It takes a few rounds of sifting to get it all separated. I do have some of the stainless pins fall out on the patio and on the table or chair where I am sifting. Fortunately, I had something called a mag vac that is like a wide magnet with a long handle on it to pick these up. It is a tool used by roofers to drag around on the ground and pick up nails. You can get them at Lowes or Home Depot. I also had a really strong round magnet about the size of a ping pong ball that comes in handy, too. I strongly advise getting some kind of strong magnet so you don't lose your pins.

One thing I have noticed so far is that not all of the necks and primer pockets will be clean. They will definitely be cleaner, but will still have a little black on them. I will probably experiment to see what can be done about that. Any suggestions from the experts are welcome!

Here are some before and after photos for comparison:





WARNING: Don't use a baking pan like the one above! I let some cases dry in the pan and some brown stuff that would not wash off after cooking so many times got on the brass and would not wipe or scrape off the brass. I ran those cases through the above process once again and that seemed to fix it. I threw away the pan.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


What I have noticed with the stainless method is that it works best with a octagonal style barrel better than round ones. I watched a round drum tumbler with a clear lexan lid with the SS media. The cases and media just slid on the round surface and really did not tumble at all like you would think. There is a video that Palmik posted of his Model "B" in action (pg2 @ bottom). Watch it and notice how the media and brass get flipped over and over due to the flat surfaces on that style barrel.

It you get a piece of PVC pipe and cap it. Also cut some other pieces of small pipe in half and glue them inside the pipe to agitate the brass it would greatly increase your cleaning!

hope this helps

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Also, not sure what the RPM's are on a ice cream maker! Maybe give it a little longer tumble time! Mabe the addtion of Lemi Shine or a little Lemon juice would help you out!

Couple guys have also given Cascade dish soap good reviews.

Your in uncharted territory with a ice cream tumlber! Keep us posted!

I am working on some plans in CADD for a home made tumbler! Just have not had the time to really get it done. I want to keep it in the $50-$100 range and have the 15lb capacity. It must also have parts that anyone has easy access to.

Thinking and playing! Will post what I settle on!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Also, not sure what the RPM's are on a ice cream maker! Maybe give it a little longer tumble time! Mabe the addtion of Lemi Shine or a little Lemon juice would help you out!</div></div>

I thought about trying the Lemi Shine next. Also, I would make a rough guess that the ice cream maker is running just under 60 RPMs.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am working on some plans in CADD for a home made tumbler! Just have not had the time to really get it done. I want to keep it in the $50-$100 range and have the 15lb capacity. It must also have parts that anyone has easy access to.</div></div>

Sounds like a great idea! The easy access parts should be high on the priority list.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TCA4570</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How much a pound for the media?
How much needed for 4-5 foot Dia Roto-finisher?
Yeah, we dump media in by the bucket.
Would like more info with out having to peruse six pages of what.

We can passivate up to 20 inches long.
Media is running $47 per 5lbs shipped.

Amount of media?? Not sure! More than 5lbs!

What is the volume for it! 4ft 5ft dia x how long! Not enough info to take a WAG.

What you are doing is Vibratory??? Correct?
If so, the stainless method only works well with rotary tumbling.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


The media is the same for all calibers that we have been using.

One size <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-size: 11pt"><span style="font-weight: bold">0.040" dia x .25" long</span></span></span>

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: negotiator</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I also want to know where can I buy some of this stainless media?

Christian </div></div>

Check your PM's
