Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

First post so hoping the quick reply adds my post to the thread. I just finished cleaning up my first batch (small one) of brass using the SS media method.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Second things first. Many thanks to Terry and Mark for letting us all in on the best known secret to brass cleaning. This is the BEST method bar none.

I ordered ten pounds and hope Mark keeps it coming cause I just finished building my very own clothes dryer tumbler for doing large batches of brass. I had set out to make my own rotary tumbler using the motor of a clothes dryer but once I was given a free dryer that the heating element was gone, I started to wonder why should I recreate what is already available as the dryer.

I will have to process all my photos from today so they can go on this thread. But basically I would have bought a Thumbler's Model B had it not worked out. My materials cost is under $40. I mounted a 5 gallon bucket into the dryer drum with 2x4's as a "sleeve". Then I bought a twist seal lid with a gasket for another bucket. This bucket is used to tumble the brass in. I built an agitator out of PVC 1/2" pipe that comes apart in pieces so it's easy to get in and out of the bucket.

I rewired the dryer to run from 120v to basically just run the motor. The lid is a "Gamma" seal lid. The bucket and agitator weight about 4-5lbs. Two gallons of water brings it up to 20lbs. Then 10lbs of SS media brings it to 30lbs. My first test batch was about 5lbs of 223. The dryer was tested for a 50lb load before I started the project so I'm thinking instead of 5lbs of brass I can do about 20lbs or maybe more media depending on how long it takes to tumble as the batches get bigger. Thanks to my brave 51lb (test pilot) son who helped prove that the dryer will easily support and turn 50lb load. He says I have to build another one so he can "test" it out again.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I think I found the magic soap. Btw Terry, thanks for the advice on running the media by itself; it worked. Back to the soap, the best I have seen so far is laundry detergent. If you think about it, a washing machine operates in a very similar fashion to a rotary tumbler. When I stuck my hand in the thumlers after tumbling a batch, I noticed that the cases were extremely slippery in the water. This tells me that laundry detergent softens the water much more than other soaps I have tried. The better the surfactant, the less likely the carbon will stick to the cases. Also, try running the batches with a tad less water. This will allow more sudsies to build up on the surface, helping lift away the carbon and other nasty shit.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Palmik: The Lemi Shine is a water softner.


Mark said that he was using a 9mm case per load in the Thumlers with 1oz of Ivory and it was cleaning extemely well.

I can't wait to see the pictures on the dryer! LOL.

Still working on plans for a home made tumbler.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Sorry I'm lazy and don't want to read the whole thread.

I have an old lathe.I was thinking of trying to put some kind of container-tumbler tub in the chuck and trying this wet tumbler method.

Does anybody have any suggestions on what type of cheap container I could use to do that?

If I did 50 brass at a time how long would it take to clean these?

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Here are some pictures of my clothes dryer rotary tumbler. I added up the materials and while I had the 1/2" pvc pipe for the agitator the rest came to $35.


Here is a picture of one 5 gallon bucket fixed in the dryer as a sleeve so the tumbling bucket is removable.


This is a picture of the tumbling bucket with the agitator which comes apart in six pieces so it can easily be put in the bucket and more importantly taken out to make getting the brass and media out easy as well. The lid is a "Gamma Seal" screw on that has gaskets in both the adapter ring that goes on the bucket and the screw on lid to make it waterproof.


This is brass I pulled out of the hard mud with a screwdriver at the range as my base for testing.


Here is the brass after tumbling 3 hours in 2 gallons of water, 10lbs of media, in the 5 gallon bucket with 1 tablespoon of Dawn dishwashing liquid detergent.


My main clothes dryer has a sneaker rack and I used that and a first try homemade basket to dry the brass and media for 10 minutes each. I'll probably make one or two baskets with smaller mesh metal cloth when I can get some. The metal cloth used to make this basket was left over from making rabbit cages.



NOW!... all that remains is to sand down the rusty body of the clothes dryer and spray paint it "metallic brass" LOL. Then it will look nice enough to move it to it's rightful place in the basement where the workroom is with the work sink I use to do all the rinsing. I am the master of my domain!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hummer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now that is what I call talent ! ! ! ! ! ! Can't wait to see Terry's design. </div></div>

I give up! Can't beat that!
Does that void the Warranty??

Man I thought I was creative! Buying stock in Kenmore early Monday Morn.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials


Finally got some Lemi Shine and tried yet another time. After four hours of spinning in the coffee can in the ice cream maker, I reached through the soap suds and pulled out a few cases and was truly shocked at what I saw. After straining and rinsing this was it:


Hope that did not blind you! This definitely proves to me that the Lemi Shine is an important part of the process. Here is a side by side comparison:


All pieces are range pickups. The two on the left are unwashed; the center two are washed twice in the SS media, but with no Lemi Shine. The right two were washed four times in the SS media with only the last time having Lemi Shine. The third washing made no difference. Each wash time was for four hours.

Here are the primer pockets:


I used a 9mm case filled with Lemi Shine as suggested by Mark.

Man this stuff works well!

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">How To</span>:</span>

In the large Folgers plastic coffee can, add 1 tablespoon of blue Dawn dishwashing soap. I use the sink sprayer to mix it up good with hot tap water until there is about one inch of water. Then pour in one 9mm case full of Lemi Shine and drop the case in there. Add more hot tap water until the coffee can is half full. I put about 100 .223 cases in it and let sit for a half hour. Then added about 3 lbs. of the SS media, which puts the water level about 1-2 inches from the top, and then put the whole thing in the ice cream maker for 4 hours.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 79M1a-texas</div><div class="ubbcode-body">jmckerna - when you re-wired the motor are you using the motor's timer or is it continuous running? Also how are you keeping the bucket and sleeve snug so that the bucket does just spin? Goods Great.</div></div>

There are three terminals on the back of most electric dryers. The center is common and the two outer poles are both 110v. I used an extension cord cutting off the socket end. I connected the white wire to the center pole and then the black wire to one side and then the other one at a time testing the dryer to figure out which side the motor was connected to. The heating element is typically connected to both outer poles, hence 220v. Make sure to disconnect the ground which is typically connected to the center pole. I eventually found the schematic and figured out how to bypass the timer. I later found that the timer motor was burned up so the timer does not advance. I put the wires back to the timer so I have two off switches. One on the door when it opens and another one turning the dial to an off position. So the dryer runs continuously until I open the door or rotate the timer dial to an off position.

I cut off the top two inches of the "sleeve" so that the tumbler bucket fits snug inside the sleeve bucket. Most 5 gallon buckets are molded so that they don't stick when stacked inside each other as they have a collar that rests on the next bucket rim. By cutting off the top two inches there is no rim to keep them apart. Then they fit very well and not only to they not spin but nothing is needed to hold the tumbling bucket inside the sleeve bucket during the three hours the drum is rotating.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

OK the game is on.
I'm getting a 10 yard cement truck for a tumbler.
every one needs to send me all your media and brass for testing....

how many .308s in 10 cubic yards?

I'm washing who's drying?

J Mc is the winner of the snipers hide tumble championship
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I don't know??? FTB's ICE Cream tumbler is pretty freaking inventive! Look at the results! I would have never ever thought to use the ice cream maker for that!

Also, retrofitting a dryer is pretty freaking out there too.

Is this not the stuff that makes us shooters great!

I saw a dryer on the curb today and was thinking how I could strap that bitch to my car. I asked the guy in the driveway washing his car about it and he said the motor was shot.

I guess two Thumlers Model B's will have to suffice! LOL

As for the Lemi Shine! I agree that a 9mm case with a squirt of Ivory dish soap has me rather impressed with the results.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

so I tried running it for the first time yesterday and it didn't go as expected. I wasn't sure about how much soap to put in. How much do you guys put in? Also I didn't have any lemishine so it didn't come out as shiny as the pictures. I'm gonna head off to Wally world in a little bit to get some and re-run it.

But the biggest problem was how to separate everything and the whole finishing process. What exactly do you guys do? I couldn't really drain it because I don't want to lose the ss media. And where did you get the magnet to separate everything?

If someone could just writeup their process that would be extremely helpful.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

A couple good squirts from the bottle. First time I ran it, I used no soap and that didn't go well at all
Suitable magnets are available at pretty much any local hardware store, Home Depot, etc.

Somewhere susaponte has a video of how he does it with a modified rotating media separator. I do it by hand, FWIW.

Simple version:

Add media to tumbler, add brass (~100rd .308 Win). Add water to ~1" below top of tumbler and bolt on the lid. Tumble 3-4 hrs.

Open up over deep (laundry/utility) sink. Run magnet around the mouth to grab any pieces hiding in the area. Sluice off the foam and top couple inches of water - basically until you get close to the media/brass mix. Fill with clean water and repeat several times to get the worst of the black stuff out. Dump in a Rubbermaid dish pan (~4-5" deep, ~10" wide, ~16-18" long), and repeat the fill with clean water and sluice off the dirty water routine a couple times. Fill pan with water a couple inches deep. Fill second container (I use a second pan) with clean water and set along side.

Pick cases out two at a time, inverting them to dump the media out and check the primer pocket and flash hole for any stuck pins. Have a pair of needle nose pliers handy just in case. Drop the empty cases in the clean water pan for a rinse, grab a couple more, etc.

When all the cases have been cleaned and the media separated, I stick them mouth down in a red MTM case tray (with drain holes drilled in the case holes) and put 'em in the oven @ 140F for about an hour on convection (causes some air movement and dries them out better than just radiant heat).

Pull 'em out, and take a quick look at the primer pockets again to check for any pins you might have missed before. Now you have clean and dry cases. Ta-da.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Thanks for posting your process.

So once you have just the media and water in the tray, do you get them out of the water by using the magnet?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hokeyplyr48</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
So once you have just the media and water in the tray, do you get them out of the water by using the magnet? </div></div>

No... you just pour off some of the excess water (its mostly clean by this point anyway) and then dump the pan (remaining water and media) back into the tumbler for the next batch. The magnet gets used very little, actually - only for rounding up 'strays'.

It becomes fairly obvious when you do it... not all that complicated.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I bought an ebay Ice Cream maker, it should be here tomorrow. Now that the dryer method is here....LOL

Very impressive, I had scarfed a washing machine motor already to build a tumbler from 6" pvc pipe, but I decided to move to the ice cream maker since it's so easy.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

My process is a bit different.

First off I decap cases with Lee Universal decapper. Next I FL size them with no expander to wash out carbon and wash off case lube.

I run about 100 to 150 308 cases or 200 5.56 cases in Thumlers B with 1/2 to 1 ounce of Ivory and a 9MM case full of Lemishine. Water level is about 3/4" below top of hot tap water.
(Note: the other day I removed 100 cases at 2 hr. 15 min and they were beautiful.) It appears the Lemishine is THE STUFF.

After four hours I remove drum from rotor base and remove lid and I start pouring out black water and media until the last piece of brass is dumped. I don't dump all the media on the theory is if it never leaves the big drum you can't lose it.
I use 12 qt dishpans from Wally World by Sterilite.

I reach into black water and also take two cases at a time, hold primer pocket down then mouth down UNDER THE BLACK WATER and shake. If you take them out of the water the surface tension will likely hold media to internal case wall. After media is dumped I drop them in another dishpan with 2 gallons of clean water.

If I see a piece of media stuck in a primer pocket or neck I pull it out with small needle nose pliers and chuck it.

Once all the cases are out of the black water I go out and pour off the first dishpan through a fine mess screen until I hear a few pieces of media hit the mesh.

Next I agitate the cases in the clean water and then start pouring off water from pan 2 into pan 1 to wash the carbon away from the media.

I dump the few pieces of media in with rest and take that pan back in and dump back in drum leaving them wet.

I remove the cases from pan 2 watching closely for loose pins. Generally always find about five to ten and place them on black plastic out in sun to let them dry. It is 91F out there right now so it doesn't take long.

Sometimes I will stress relieve the necks/shoulders with torch which does not dry cases but speeds the process along a bit. Once they are clean I place them in ammo boxes and zip lock bags to await useage.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What's the chemical content of LemmiShine that it's so good? Just to make sure it's not causing harm to the brass like Ammonia does. </div></div> Looked at the MSDS sheet for Lemi shine! The Contents are not listed See below!


Google Lemi Shine MSDS and you can read all 5 pages!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hokeyplyr48</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If someone could just writeup their process that would be extremely helpful. </div></div>

Look at the <span style="font-size: 11pt"><span style="color: #FF0000">"Media For Tumbling Thread"</span> </span>

I have video's posted at the bottom of page one walking thru how I do it.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

You could also go to the dollar store and pick up a collander for catching your brass and a metal strainer for catching the SS media. For about $5.

But, Terry's bucket from Midway is pretty cool!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Last night I did a little experiment just out of curiosity. I put some Dawn soap and hot water in a clean Cool Whip container along with a tiny bit of Lemi Shine and let it sit overnight just to see what would happen. I had three cases in it.

After 10 hours, the cases were noticeably cleaner, but not like tumbled, and a couple of them had some pink areas on them. I had to wonder if you could leave your cases in the Lemi Shine for two long.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: FoxtrotBravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Last night I did a little experiment just out of curiosity. I put some Dawn soap and hot water in a clean Cool Whip container along with a tiny bit of Lemi Shine and let it sit overnight just to see what would happen. I had three cases in it.

After 10 hours, the cases were noticeably cleaner, but not like tumbled, and a couple of them had some pink areas on them. I had to wonder if you could leave your cases in the Lemi Shine for two long. </div></div>


Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

First and foremost,

Thank You Terry!!!

I have received my SS Media from "The Source" and had the privilege of speaking with him at length yesterday.
My Thumbler's in inbound from Buffalo Arms and I can hardly wait to start playing.

While I'm waiting, I thought that I would post all the different info I have found regarding this method of brass prep here.
(I had to search a bunch of different threads to put all the pieces together and thought that I might save others the trouble.)

Stainless Steel Rods 0.040" dia x .25" long
$47 per 5 lbs shipped
Source: "Confidential" (PM suasponte for contact info)

Thumbler's Tumbler Model B High Speed $167.39,4506.html

1 Gallon of HOT Distilled Water
1 Tsp Dawn Liquid Dish Detergent
1 9mm case full of Lemishine

Batch Size:
100 308 Cases
200 .223, 9mm, .45, or .40 cal Cases
(It is strongly recommended that all brass is de-capped and crimps removed prior to tumbling.)

Tumbling Time:
4 - 8 Hrs (Never exceed 12 hours)

Separate Cases & Media
Let brass dry overnight.

Terry's Video's

If you object to this post or think it needs to be amended, please let me know and I will be happy to do so.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I think with the discovery of a 9MM case full of Limishine and the small amounts of dish soap folks are using we must be down in the $.05 per batch cleaned range now. I am going to town today to look for medicine dispenser cups that are supposed to start measuring at 1/4 ounce.
According to google:6 teaspoons = 1 ounce
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons = 1 ounce

The higher math involved here is getting to me haha. We need something more on our intelligence level like a 9MM case full of Limishine and maybe a 45 ACP case full of Ivory???

Somebody needs to figure out the case volumes for 9MM, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 38 Spec, 357 Mag, 41 Mag and 44 mag so us knuckle dragging shooters can relate to the volumes haha. The beauty of this measuring system is you can throw any of these cases into drum and let it dispense 100% of its contents during the cycle and then just separate the "volume control case" from the rest of the brass.

I just checked and Lemishine has 12 oz (weight) of material or 5250 grains per bottle.

Couldn't stand the suspense so I just went out and started weighing cases empty and full of Lemishine.

9MM empty 62.5 gr. Full 76 grains = 13.5 gr. Lemishine
40S&W empty 66.8 empty, Full 86.7 = 19.9 gr. Lemishine
45 GAP empty 80.6 gr. Full 101 gr = 20.4 gr. Lemishine
45 ACP empty 92.7gr. Full 120 gr = 27.3 gr. Lemishine
357 Mag empty 85.6 Full 111gr. = 25.4 gr. Lemishine
44 Mag empty 117.4 Full 154gr. = 36.6 gr. Lemishine

Or 1 gal tumbler 9MM case full
2 gal tumbler 45 ACP case full
3 gal tumbler 44 Mag case full
Dryer/Tumbler (state of the art design) one 44 and one 9MM ! !

Thusly 5250 devided by 13.5 gr (9MM case) will give us 388.88 batches of brass cleaned for $3.66. With tax I guess we could say one cent per load of brass in Thumlers.

With soap by volume this may be even go to two cents to 2.5 cents per load of brass cleaned which has got to be the thing.

Shazaam I just figured out I got enough Limishine to clean over 116,000 rounds of 308 (at 100 per batch)which is going to take me to about 2020 give or take a month.

Hope one of you chemistry types with the exotic measuring equipment can figure out the case volume in Ivory, Dawn and Joy so we can further simplify our act!!!! A 44 mag case full of Ivory might be the ticket????
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

hi just found this thread and realy interested in the media and will build another rotary tumbler but i have not read every page but if someone wantsto dry wet cases just place them in a bucket of metholated spirits it disipates the water and then evaporates no need to use any heater to dry the cases at all. just leave the cases in the sun for 5 minuits or throw a flame over them and they are dry and it is also a great rinse after ultrasonic cleaning or any other liquid cleaning system.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dr. Phil</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What is the purpose of the Lexan Lid?
I have the plans and a place in town that will cut it for me, but is it necessary? </div></div>

It's like watching the guy on the outside of the skyscraper wash your office window, that's all.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

No actually it is for insuring water tight integrity of the drum.
My Thumlers rubber gasket lasted a few months and developed a hole there. I went to Home Depot and got a piece of lexan, traced out the lid, cut it out on a band saw and drilled the holes and use this to replace the rubber gasket as supplied.
Yes you can watch the cases tumble but the lexan will get a frosted appearance from the media shortly.
The lexan lid (gasket) is used under the steel cover. Mine has had water tight integrity for at least two years with no sign of deterrioration. The lexan I got was 1/8" thick. I drilled 5/16" holes to allow the lexan to be removed over the bolts easily.
Now I have two Thumler Bs and lexan gaskets on both. I left the protective film on the lexan and took quite a few batches before that failed and it is quite think. I recommend the lexan highly.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bohem</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dr. Phil</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What is the purpose of the Lexan Lid?
I have the plans and a place in town that will cut it for me, but is it necessary? </div></div>

It's like watching the guy on the outside of the skyscraper wash your office window, that's all. </div></div>

A few beers and it's amusement! I did so in the begining to be able to see the progress of the cleaing without having to remove it from the base, take the lid off, look and then put it back. Just lazy!
Also, as Hummer states it is a replacement for the rubber gasket and works rather well. I have the dimesional dwg on one of the threads. I beleive it the "Media for Tumbling" Thread.


Here it is:


Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I just checked and best I can tell a 44 Mag case holds 1/2 teaspoon of Ivory Detergent. Now all we gotta do is tumble a load with one 44 Mag case full of Ivory and a 9MM case full of Limishine and see what happens.
I plan on just dumping the whole case in and let it run along with the 308 cases.

I wonder if Terry's pre soak would be enhanced with Ivory and Limishine??? hmmmmmmm
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: FoxtrotBravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Last night I did a little experiment just out of curiosity. I put some Dawn soap and hot water in a clean Cool Whip container along with a tiny bit of Lemi Shine and let it sit overnight just to see what would happen. I had three cases in it.

After 10 hours, the cases were noticeably cleaner, but not like tumbled, and a couple of them had some pink areas on them. I had to wonder if you could leave your cases in the Lemi Shine for two long. </div></div>



After looking at these cases again tonight, I could only find one that had pink on it. I don't know what happened with the other one, if it went away, or poor lighting or what. It was only three cases, so I did not loose it.

Here you go...




This will not scrape off with a fingernail.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

In an earlier post with the ice cream maker, I mentioned to NOT use a non-stick baking pan for drying your cases. Here's why:


Dark brown areas are where the cases were still wet and laying on the pan.

At some point, I will throw these in a wash cycle and see what happens. I had some others, and they got washed with the last round with the Lemi Shine, and I have not noticed them. But, I have not actively searched them out either.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

The pink spot I have been told is the Zinc being leached out of the brass.

Maybe there is a Metallurgist in the crowd.

I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express! Does that count!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I just added a little squirt of Rinse Aid for the dishwasher and it made them even brighter which I didn't think was possible and they did rinse easier too. I just added it to the dish soap that I have been using.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: esromvre</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ok I have to ask what is lemon shine?????? please pm with a pic or something... boy I hate to sound stupid but on this but ahhhh well....... </div></div>


you can get it at walmart in the laundry/dish detergent isle.

Also, Suasponte, why do you have yours on the foam egg crate material? Does that make it quieter?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

I just ordered the SS media to give it a try as I usually use ultrasonic with a mix of vinegar and a small amount of lemshine and some case cleaner for 20 minutes and a bath in baking soda to counteract the acids then a water rinse which works very well. I believe lemshine is a mostly citric/fruit acids no? My question is does the brass get work hardened during the SS tumbling process? I would think the brass would become a little harder after SS media and shorting its life or am i wrong? I would like to try to get at least 5 loads out of my brass.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hokeyplyr48</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: esromvre</div><div class="ubbcode-body">ok I have to ask what is lemon shine?????? please pm with a pic or something... boy I hate to sound stupid but on this but ahhhh well....... </div></div>


you can get it at walmart in the laundry/dish detergent isle.

Also, Suasponte, why do you have yours on the foam egg crate material? Does that make it quieter? </div></div>

I have a vinyl floor in the basement and it helps with the noise a little!
