Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: yotefever</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just looked in my 22 hornet brass and see that over half have a piece of media stuck over the primer hole. Must be just the right size

Was this Remington Brass? I noticed that with my Remington brass I had a few stick in the flash holes too.

The Winchester did not. I just uniformed the flash holes on them and it seemed to take care of it.

For some reason the Remington brass has a slightly smaller flash hole.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: yotefever</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just looked in my 22 hornet brass and see that over half have a piece of media stuck over the primer hole. Must be just the right size

Was this Remington Brass? I noticed that with my Remington brass I had a few stick in the flash holes too.

The Winchester did not. I just uniformed the flash holes on them and it seemed to take care of it.

For some reason the Remington brass has a slightly smaller flash hole.


That's interesting - the last load I did was about 100 .223 cases with 5 different brands of ammo. Out of 24 Remingtons 3 or 4 had media stuck in the flash hole. I've only had that happen on one other case, and I don't remember the maker now.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Chiller:

It ruffs it up a little! Pictures are after about 2 months of running.


Terry </div></div>

I do need to add the skate tape.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My buddy was over last night and noticed that I had added pieces of Skid Guard to the bearing surface of the barrel to help with Slippage. You can pick it up at Home Depot of Lowe's for $2-$3 buck. It for sure keeps the barrel from slipping on the rollers if they are a little wet or if the drum is on the heavy side.



Hope this helps some of you!

Terry </div></div>


my 38 year old "Thumblers Tumbler" kinda slows down a bit, with it half full of 5.56mm brass, water 2" above brass, two lbs. of S.S. does get a tad bit heavy, i am guessing now there is some slippage. my little problem is that some of the pins get stuck in the case mouth, i found that pushing them back into the case is best, pulling "up" on them will eventually get this kind of response: "honey.., i found thIs little shiny thing laying on the kitchen floor, did you break another primer punch ?"

i still use the Dillon Vibrator for polishing the loaded ammo, after the loading process the brass looks rather dull, so into the vibrator with walnut shell a sprinkle of "Bon-Ami", a half hour later and zippooooo..., that S.S. shine is back.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Piston Pete</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
i still use the Dillon Vibrator for polishing the loaded ammo, after the loading process the brass looks rather dull, so into the vibrator with walnut shell a sprinkle of "Bon-Ami", a half hour later and zippooooo..., that S.S. shine is back. </div></div>

I have read that you break down the coatings on powder by tumbling and can change the burn rate. Not a good thing, if not dangerous I would think it will cause inconsistent loads. I suppose some powders will be worse than others.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: yotefever</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Piston Pete</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
i still use the Dillon Vibrator for polishing the loaded ammo, after the loading process the brass looks rather dull, so into the vibrator with walnut shell a sprinkle of "Bon-Ami", a half hour later and zippooooo..., that S.S. shine is back. </div></div>

I have read that you break down the coatings on powder by tumbling and can change the burn rate. Not a good thing, if not dangerous I would think it will cause inconsistent loads. I suppose some powders will be worse than others. </div></div>

if you read that on the internet.., it JUST has to be true ! Right ?
better read some more, there are many replies and testimonials to the contrary.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Made it to Wally World to pick up a couple of goodies and I finally remembered to pick up some Lemi Shine too. What a huge difference it makes on the carbon inside of the cases. The outside easily get's clean with just the media and soap, but the thin carbon layer on the inside of the case was the kicker for me.

4 hour total runtime.


WSM brass that has been fired 12x
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: FoxtrotBravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bacarrat</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have tried as long as 12 hours and mine doesn't come out that clean and I have replaced the water several times too. I am using blue Dawn soap with about a gallon of water. I mean the cases are clean, but I have yet to have one of my rifle cases come out with absolutely no carbon residue inside of it. The only thing I haven't put in is the Lemishine. I guess that is the key.</div></div>

It <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">is</span></span> the key! From the Lemi Shine website:

"What is hard water? Water containing dissolved carbonates of calcium and magnesium which inhibit the formation of lather with soap or detergent."

Lemi Shine is for removing the hard water film. What is hard water, dissolved <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #3333FF">carbon</span></span>ates?

My brass did not get shiny after multiple washings until I finally tried the Lemi Shine. Now, you can see a mirror like sheen inside bottle neck cases!</div></div>

I think you are reading into it too much. Carbonate ion does not equate to carbon. The lemishine softens the water by allowing the mineral compounds to dissociate into their ion components. This provides for synergism with surfactant.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

yesterday i done a batch (apprx. 200) of .499LWR brass using liquid "Tide", and a sprinkle of Bon-Ami, that brass has a mirror shine inside and out, the inside is so clean i can see the "burrs" around the flash hole. next job is removing those burrs, i also inspected the inside of about 30 5.56mm NATO brass and found them to also have burrs, need to get one of those flash hole de-burring tools.

Q. ? are there any similarities of liquid Tide and Lemi-Shine ?

thank you all for the Lemi-Shine heads up, next grocery store visit i will check for Lemi-Shine.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Well i got my media about a month ago and the tumbler (added the grip tape and it sits on a peice of soft foam to reduce noise and vibration), ran about 400 cases of 308 and getting steller results using lemshine and dawn. i then blow dry the cases for about 5 minutes and they come out like the other photos. I used a rbcs media seperator which works great and a magnet to pick up any lose media . One tip is be sure to rinse the cases in hot water to remove the lemshine and dirt water before drying or you may get spots or odd colors during drying or after the brass sits out for a few days which i think is a lemshine reaction. going to try a 1/2 teaspoon of birchwood casey case cleaner or maybe some white vinegar as it worked great in my ultrasonic setup (which is now sold) . Will try maybe 4 oz of vinegar and post results soon. i am so pleased , i deprime and resize , throw it in the tumbler then trim with a Giraud Power Case Trimmer ...DONE and ready to load!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Just a reminder to all you guys looking to get media! Mark still has approx 70lbs of the short media! If you wish to save some $$ then ask him about it when you contact him! I know several guys have gotten it and there is nothing wrong with it.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Terry -

I used leminshine and Dawn for the first time today, and the results were outstanding to say the least. My 223ai brass is so clean, it looks like it came from Lapua already formed. Thanks for all of the data on this method.

I am sending "the source" payment for 10 more lbs tomorrow. I never want to run out.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Yeah the Lemi Shine is for sure a great product! for those still using Ultrasonic method I would look at adding the Lemishine to the mix.

I still have my Ultrasonic and have not been using it at all! Not even to clean my pistols! Time to put it on Ebay and buy something that I will use! Taking up room.

I have been using the same 5lbs for close to 4yrs now! If your careful not to loose the pins they should last you a lifetime!
With a Thumlers and the SS media you should have a cleaning system that never fails.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kertef</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am just curious if the Thumblers Tumbler Model B on amazon is the the one with the high speed motor? </div></div>

Not sure! Someone will chime in a and know! Problay Chiller!

Fred, PM sent.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: suasponte</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kertef</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am just curious if the Thumblers Tumbler Model B on amazon is the the one with the high speed motor? </div></div>

Not sure! Someone will chime in a and know! Problay Chiller!

Fred, PM sent.

Terry </div></div>

Not able to find the model B on Amazon. DO you have a link?
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

The tumbler from Cabela's does have the high speed, heavy duty motor, the RPM is 3000 and 1/30 HP. That is where I bought mine. I am guessing the tumbler from Buffalo is the same but it is weird they say 40rpm motor. The 1/30 HP is right.

Update: The 40 RPM means the high speed motor turns the drum at 40 RPM. The low speed motor turns the drum at 20 RPM.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Williamb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just bought one from Buffalo today. I believe there is only one Model B heavy duty - at least according to the manufacturer's site. Here's a link: </div></div>

There are two versions. A High Speed and a low speed, I learned the hard way.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Thanks for the info, I am glad hobbywarehouse didn't process my order due to my billing and shipping address being different (I use a parcel service) I have ordered a Model B from Buffalo Arms. I can't wait to use my SS media the way it's meant to be used!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Never seen or had experiance with the RCBS Rotary tumbler. Thus I cannot compare.

All I know is that the Model B tumbler last a freaking lifetime! I know guys with 30+ years on them and all they did was change the drive belts once every two years or so depending on how much they ran them!

They are a one time purchase as far as I am concerned! Never heard anybody talk about the RCBS one. However, since it is RCBS I would assume that they would replace it if it crapped out on you! They are good people at RCBS.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Was doing a search out of curiosity after reading and reading and reading some more ref. the topic and came across ball and diagonal cut media.
Obviously the media everyone using is chosen due to its size etc. Just was curious if that has ever been used.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hummer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">One of the most critical things on Thumlers to make yourself a lexan gasket/lid to use under the steel lid. It will last forever as well. </div></div>
Please expound on this.
Is the Lexan used after the OEM gasket gets trashed?
Does a Lexan lid just seal better?

I'm having a tough time wraping my head around this.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

My original thumlers gasket developed a hole in it after the first six months. Went to Home Depot and got a piece, traced the lid out on it and cut it out with band saw and drill 5/16" holes in appropriate places and used it IN PLACE OF THE GASKET. Eventually it will get a frost appearance but should last forever. Some guys apparently use them for lids to watch the action which is certainly better than most of the crap on TV these days but then again the end is the same, they come out clean haha. When new Tumbler is ordered get a couple extra clear plastic belts and you are set for years assuming you lube your motor with Mobil 1 0W20 or 0W30 motor oil.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dr. Phil</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Cool...
Thanks for the explanation!

Do you lube the motor at the front and rear bearings?</div></div>
You only lube the slow speed motor not the hight speed one.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Will the Cabela's tumbler work as well as any other? I've got a gift certificate that I could use if it is of equal quality. Thanks!

Never mind! Saw that it is actually a Thumbler's model. My bad!
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: deisel</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The tumbler from Cabela's does have the high speed, heavy duty motor, the RPM is 3000 and 1/30 HP. That is where I bought mine. I am guessing the tumbler from Buffalo is the same but it is weird they say 40rpm motor. The 1/30 HP is right.

Update: The 40 RPM means the high speed motor turns the drum at 40 RPM. The low speed motor turns the drum at 20 RPM. </div></div>

Cabela's info

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Actually I did put Mobil 1 on the nylon bearings a couple years ago and they are still wet. Then I do drops in motor opening till it shows at top.
I got on Mobil 1 for motors about 91 when an electric motor rebuild shop told me they had used it and recommended it for previous 17 years and they said they never had a motor come in for rebuild with Mobil 1 in it. That was good enough for me.
I have also used it last 680,000 miles. Got one with 250+K and another with 172+k outside now. I run it 15K and change it and filter.
Also very good for gas guns everywhere, especially inside gas system as it keeps carbon down. Army MTU is using it on their match rifles.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bacarrat</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Has anyone else experienced the tightening of the primer pockets? Good? Or bad as it is a sign of case hardening?</div></div>
I have and I like the fact that it tightens them a bit gives you a few more cracks with the same brass! And I dont think its because of hardening as it is a slight rougheniing up of the surface.
Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Like Hummer said before "If you using Russian Primers (Wolf's)" the will be tighter. The Wolfs are slightly bigger diameter than the Domestic primers.

I load all new brass with Winchesters then when they start to feel loose I switch over to the Wolf.

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

Just spoke with Mark. He said that the shipment of media he has on the way may be the last shipment at the current pricing. The supplier has told him that they expect to see a increase in the materials on Monday! I will keep you posted!

He still may have some of the short media! If you are looking to get some that is the most cost effective route now!

Re: Stainless Steel Media Testimonials

While I'm chomping at the bit to get some media from Mark (need to wait until Tuesday) I decided to build a drier. I don't have any steel ammo boxes but had a ton of the Cabela plastic ammo boxes from past ammo orders. I used a $6 120V fan (Target), $3 gutter guard (HD), $2 light fixture (HD), and a 75 watt bulb.

My biggest concern was the plastic melting, but with a 75W bulb the temp was a steady 130F. I threw some brass in water with ivory/lemishine, drained all the water, and threw it in the drier. After about 45 minutes the cases were bone dry.

The cases are slightly warm, does that pose any problems?